True confession: my wife has been on a historical feminism kick lately: the other day she forced me to watch Iron Jawed Angels with her. This evening we’ve got the PBS documentary One Woman One Vote on the TV right now. So it was amusing that Vox Day and David Futrelle had a ‘debate’ over whether women should be allowed to vote. Actually, Day proposed a debate on a subject that was settled in the USA about 95 years ago, and Futrelle laughed dismissively, and Vox Day declared himself the winner.
Critics such as Futrelle and Scalzi are of low socio-sexual rank, which means that they have the usual gamma male’s distaste for conflict that has a clear winner. The reason is that as long as they can avoid losing, they can still claim victory in their delusional gamma style.
Wait. But it was Vox Day who threw out a few non sequiturs and declared himself winner…this is confusing.
Anyway, the two movies were pretty good, you can watch them yourselves at the links.
So, we’ve had a weekend of late 19th/early 20th century feminism at my place. Any recommendations for movie/documentary treatments of feminist history in the 1960s onward? I’ve worked my way from beta to the gamma badge, I think, and now I’m looking for credit towards delta-hood, and — dare I aspire so high? — to someday make epsilon.
Go for omega.
Ω, man.
One step at a time!
Uh, I’m probably going to regret asking this, because even a glimpse into Vox Day’s mindset is troubling, but… by what standard is Scalzi “of low socio-sexual rank”? He’s a successful author, fairly famous in his field, enjoying some financial success with the potential for more to come as his works get made into television and potentially movies. Aren’t those the measuring sticks that are used by the kind of people who like to toss around terms like “socio-sexual rank”?
(I left out Futrelle because I don’t know anything about him.)
Ω, man.
I sense resistance…
I’m glad I’m a gamma. Betas have to work too hard. And I sure wouldn’t want to be dumb like those deltas!
Wait, I think I crossed the streams.
If Jesus can be both the alpha and the omega, you can pull it off too! Just gotta practice that quickswitch at your local BDSM club.
classic nutless wonder tactic, declaring yourself the winner. Nothing is more of a clue to show who really lost.
ouch :)
VD says:
Yeah dude, you’re totally winning ::eyeroll::
Is this guys ego as big as his flaming sword?
There can be none.
It is futile.
Nothing is funnier than a grown man who uses terms like “low socio-sexual rank” and takes himself seriously while doing so.
As for future history, I fear that “The Handmaid’s Tale” may become truer than I would like.
So much that’s going on makes me despair.
I thought “low socio-sexual ranking” was something teenagers do in their bedrooms until I discovered better pronunciation.
Actually, in review, I think what Teddy was doing was precisely low socio-sexual {ahem} “ranking”. That or Pigeon Chess.
Isn’t there that whoever claims to have won an argument is by that fact the loser? If not perhaps there should be.
Isn’t there a rule that whoever claims to have won an argument is by that fact the loser? If not perhaps their should be.
Sorry, I’m used to sites that let me edit a comment after posting and it obviously makes me sloppy.
Pre-1960’s but a fun watch is Top Secret Rosies: The Female Computers of WWII and last I checked it was instant streaming on Netflix.
Piffle. Jesus didn’t pull it off til his 30s and didn’t survive the strain.
I’ve gotten myself into the heart of feminism: published by icons of the feminist press, for one.
And yet…I sacrificed maleness to do it.
Α/Ω? It’s all me.
Checkmate, testicled athiests!
Gamma males? Well, even the Hulk has more wits than Vox Day.
Futrelle should ask “spacebunny” if she’s ever voted.
In the context of VD’s “debate”, resistance was Futrelle.
@19 Beale’s secret: He’s always whiny.
Well, shoot, PZ, unlike you I don’t even have a job right now – unless you call all my home-dad chores of keeping the house respectable and full of food, cooking said food, pickups/dropoffs at childcamp, entertaining three year-old daughter at home two days a week, sorting out the garden et freakin’ cetera while Dr McWifey heals the sick & the afflicted six days a week a “job” (which I of course do and woe betide anybody if they argue that point) – so I’m not winning bread or hunting mammoth or doing anything else to earn my Man Cards. What would that make me in the eyes of these puffed-up, preening pontificators? A fuckin’ Omega? If so, that’s fine, I’ll take it. If being one of these much-vaunted Alpha Males requires me to be an insufferable arsehole with epic delusions of how amazing I am combined with severe deficiencies in logic, Words™ and a baffling unappreciation of the realities of the world around me, I’m perfectly happy occupying the other end of the alphabet. May the Rift ever widen, deepen and fill with Megalodons.
