It’s the natural news site to go to for the announcement that Andrew Breitbart has died, at a surprisingly young age. He had a history of heart problems and collapsed suddenly: I have no sympathy for his views at all, but I can sympathize with that. It’s kind of how I expect to go someday.
There was a video of him heckling some occupy protestors in which he seemed a little undone or under the influence.
He was a man who build an empire on dishonesty and fraud, so while I do sympathize with his family, it does change the fact this man was an asshole while he was alive. And the world is a better place with him not in it.
Also considering the racist comments made about Whitney Houston’s death, I can only imagine racist rates on fox message boards about how this was just one more fat cracker….
One less lying, racist hatemonger. He always wanted to be the center of attention though, so he got what he wanted.
Like I said a few times. I disagreed with his positions and I am not sad he’s gone, but I send my condolences and thoughts to his friends and family.
well at least he was a nice guy
Hypertension seems a possibility…
Glen Davidson
There was a blurb by Sean Hannity saying that Breitbart lived his principles 24/7. I suppose that it would be good if his principles were honorable.
For me, he will always be the man who edited a speech by an intelligent, honorable and hard working woman to make it seem like she had a racist agenda in being employed by the government.
Good riddance to bad garbage.
My sympathies to those who for some reason loved him. So glad he’s finally shut up, though. I’d have preferred him realizing the bullshit he was spouting to be bullshit, though.
I wonder if he’d have lived longer if he hated and got bellicose less.
I feel sorry for both his loved ones. I hope as his ego faded he realized that Obama would likely be re-elected and that he turned the GOP into a hate-filled joke.
My condolences to his family. They’ve lost a relative and they will be alone in their grief, Andrew Breitbart was a racist lying sack of shit who made the world a worse place. Noone but his family the lunatic fringe will miss him.
I wonder how many preachers will say it was God’s punishment?
You’d be surprised how little sympathy families sometimes have for assholes.
Andrew Breitbart dead: Outspoken conservative was an asshole
or maybe I misread it.
It’s no wonder he had such a weak heart, it doesn’t look like he ever used it.
One should speak good of the dead. He’s dead: good.
Publicly, at least, he was a cruel and vicious person who never showed the least bit of compassion for his fellow human beings. The things he said about Ted Kennedy when the Senator from Mass. died were unforgivable. He made his living peddling hate, misinformation and bigotry. I feel sympathy for his children, but I believe that they — and the rest of us — are better off.
meh… This morning I stepped on a cockroach felt more remorse.
“Obama’s to blame” in 3..2..1..
What good news!
He was one nasty despicable pig, may he rot.
After that “Behave yourself” routine my guess is he died of embarrassment.
Ask and ye shall receive.
That video makes him seem a bit…touched. (I’m trying to be kind. He’s dead after all.)
Sadly, atlas was too much for him to shrug.
Having been through a death in the family very recently I also offer my condolences to his family. For those who loved him I’m sure his passing will be a great loss.
Myself, I am reminded of my brother’s mean chow/lab mix which bit several people and often growled at the family in an effort to assert his dominance. I did not miss that dog when it died and actually breathed a sigh of relief that it wouldn’t be around to harm anyone else, but my brother cried for it. Obviously there is something in people that they can find something good even in the most vile animal.
From the BBC’s report of his death:
Well, I could say the same of Pol Pot. Passion for and commitment to hatred and lies are not admirable traits.
Perhaps he was crushed by the white man’s burden?
So full of win!
G. W. Bush: staying the course towards the iceberg without ever slowing down.
Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart, purveyor of candy and lies @ 21:
I blame the commenters’ tin foil hats. It really does make ‘teh stupid’ burn hotter, doesn’t it?
And nothing of value was lost.
God has called Andrew Breitbart home. Two thumbs up for God. (I suppose this is the sign that we’ve waited for that proves there is a god?).
(I suppose this is the sign that we’ve waited for that proves there is a god?).
The sign is that everyone dies at some point? This alleged deity needs better marketing.
I think that The Soldier from Team Fortress 2 has it right: “You’re dead, that’s good, amen.”
In before pearl-clutching “HOW DARE YOU GLOAT WHEN SOMEONE’S DEAD!!!1” tone trolls.
Do not worry about it, Pinkamena. Breitbart was infamous for pissing on the fresh graves of his political enemies. Tone trolls have nothing to stand on.
janine @#33: I thought that too, when Falwell died. They stood on their own righteous indignation anyway.
