Eugene Delgaudio, a fellow calling himself the “Public Advocate of the United States” and from an organization called “Traditional Values”, writes to me a lot. To be fair, I think some kook somewhere signed me up for his newsletter — I get a lot of peculiar email that I only get because random organizations have an open sign-up process that allows them to be used for harassment — but poor Eugene is such a persecuted sad-sack that I thought I’d point and laugh at him a bit. He’s always complaining.
Dear PZ,
In the past, the radical homosexuals have attempted to kill me, even threatening and stalking my family. [Evidence?] However, all that did was make me more determined than ever to fight them. [Oh, come on, Eugene. You’ve been salivating over gay men for ages]
And with Public Advocate supporters’ help, I did.
Together, pro-family Americans have really rocked the Homosexual Lobby. We’ve held off so much of their agenda for so many years. [Like equality? Way to go!]
But now they want to take supporters like you out of the fight.
I’ve received letters from three different government agencies ordering me to stop sending mail to members like you. [Well, you know, I sympathize with the agencies here, since I’m a perfect example of a recipient of email abuse. I didn’t sign up for his deluge of paranoia, but he has such a sloppy opt-in sign-up that anyone can sign anyone else up for his crap.]
One letter from a Post Office bureaucrat actually declared my correspondence with Public Advocate members to be obscene! [This is one of his milder efforts. He actually is obsessed with homosexual practices, and tends to fantasize graphically about them.]
You see, in their sick world radical homosexuals can desecrate churches [Like that would bother me], spread their filth across the internet [I could send him lots more heterosexual porn, if he’d like], and run naked through the very halls of Congress [Has anyone seen that? I haven’t.].
But when I try to tell people about it, my letters are labeled obscene by those who serve the homosexuals’ purposes. [Like the post office? Your mailman might be gay, Eugene!]
And if they can find a judge who agrees with them, the legal consequences could be severe. Even if we win, the legal fees could destroy your Public Advocate. [Tell someone who cares.]
That’s why I’m desperate for you to send a contribution of $50 or even $100 today. I need your help right away, so I ask you to send whatever you can afford today.
Wait, what? This feeble complaint is a fundraising gimmick? I have seen the light! Christians have been poisoning the body politic for centuries, they send me threats, they frolic in the halls of Congress (clothes mostly on, but maybe you should read about the degenerates in The Family), I find their prudery obscene, and look! Wackos are sending me harassing email! Send me money. Paypal accepted. Cash in small bills also accepted. OK, very large bills are also fine, if you insist on forcing them on me.
I got one of those too. I think it may be because of a poll we crashed.
Yep, I’m on the list too. Oh joy.
I’m being persecuted as well. I could go off to the authorities and report it, but I believe that I won’t have to if you send me briefcases full of cash.
Jesus wants you to.
Glen Davidson
Mr. Delgaudio sounds like somebody whose advances were rejected during some anonymous men’s room encounter and now he’s out looking for revenge.
People like Eugene don’t bother me nearly as much as the ones who say, “Well, he goes too far, but he has a point.”
If all we had to contend with was people like Eugene, there would be no problem, and sexual orientation and/or gender issues would have no affect on your legal status in this country. Unfortunately, some much more able people have decided that these issues are useful to keep them in power.
I got one too. Scariest email I’d ever gotten, since I’d forgotten I took that poll.
He just takes a dump with a “wide stance” and picks toilet paper up from the floor to use, like we all do.
Didn’t Sen. Craig teach you anything?
Glen Davidson
Sadly, I’m not on the email list. I like a good chuckle.
This blog series “I Get Email” reminds me not to send email…
Definitly the poll – got it too and something like that would be very rare.
I love in particular how Eugene adresses one so directly. And makes it clear that only we two, we happy two, stand against the incoming days of gay reckoning. Only your money can save mankind …
I feel empowered.
Here’s my fantasy: I want evidence of one of these crazy accusations. I want to see one “radical” homosexual advocacy group actually have in their agenda the goal of being allowed to desecrate churches at will and run naked through congress.
Oh, I get it. It is a metaphor! The stupid bastard that the sick gay people that want to be able to act like everyone else and possibly attend a church of their choosing would be desecrating it by their mere presence. Wow, those horrible radical gay people trying to get the same treatment as anyone else. They must be stopped.
But I am all for the running naked through congress. That should be a right we all fight for. It would certainly make C-SPAN more fun.
This might increase their approval rating.
