On 4 May, I’ll be at the Orange County Freethought Alliance Conference in Anaheim, along with Greta Christina and Matt Dillahunty. I don’t seem to get out to the west coast very often, so this is a rare chance to see a convergence of the evil FtB horde somewhere in shouting range of the Pacific Ocean.
Well, I’ll also be at Norwescon 28-31 March, so I do get out west now and then…
Ya, see the thing is, only atheists need to triangulate their every move like this, in order to bring all the regular buttlickers to make u guys seem more numerous than you are.
We are more numerous than you realize.
I guess ur not such a “skeptic” after all, if you believe that.
Remember you don’t have to be a skeptic to be an athiest.
ya, whatever.
That’s a big word?
What do you think it means?
@thewarrior – There are far, FAR more Christian “prayer rallies” and “revival meetings” and “Holy Spirit conventions” than there are atheist conferences. Many of these meetings are advertised for a year, and much effort is made into dragging as many bodies as possible into them. So who, really, is triangulating and trying to seem more numerous?
like u said, Christian rallies are all over the place. Every town has a church. People just show up, no questions asked. u guys, on the other hand, have to turn it into a business.
Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.
How many TV and radio channels do Christians in the USA use to drum up business? Mostly, of course to scam money from the poor and credulous to fund further lies.
@Nick Gotts #12 – And let us not forget the many mega-churches and entire denominations who run bookstores, beauty salons, clothing stores and many other such enterprises as tax exempt “ministries.”
PZ Myers on Star Wars Day? Too much to handle!
I think you mean May 4? No charge for American grammar check!
May the fourth be with you.
Exactly. You see, we don’t want to hear about these conferences, speaking events, and conventions because of an overwhelming desire to actually learn new things, or to be challenged in what we believe, or to widen our perspectives of life and the wonderful things this world brings to us.
Nope, it’s all a trick to make us look more numerous to outsiders, because we all desperately care about what you think of us.
Oh noes! Please don’t share our secret!
What a great excuse to vacate this conservative bastion of Mississippi and to visit my (“liberal Catholic”) daughter in the conservative bastion of Orange County! I am planning to conserve my energies from Jan-Apr so that I can attend that conference in May. Thanks for the invite!
Why can’t we get anyone in some small town in AL, MS, GA or FL?
Ooooh, let’s get PZ at DragonCon or San Diego Comic Con! I’m sure there’s a way to converge sci-fi/fantasy/comics with science/skepticism/freethought.
The front desk just called. They said your FtB checkout was @11 AM. Please pack your bags and depart immediately.
BTW, some people like licking butts. People express their sexual desires in a variety of ways.
Ok, I change my mind.
You can stay.
You’re so deeply dumb that you don’t even realize what you just typed.
Ever heard of the racket run by the Raping Children Church (RCC if you can’t figure that out)? They (along with all other religions) are in the scamming business.
I was able to meet you and say thank you at this event in 2010. I even went to the dinner afterwards but got stuck way at the other end of the table with Shook and Shermer. (I know, the horror!)
Watching you debate Shook was great fun! Wish I could be there again but I no longer live on the left coast.
Have fun!
I have bookmarked the site and am saving $$. Hee!
Man, I must suck at business…because if this is one, I’m making no money at all at it.
I’d like to go to Dragon*con, but it’s always scheduled to fall within the first few weeks of the school year, and there’s no way I can escape at that time.