Don’t underestimate tone trolls. They have no depths to which they won’t sink, all the while believing themselves to be above it all.
Careful. You’re getting dangerously close to fulfilling Godwin’s Law.
Fuck off, flouncesticker.
I do not want anyone to think that I have picked on flouncesticker without a reason. Xe is a flaming creationist troll.
Oh, look. Janine’s typical argument style.
1. Argument presented
2. Counterargument presented
3. Janine: “FUCK OFF, DIPSHIT!!!!”
4. Therefore, God does not exist.
Hooray for Janine!
Santorum-For-Brains, seek help. You have a disconnection from reality.
At least the regulars here are having a good laugh at your expense.
Godwins law isn’t an argument jackass. frankly now its a tired meme as its spread to be less than useless
When your heart is two sizes too small, I suppose it gives out that much faster.
Ing, for a good laugh, follow my link and find out what a viewpoint discrimination is.
Xe is a flaming idiot.
Xe is also under impression that I spend my time debating the existence of the big sky daddy.
Well done Janine. Finally, an end to the insipidity of religion.
Brownian, if only it were that easy.
So, he was infamous for it, but it’s really a good thing that we should all do? I guess people would be wrong to think that bad? Or are we just applying some “eye for an eye” mentality here, because that would be hilarious.
Janine, please stop using transgendered pronouns for assholes. Who wants to be associated with that?
That is not a a transgendered pronoun, it is a genderless pronoun. I do not know the gender of flouncersticker and do not want to assign one.
Breitbart’s dead? At the risk of sounding like a necrophile; Fuck him!
Perfect, the invidious Breitbart and his imaginary friend can now enjoy eternity together.
What I found most funny was no one (ie the news agencies) believed the report on his blog about his death until they verified it with multiple sources.
“…and if there be a hell, it had received at last the demon soul of an unhallowed thing.” -H. P. Lovecraft
That’s probably because he’s faking it. Somebody needs to give that jerk a swift kick in the ribs. Some people will do anything to get attention, and he’s the case study for that kind of behavior.
We wouldn’t get into this mess if we didn’t keep making up silly words like that.
Sili, if words were not made up, we would have nothing to say to each other.
Flouncesticker, the choice of a handle that is an obvious lie does not lend credence to your arguments.
Sili, you really might want to shut the fuck up on this issue. Or on GLBT issues in general.
That’s a funny way of saying “sorry, my bad I didn’t understand”
Sili, what is the silly made up word that is used to describe what we are communicating on right now? It sure as shit did not exist when I was born, let alone when I graduated from college.
Sili, if those hard-to-leanr words are just too though for you to follow, kindly shut the fuck up until you become less of a transphobic skidmark.
Funny how it’s the words oppressed groups come up with for themselves that are just too hard for regular, normal people to be expected to learn. When we’re all comfy with microwave, email, and SUV. (ooooh! scary new terms!)
I don’t remember the exact quote, but it was Mark Twain:
“I won’t be attending the funeral, but I’ll send a postcard approving of it.”
25 people who think President Obama Killed Andrew Breitbart.
Funny, one of those brain stems is the over the hill shock jock, Mancow.
Well, I could say the same of Pol Pot. Passion for and commitment to hatred and lies are not admirable traits.
Screw it – let’s go full Godwin. From all the videos of Mean Mr Moustache haranguing the troops, he was full of passion and commitment too. But we judge him on the effects he had on Europe and the world between 1939 and 1945.
Based on the effects Breitbart had on the world, he was a failure as a human being. I’m never going to be as rich as him; I’m never going to be as well-known as him; I’m never going to be as influential as him – but I can look at my life and say that the world has been improved by me being here.
He can’t. In the most literal sense, the world is better off without him.
Call me heartless, but I have a hard time feeling any sort of sympathy here. A manipulative, bigotted, authoritarian shitbag who was trying as hard as he could to make the world a worser place is dead. Good. The only reason the people who associated with him should feel bad is for having tolerated this malevolent fucker for as long as they had.
On the subject of gender-neutral pronouns. I quite like “xe”, and really like “hir”, but before I came across them here I always used they and their. E.g.. “flouncesticker is a silly person who doesn’t know what they’re talking about, their argument is stupid.”
It kind of works, doesn’t it?