Oh Eugene, don’t you know the Rules? Never show desperation!
Just read the rest of the comments, checked my email too… Goddamnit. It was the fucking poll.
Now I get to read the lunacy first hand as well! This is less fun than I expected.
I also received this crap and was hoping PZ would skewer it. :-)
The full email is much longer and continues to alternate between frantic rants about “radical homosexuals”, unsubstantiated claims of persecution and pleas for $50 or $100 to enable him to fight back.
This is from the guy whose poll we crashed here:
Calling all radical homosexuals: take this survey!
I am grateful that I did not answer that disingenuous poll and get counted as a supporter of their bigoted bullshit.
On the list. Got the email. Responded that he is a homophobic, anti-American asshole. I’m sure he’ll drop me now, right? Right?
…and run naked through the very halls of Congress…
I am having a hard time believing that either Tammy Baldwin or Barney Frank engaged in this activity.
Oh, it’s worse than I thought, then. I assumed it was someone else intentionally signing me up, but it looks like he’s harvesting email addresses from site visits. He’s a scumbag, then, and yeah, legal agencies should be shutting him down.
No, MikeMa, content is not important. And act of communication with that liar means that you support his fantasy.
PZ, on the undead thread, quite a few people have mentioned that they got an e-mail stating that they are now part of the petition and begging for a donation.
To be fair, I had to give him my email address to take the poll. He didn’t exactly steal it.
@Inane Janine,
I suspect you are correct. I responded before I saw this post and realized that many of us are on his list. I will gladly add him to my spam filter but his comments were so outrageous, I felt a basic need to throw something. I will try to refrain in future.
…And kids, this is what we call a freudian slip.
Watch: “They know we’re stalling. And seriously, I can’t come up with a way to be more intimidating.”
Ward: “I can! We get completely nude! Naked army! Go all Braveheart on them!”
Watch: “I think the Eunuch Division might gross everybody out.”
Ward: “Yeah, maybe. But the Women’s Auxiliary, that’ll rule.”
–The Venture Brothers: “The Revenge Society”
Got it here too – it’s definitely the poll. If he’s claiming that my voice is on his side because he has my e-mail, I want to know who he’s claiming it to, so I can disabuse them of the notion.
Yep,got it too. What I also love is the disclaimer at the bottom, that says our contributions are not tax deductible, even though it’s a non-profit, because, well, we’re not really what we say we are…except it’s the fault of the damn radical homosexuals!
It’s worth noting that he chairs the overseers of the richest county in the country, is enormously wealthy himself (as our his supporters and constituents), yet here he is begging for socialist hand-outs. And the charges against him are essentially for doing what he’s doing in this mailing. How come conservatives don’t get irony?
Also, worth noting that blacks, Latinos, the poor, and women have also loomed large in his sorry history of hatemongering. He really can’t stand the humnan race in general.
I’m on the list, too. But the email he sent me said I’d signed one of his sick petitions! A bald-faced lie, of course. I’ve emailed him back asking him to cease and desist, but the email bounced back undeliverable, and the spam keeps coming.
Sounds like everyone who got a return e-mail thanking them for their “support” should gather everything together in order to show the dishonest actions of “Public Advocate of the United States” and shut down that operation.
Delgaudio is Supervisor for Sterling district in Loudoun County, Virginia. The local paper is the Loudoun Times – anyone feel like writing a letter to the editor ( about their Supervisor’s extracurricular activities?
I got signed up for his newsletter on 10/13. I just unsubscribed after getting something about radical homosexual activists threatening him.
Yes. Eugene Delguadio and his organization hijacked our information when we filled out his survey. Despite answering his survey questions FOR equal rights, he used the submission of the answers as a signature for his hate-fear-based petition, without informing survey respondents that he was doing so. Yes, he has our names as proponents of his mush-minded agenda on his petition. I’m sending a certified letter to him demanding he remove my name from said petition. It’s a matter of principle, even if he happens to be a sad-sack nobody.
SanBan (#29), I think it’s a lost cause. He’s been doing this sort of stuff for years, and he’s the darling of the county establishment. I presume his neighbors would be delighted to learn that they have a public bulldog to spew the venom they all feel toward anyone committing the sin fo not being them.
They are the 1 percent.
Eugene Delguadio is completely hetrosexual, isn’t that how the song goes. So who wants to start a pool on when he is found with a young man paying for sex?
