One of my favorite animals when I was a kid visiting the Cincy Zoo!
Tapir is a delicatesse in Suriname.
Hooray! Tapirs are my favorite animals, and I love the increase in recognition that they’ve been getting in the last few years. Thanks for highlighting World Tapir Day, PZ!
I think the particular tapir pictured here is Sayang, one of the Malayan tapirs at the Edinburgh Zoo. Here she is as a baby in 2003.
It’s also national vaccination week. Has your tapir been vaccinated?
Why do they look so sad? :(
It sort of tapers towards the front end…
I’m so sorry, Mr. Tapir, but I’ve got all these pirates to kill, and I have equipment needs…
What’s wrong Mr. Tapir? Why the long face?
There is a wonderful “true facts about the tapir” video… which for some reason I am unable to link.
I’ll try it again, Cuttlefish.
#2 Saad
Why are they so sad? Cue in Moonwatcher and Sprach Zarathustra.
ragdish, #8
Haha, good one :D
Boy, they don’t forget, do they?
Something around the eyes reminds me of Liam Neeson. (I genuinely am not intending any commentary about Neeson’s nose with this.)
Hatchetfish @ 10:
I can see that, the resemblance is quite remarkable. That’s pretty cool.
And that’s a Malayan tapir!
One of my favorite animals when I was a kid visiting the Cincy Zoo!
Tapir is a delicatesse in Suriname.
Hooray! Tapirs are my favorite animals, and I love the increase in recognition that they’ve been getting in the last few years. Thanks for highlighting World Tapir Day, PZ!
I think the particular tapir pictured here is Sayang, one of the Malayan tapirs at the Edinburgh Zoo. Here she is as a baby in 2003.