It has transformed within its Kind ™ . Looks legit.
The more likely explanation is that YHWH had been klapping a giant bong, before sitting down at his celestial drawing board. He must have been as stoned as a shrimp.
Chris Hallsays
Quick question: Are skate, flounder and plaice descended from a common ‘flat’ ancestor or have they reached the same evolutionary solution independently?
@Menyambal #1: Clearly a proof of God.
@Chris Hall #4: Wikipedia tells me that flounder and plaice belong to the same order (flatfish), and most likely have a common flat ancestor.
But the skate belongs to a different class of fish, flounder and plaice are bony fish while the skate is a cartilaginous fish. Also, the skate is flat in a different way than the other two, it’s laying on it’s stomach while the other two lie on they sides. The skate has it’s mouth on it’s underside and it is symmetrical. So they most likely don’t have a common flat ancestor.
Menyambal says
And another example of a living creature going through a transformation that the creationists say could never happen in the evolution of a species.
Crimson Clupeidae says
I hear the song “I’m a sole man.” playing in the background.
theophontes (恶六六六缓步动物) says
@ Menyambal
It has transformed within its Kind ™ . Looks legit.
The more likely explanation is that YHWH had been klapping a giant bong, before sitting down at his celestial drawing board. He must have been as stoned as a shrimp.
Chris Hall says
Quick question: Are skate, flounder and plaice descended from a common ‘flat’ ancestor or have they reached the same evolutionary solution independently?
barbaz says
@Menyambal #1: Clearly a proof of God.
Zeckenschwarm says
@Chris Hall #4: Wikipedia tells me that flounder and plaice belong to the same order (flatfish), and most likely have a common flat ancestor.
But the skate belongs to a different class of fish, flounder and plaice are bony fish while the skate is a cartilaginous fish. Also, the skate is flat in a different way than the other two, it’s laying on it’s stomach while the other two lie on they sides. The skate has it’s mouth on it’s underside and it is symmetrical. So they most likely don’t have a common flat ancestor.