I’ve been receiving this as well, and it’s being sent to an address that I originally set up to order DVDs from Hovind’s site, though I may have used it to sign an AFA petition or something as well. So it’s possible that churches trade email lists as freely as they copy-paste each people’s text.
Because, you know, things like privacy and proper attribution are tools of the devil.
I get just a little bit tired of the trope that if a person is so against homosexuality, that person must be a self loathing homosexual. Just because some are does not mean all are. Most are just hateful humans.
@MikeMa #16: I kindly offered a similar reply, signed with my professional title (Reverend). No word yet on whether I’ve been welcomed in to the fold or removed from the mailing list. :)
It was this poll:
oooh, I didn’t know homosexuals are allowed to run through the halls of congress naked! That’s great. Do I need to sign up somewhere for this or can I just show up and start streaking?
You could file a complaint with the Federal Internet Crime Complaint Center
Since he’s obviously capturing our identification under false pretences and using it to solicit money, it’s probably fraud.
Dang. I got the same email an hour ago. I thought I had something new to blog about, but I see as usual PZ beat me to it.
I wonder how much money he gets for his bizarre ramblings*?
Might be more than anyone can imagine.
Harold Camping raised millions of dollars with his End of the World schtick. Despite being wrong once before. His third wrong prediction is for jesus to show up in three days.
Oh well. Money sent to lunatics, fakes, and fraudsters is money they can’t use for something else.
*Cthulhu knows what he does with it.
Throws wild parties with lots of cute boys or something.I didn’t say that, just thought it.@PZ
This is even worse than just taking emails from other sites and emailing stupid shit like the above – he also used our information to sign a petition!!! Here:
What can we do about this blatant illegality???
Definitely the poll listed above. It used to be just porn that landed in my throw-away email box, now I get this crap too. It’s more dehumanizing than any porn I’ve ever seen.
Yes, it’s from the “poll”. I signed it as “Joe Plumber” and used a mailinator email address. Anyone who’s interested can see it in full at for as long as mailinator keeps it.
D’oh, typo in the displayed text, but the link itself works.
Called it, I did:
I also received an e-mail from this guy thanks to that recent poll. (I guess they don’t check your answers before adding you to their mailing list.) I assume that many of you received the same, but I’m c/ping here for the amusement of anyone who didn’t. (Apologies for the length, but it really is a hoot.)
I immediately wrote back to Eugene, but sadly my reply bounced. What’s the point of having a address if no one can write to you?
Also, if you look closely, there is (or should be) an unsubscribe notice at the very bottom of his emails, right after the disclaimer that donations to his cause are not tax-deductible.
Well, holy shit. I just checked the disposable email addy that I used for that “survey” ( and it’s chalk full of crazy town.
Am I one of the few who keeps a spare name and email address around – that I rarely to never look at – to use when answering these kind of polls?
That’s what happened to me when I came out atheist to my Mother’s side (the WELS side) of the family. My Inbox was flooded with messages from various fundagelical e-mail lists. I demanded that they stop our else I’d contact their respective ISPs about the harassment . “We’re trying to help you,” one of my cousins, the one who said that atheists must be watched by the police, lamented.
In the end, I had to hunt down unsubscribe instructions for all of the e-lists and killfile my relatives addresses. I refuse to speak with any of them anymore.
Haha, i’ve never met a radical homosexual. I wonder what are their distinguishing features? What is their agenda, other than wanting equal status under the law? People like ol’ Eugene do nothing other than reinforce the need to fight against discrimination against homosexuals. A fight that is largely being won even in the US.
Delgaudio Famiy Values:
Joe.My.God. reprints Delgaudio emails all the time. Some of them are pretty funny in that they’re very very difficult to tell from Poe. He imagines all kinds of adventures- sneaking around warehouses, being attacked by homosexuals wielding heavy rocks, etc.
His organization, if you can really call it that, has been investigated and fined for their fundraising activities, a fact that Delgaudio sites as further evidence for his persecution. I’m guessing most of his money comes from the same people who believe every right wing email forward they get.
Me confused. Me not understand.
What is exactly a “radical homosexual”? I can’t really understand the message of this e-mail without a proper definition. Where does the line go between a regular (mellow, laid-back?) homosexual and a radical homosexual? Is it the kind of clothes you wear, or what? Does the willingness to take one penis in your anus make you a regular homosexual man, double penetration a borderline radical gay, and a wine bottle a full on radical homosexual? And what about gay women?
I agree with not knowing any “radical homosexuals”. I DO know some extremely fabulous ones!