I agree. It wasn’t until I came to FtB that I was even aware of gender-neutral pronouns. Given the arguments I’ve seen put forth for their usage, I stand completely behind ‘hir’, and ‘xe’ and the like.
Same. And it’s not wrong by any book to do so. They/their/them have been used in English as singular pronouns for centuries. And no one blinks an eye at “If anyone comes while I’m away, please let them in”. Why invent new words when the old will do just fine?
Alternatively, we could all just learn Estonian which completely lacks gendered pronouns.
I just got a comment deleted on Crooks and Liars and as for the Huffington Post, reading the comments section one would figure it was Ghandi or Mother Theresa who had just kicked it, bucketwise.
Apparently, being an overweight, hate-filled, binge-drinking rageaholic is not a recipe for a long life. Who knew?
Sure it works.
God send every one their heart’s desire!
[Much Ado About Nothing, Act III Scene 4]
There’s not a man I meet but doth salute me,
As if I were their well-acquainted friend.
[Comedy of Errors, Act IV Scene 3]
Oscar Wilde
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of douches suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Another horrible person dead, allowing me (the guy who evidently was declared “Pope” when someone died, and to the silly bullies who can’t read anything but their own self-righteousness: fuck you very much!) to forgive him and move on.
He’s dead now, and I have no need to further expend energy being angry at his evil deeds, however necessary it is to oppose, and then clean up, the shit he left behind him.
I’ll avoid reading what my eastwhile “comrades” here post*, as most surely will be mauling the body, but I appreciate PZ’s simple and restrained comments this time, as opposed to when the inexcusable but far more ordinary “Failed human” Joe P. died.
*I won’t be back here to read whatever snappy insults these same temporary cretins leave, though I must thank them for proving to me that much of “our side” is just as human – in Twain’s sense – as nearly all of “their side”.
There’s nothing wrong with rejoicing in the death of a hateful, lying ass. He called Ted Kennedy a “villain”, a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick”, immediately after Kennedy died. Then, he said
So, I don’t feel bad in any way to be happy that this terrible man died.
What a slimy way to claim you are better than the rest of us.
I am slime by your visit. Your sanctimony is just as stomach churning as anything Breitbart bleated.
Next time, leave your head up your ass.
I can’t be glad he’s dead, while I hated his views he had a family and friends who cared for him and are now in pain. I certainly won’t miss his toxic influence on american politics though.
Not glad he’s dead, never glad he’s dead, never glad anyone’s dead, but it is rather useful to know he won’t be doing the whole “right-wing provocateur” bit anymore, and to be honest his death isn’t exactly surprising. Seeing how angry he got at the Occupy protest and how apparently-willing he is to fly off the handle suggests that he probably had all sorts of stress-related health problems, and heart problems would count under that umbrella. Wasn’t in terribly great shape either; that probably just made matters worse.
I’m sure virtually every malevolent asshole in the world had family and friends who were likewise upset at their passing. I wouldn’t wish death on any of them, but I can’t say I’m not glad when their influence on the world is removed. I don’t feel any obligation to feel pity for the family and friends of Kim Jong Il, or Jerry Falwell or Andrew Breitbart, because I think they bore at least partial responsibility in allowing such men to get away with everything they did.
Thanks, Grumps. Yay for “they”.
This is what I’m talking about. Ms. Daisy Cutter seems to agree this is an issue of transgender rights. janine insists on it being a synonym of singular “they”.
As I said – a mess.
And sorry for not adding “/snark” the other day. My bad.
Prepare for the conspiracy theorists to go nuclear tonight
Breitbart dead, now the bomb squad is investigating a suspicious package at Rush Limbaugh’s Fla home.
I’m glad he’s dead. As Billy Connolly said, “the world’s a wanker short!” Does that make me a bad person? Oh well…
I’m glad he’s dead.
I will not attend the funeral, but I’ll send a note expressing my approval.
…and there was much rejoicing.
The Washington Examiner is claiming that the monolithic group known as “liberals” are celebrating his death.
On the one hand, good riddance to bad rubbish.
On the other, he WAS someone’s son, brother, father, spouse, friend and we should remember that and have some sympathy for those affected by his death.
So, um, my sympathy goes out to those close to him.
Now if chance could only take care of Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and the seemingly endless crew of other greasy, right-wing political/media scum, it just might convince me of some sort of existential justice.
While I despised Brietbart’s modus operandi, and thought little of his politics or his character, I can say for his family that I am sorry for their loss.