(btw Horde, and apologies for the blatant plug, but in the midst of holding aforementioned fort I’m after some freelance writing work [the kind one can do from the kitchen table], so feel free to poke me if you need words arranged in a particular order about a particular topic or know of any avenues)
Not a documentary but a good funny movie about feminism is Real Women Have Curves. My daughters both thanked me for making them watch it, even though it wasn’t anime.
Miss Representation is a possibility.
I think it’s that Scalzi has won Hugo awards, and VD got his people to game the system so that he was nominated for one, and that made everyone in the scifi world mad, except Scalzi even said hey, if it’s within the rules then you can’t complain. So basically, it’s because VD is incredibly jealous of Scalzi and wants to be him, so of course that means he has to diss Scalzi every chance he gets.
Maybe not quite what you’re looking for, but films by and about women that I really enjoyed;
Fiction: Whale Rider.
Semi-documentary: The Company of Strangers. Cissy Meddings was a hoot.
“Any recommendations for movie/documentary treatments of feminist history in the 1960s onward?”
I really enjoyed Made in Dagenham.
We’re talking, like, Charlie Sheen “winning” here, right?
I want omicron! It’s my favorite letter!
Yeah! And then you get to eat planets!
No, wait, that’s Unicron.
Carry on!
I wanna be a French letter.
Y’know, like a with a little hat, maybe, or the c-with-a-goatee.
A French letter?
Yes, that was the reference, and why I added What?, to indicate I knew what I was implying. I was playing along with the word-ga.e tenor of the thread? :)
I second morsgotha’s Made in Dagenham – a brilliant movie and close enough to what actually happened to make sense. Funny, too. How you are going to make contact with it in your neck of the woods, I’m not sure.
Yep, Made in Dagenham is great.
Oh god. I just… I just… oh god I just…
I’m sorry! I couldn’t help myself! It was just so… so… urghrurghrghrgrh get it off get it off excuse me I need to go for a shower…
(maybe it won’t get past the vox ego barrier? Oh god I hope so. I don’t want my username there…)
I’ve just had a quick look at Vox’s Conservapedia page. It seems P. Z. is central to the page, for refusing to debate him. I’m sure they’ll be over the moon when they see his scepticism to women voters.
Maureen Brian:
Sally Hawkins is so good!
For a great film about the lack of women’s rights, may I recommend Deepa Mehta’s Water. It also exposed religion’s role in keeping women deprived.
On the plus side VD has been responsible for some great comments (and wonderfully bad puns).
@ CaitieCat, getaway driver & Dalillama, Schmott Guy
Why do policemen in Paris have roman numerals on their helmets?
Well, they’d look pretty daft with French letters on them…
Scalzi is a true “self-made man” in the libertarian sense: He started life poor, went to college on financial aid, found something he was good at, worked hard, and succeeded. But he refuses to credit only himself and actually acknowledges that he had a lot of help and got to play on the easy setting, being a white, straight, cis-man. Vox Day can’t forgive Scalzi for being everything he wants to be–and yet refusing his mindset.
Also, TMI and Kv0k: I went to college with Scalzi. He’s sexy. Way sexier than Vox Day and his flaming sword could ever hope to even fantasize about being. And he is (or at least, at the time, was…I haven’t kept up with him since) a genuinely nice person. And wealthier. In short, there’s simply no reason why any straight woman would pick VD if Scalzi were available. VD’s probably just upset about being such a loser.
Life begins at zeta.
Blimey, what an alpha grade pillock VD is.
This Greek letter thing is so limiting. Why limit it to twenty-four letters, when an unlimited, and much more fun system is available?
Didnt realize Vox Pox went full on MRA. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised though. He was MRA before the MRM existed.
What do I have to do to get a pi ranking? I love pie. Well maybe not in that way… maybe.
