So @rhysmorgan and @whatkatie_did are also having a fundraiser (it seems like everyone is!), this time to benefit a rape crisis organization for England and Wales. It’s called the Fuck the Patriarchy Readathon, and they’re promising to read 20 books and blog about them this month. The books are all over the place, from Twilight to Catch-22, so the reviews should be entertaining.
For his participation in this cause, the usual suspects are raging that Rhys Morgan is a “little skeptic twat” and “mangina”, so you should support him just for that. Don’t you love how these guys go out of their way to confirm our perception of them?
Rhys is the best little skeptic twat mangina evarrrrrr.
If I donate, can I be an honorary “little skeptic twat?”
Wait, they’re reading fucking Twilight as part of an anti-patriarchy fundraiser? O.o
…thought. Remember the “Evil Little Thing” t-shirts? :D
Time for another internet law, perhaps?
Maybe something along the lines of; “whenever anyone addresses the abuses of the patriarchy, the probability that a horde of misogynist nitwits will pour out of the woodwork approaches one”.
Rhys Morgan is my hero. Someone should give him a medal.
Twilight of the patriarchy. The thought thrills my mangina.
I should probably say, I’m reading Twilight as someone had challenged me to, not out of genuine interest!
Suuuuuuuuure you are, Rhys.
The suggestion to read Under the Banner of Heaven was made because of Twilight.