It’s time like these that I wish I believed in hell. Because I know if there were a hell Ronnie Ray Gun would be skull fucking Andy for eternity.
May they both rot in hell.
I hear what your saying, and most people can certainly understand sympathies by family and friends over the death of a person close to them.
It’s interesting to note cultural/familial influences though, since many times those who are close family members and friends tend to share similar views. To me, it seems sort of rare that family, in particular, has diametrically opposed worldviews– either politically, culturally, philosophically, etc.,… probably most directly due to the cultural nature of family and friends…..’birds of a feather flock together’ and all that.
( I can remember Ron Reagan and his sister Patty gaining some media attention with their opposing political views in contrast to their father, Prez Ronny Reagan, in the 80’s,…. but generally family members can be reflective and supportive of each others views, as could be expected in politics, certainly.)
Gregory @ 16 One should speak good of the dead. He’s dead: good.
Cjtotalbro @ 13 Sadly, atlas was too much for him to shrug. And @ 26 Perhaps he was crushed by the white man’s burden?
You win the thread. Pick up your internet on the way out.
@ 70
How magnanimous of you. The flounce was the icing on the cake. Now fuck right off and leave the adults to talk amongst ourselves.
I think we should honour Andrew Brietbart by following his example of honesty and veracity
Lydia Hope one of the paramedics who attended Brietbart in his final moments
reverse necrodunking FTW!
Maybe he’s an anecdotal cautionary ad for healthy living. Instead of heckling the protesters with a bizarre one-liner, non-sequitur comeback, just jog around them and give a miss to the Dunkin’ Donuts you see on the way. And don’t believe your dogmatist bullshit or you’ll get high blood pressure. And don’t make up lies about climate change. And…a whole bunch of other shit not-to-do.
No love lost with Breitbart’s death.
Everyone’s time will come to die. However, if you act like a dick, you’ll be remembered as a dick.
I recognise his family is mourning, just as I empathized with Nancy Reagan when she lost a family member to Alzheimer’s.
I feel sorry for *them*, not for the dead.
— — — — — — —
I normally do not rejoice over the death of assholes, but when Pol Pot and Augusto Pinochet died, I went to the café and treated myself to a Danish pastry.
Breitbart: Some extra cream in the coffe.
Nice Tribute to Andrew here-
Only a twisted mind could admire the unprincipled monster that was Andrew Breitbart. The world is better without him.
Took another gander after reading your comment; and sure as shit.
Nice catch.
Oops, “,”, not “;”.
Not if every journalist that ran his bullshit stories and validated his lies shit themselves id accept it as a sign from god
When Breitbart was taken to task about his gloating over Ted Kennedy’s death, he said “Why do you grant a BULLY special status upon his death?”
Sounds about right, breitbart doesn’t rate a full pastry.
I don’t think going to piss on his grave will be worth the effort.
@KG #25:
Well said. I can never understand the myopia of people who praise others for “living their convictions” or “acting on their sincere beliefs”, as if the reasoning behind an immoral action can legitimises it in some way. Like GW Bush was wrong on Iraq but at least he followed his convictions. That’s never really a virtue, especially if you’re a bullish, racist, deluded, megalomaniacal asshole.
I’m sorry for Breitbart’s family and friends that they have lost someone they loved. Not one bit sorry that the world has one less arrogant bigoted prick to listen to.
Choosing a life that revolves around hatred and the kind of anger it precipitates is a strain on the cardiovascular system. It is a choice. I’ve seen it numerous times in people I’ve known personally – including family and friends with no apparent genetic or familial predisposition – suffering heart attacks and strokes, some of them succumbing fatally, and strikingly occurring during episodes in exhibition of their favored habit. They seem to drop like flies.
I have found it very interesting that anger exhibited in defense against hatred and the oppression it generates doesn’t seem to pose anywhere near the deleterious physical effect, no matter how often it must be engaged.
I feel truly, deeply, sincerely sorry for Breitbart’s family.
Now, what’s this about someone dying?
Maybe James O’Keefe’s sorry Breitbar’s dead. I’m not. Amusement from the Rude Pundit (def NSFW) here:
Sorry I don’t know about the linky thing. But worth a read.
Yay, it linked automatically.
I grew up in Utah. I have plenty of deluded right-wing relatives. They’ve all lost someone who was a lying shithead like Breitbart, someone they loved. They were all better off having lost such people.