A documentary about feminism in Canada during the twentieth century:
Not sure if it’s available on Netflix in the US, but it is available for streaming on Netflix in Canada.
I just had to register to recommend The Punk Singer, a documentary about Kathleen Hanna. It does a good job of exploring the Riot Grrrl movement of the ’90s and surrounding subculture.
It’s available on Netflix and (I assume) elsewhere.
Not a movie, but kinda like a documentary with artistic flair is the exhibit of Judy Chicago’s work at the Brooklyn Museum, Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Herstory Gallery, 4th Floor.
I particularly enjoyed “The Dinner Party,” which is now a long term installation. It’s one thing to talk or write about it, and another to see it. Walk around the triangular table and be struck by the power. You’ve got 48 feet of glory on each of three wings of the table.
Here’s the teacher or “educator” packet for The Dinner Party: (also features some good photos)
Here’s the Teen Guide to Feminist Art:
Well, in that case, I’d rather be Omega.
I read this as “goatse” at first and I was like “but, wait, VD’s got that covered…”
And [Scalzi] is (or at least, at the time, was…I haven’t kept up with him since) a genuinely nice person.
Having met him a handful of times at signings and cons, yeah, he’s a nice guy. Of course, these are times when he’s “on”, and so might not be representative, but I get the impression that’s just what he’s like.
Dianne @ 43,
I can’t also help but think that Scalzi’s response to the whole Hugo kerfuffle has magnified VD’s ire. In his warped little mind and with his ego he may interpret Scalzi’s response from one who doesn’t see VD as much of a threat as a writer( and really, he shouldn’t) and this would piss off VD to no end.
racissrick #56
From the link in the OP:
Clicking a link in the linked article, I find that that statement is, in fact,in VD’s post. Could I ask where you looked for said evidence?
racissrick #58
That paragraph specifically refers to his exchange with Futrelle. It specifically describes Futrelle retreating in the face of of VD’s argument. VD is using a military metaphor to describe what he wishes to portray his defeat of Futrelle. He doesn’t actually use the word “win,” because it would no longer be a metaphor, now would it?
Language; you’re doing it wrong.
Take your Vox Day apologetics elsewhere. This little game of ‘gotcha’ isn’t going to work.
Do these “show me this specific word” people read novels in that manner? Must be confusing.
No, racissrick, Vox merely asserted that Futrelle retreated and that this is why Teh Menz will eventually and inevitably attain glorious victory over the non-alphas and teh wimmenz. I’m sure that is totally distinct from saying that he “won”. Totally.
racissrick, do you know what “retreat” means?
Oh good grief.
What either PZ or i thinks happened has nothing to do with it. VD claimed what happened was a retreat, and that he’d therefore won. VD used a m-e-t-a-p-h-o-r.
Go away.
No, the clown is the person defending a racist, misogynistic scumbag like Vox Day. That would be you.
Ask yourself this. I don’t expect you to reply honestly to it, but try being honest with yourself.
If the only way you can find to defend someone is to lie about what they wrote, why are you defending them?
[Vox Day fanbois not welcome here. Bye. –pzm]
racissrick, if I am an illiterate moron, I cannot begin to fathom what you are. Vox does indeed imply that he won the debate. Hence the word retreat. Hence Vox continuing to say “this is why we will win” and bragging about their superior rhetoric, etc.. The implication is clear that he believes he beat Futrelle. All you have to believe otherwise is blinkered denialism.
It’s like I have the gift of prophecy, innit.
Yes, oh great and powerful
OzDaz.I’ll take Oz, Daz, Oi you, anything, I’m not fussy. Just don’t skip the oh great and powerful bit or I’ll…
I’ll do something or other. Possibly involving unhealthily large and gooey pieces of chocolate cake.
Ed Seedhouse @16:
By that rule, they both lost. Vox may have declared victory metaphorically, but Futrelle actually said “I win” in his first tweet.
I think Futrelle would have done better to simply say “That question is settled, and not up for debate.” Sure, Vox would have spun that as running away, but who cares?
This absolutely my first comment. :) It’s not a movie, but have you ever read “The Story of Jane” by Laura Kaplan? Good read. Hat tip to my marvelously well rounded U of MN liberal arts education.