He does look pretty pleased with himself, particularly in the top picture.
Turning bright yellow during mating season is a trick used by other ranids aswell, but the blue sacs are definitely unique. What a gorgeous and horribly annoying little thing…:)
Funny Divasays
I’m ridiculously amused that his genus begins with “Hop”.
Ehhh, ever since my days in Cub Scouts, I have always felt that yellow and blue make a lousy color combination. I guess I would have been an unsuccessful lady frog.
“if only I had bright blue inflatable throat sacs,”
What about that time in Springfield?
Crimson Clupeidaesays
I can almost hear the Right Said Fred coming from that frog….
“I’m too sexy for my throatsacks.”
Yeah, it works.
“if only I had bright blue inflatable throat sacs,”
He does look pretty pleased with himself, particularly in the top picture.
Turning bright yellow during mating season is a trick used by other ranids aswell, but the blue sacs are definitely unique. What a gorgeous and horribly annoying little thing…:)
I’m ridiculously amused that his genus begins with “Hop”.
Ehhh, ever since my days in Cub Scouts, I have always felt that yellow and blue make a lousy color combination. I guess I would have been an unsuccessful lady frog.
“if only I had bright blue inflatable throat sacs,”
What about that time in Springfield?
I can almost hear the Right Said Fred coming from that frog….
“I’m too sexy for my throatsacks.”
Yeah, it works.
“if only I had bright blue inflatable throat sacs,”
Guess your family isn’t from Massachusetts.
I’m jealous of his great color choice and selection. I wish I had such flair.
“yellow and blue make a lousy color combination.”
Those are the colours of the Swedish flag, but I don’t care. Swedes generally are not crazy about symbols. Football or hockey, yes, but not symbols.
My new plan for spring involves sneaking up on the local green frogs with a small brush and a pot of frog-safe dye.
Clearly an inspired design. One of god’s more creative efforts.