Careful With That Axe, Eugene.
I have been a reader of Pharyngula for about 3 years now, but have never participated in the comments section. Of course I participate in poll crashing and today when I received the email from these person I read half of his rant before proceeding to send it to the spam folder and didnt gave it much thought after that. Later I came here to check Pharyngula as usual I was suprised by this post. It felt good to be part of the community. In a way I kind of have this loon to thank for that his email is full of garbage my favorite part is when he says: “quick! send me 50 or if you can 100 dollars”. Yea right!
this was from one of the polls we pharyngulated – I think we’re all getting it (unless you have terribly clever spam filters)
The infuriating bit is how bad their software is, given this is clearly going out to everyone, even the dissenters
In the past, the
radicalfabulous homosexuals have attempted tokill megive me advice on how to be a fashionable person with a shred of decency, eventhreateningwhining pitifully andstalking my familyattempting to educate me and those around me./fixed it!
The problem is, we’re not just on a ridiculous spam email list. Our names, real or not, were put on a petition supporting his twisted agenda. It’s funny if you put a name like Daffy Rabbit, or some such, as it will just make him look all the more a fool, but I don’t want to bolster his raw numbers for that petition if I don’t have to.
My days here in the halls of Congress would be dramatically improved by the presence of naked people, homosexual or not.
I got one one too.
Could it be from that crazy on-line questionnaire on homophobia PZ linked to a while back? IIRC, you had to give an e-mail address in order to fill out the questionnaire….
Oh, I see Kevin DeGraaf already noted it.
(Stupid Apple magic-mouse scrolling too fast….)
This is now my favorite email address ever.
Well, if it is the same as a “homosexual radical” it would be one with an unpaired electron in an open shell. There will fewer of them once same-sex marriage is well established.
I briefly visited Eugene Delgaudio’s website, having followed a link in the description of a pro-gay rights petition from or Think Progress. His site was linked as an example of the bigotry problem, though I don’t recall the exact petition offhand. The site was unimpressive gibberish, and I closed the tab after a few moments. That’s all I did.
The next day, I got an email from his site thanking me for supposedly signing an undescribed gay-bashing petition and asking for further contributions. I did no such thing, or anything remotely similar.
What’s up here?
Ah okay, it was from Pharyngulating, not from one of those other sites. I should read the other posts before commenting :P
I don’t have any problem imagining DelGaudio sneaking around warehouses looking for, um, some sinners to document. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
PZ, Just thought it was worth reposting this:
You could file a complaint with the Federal Internet Crime Complaint Center
Since he’s obviously capturing our identification under false pretences and using it to solicit money, it’s probably fraud.
San Ban!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I was wondering who to bitch at. Thank you for the link!
I also sent a complaint to and I sent this story to
Dear Eugene,
If you want to stop being “stalked” by other closeted gay men then stop tapping your foot in public toilets
anybody think the unsubscribe will actually work on this? or will that just let him know you’re paying attention?
@thunderbird5, #56:
I dunno, I get more of an Arnold Layne vibe from him. But you made my day anyhow.
Funny, I didn’t get the message in the OP (I didn’t vote in the poll), but I just checked my junk email account yesterday and found a similar one from Delgaudio arrived last week. Not sure how I got on the list, but he must have different sets derived from different sources or something. It was a rant about “Congress mandating homosexual education”, but the best part was the typo in the disclaimer (I’m not even sure what it’s supposed to say):
I too got a copy. I was added to the list last Thursday apparently while I was speaking to a conference. I did help pharyngulate the poll but this means they waited a bit to add the email addresses from it. A script would not take weeks. Somebody decided to pull the supplied addresses later.
I really wonder who … if anybody … read the answers. A moments thought would suggest I am NOT a good target audience for his rant to be converted to money.
Poor him too … he does not qualify as a charity. One small mercy IMHO.
Damn I’m now regretting that I didn’t sign it as Amanda Hugginkiss or Suk Mai Kok or just plain Porky Pig :(
Someone who is attracted to people of the same sex, that can pull off some sick airs, and who says “dude” and “whoa” a lot?
OMG! Jordy’s teh ghey!
Hey, I got the same email. I’ve had 3 now. I wondered what it was. Thought he didn’t know me well at all. I sent a curt reply back, but somehow it wouldn’t send. Blocked perhaps. Frightening there are still such bigots.
A little poem, from the perspective of homophobe jerkwad Eugene Delgaudio:
The radical gays like to squirt mayonnaise
All over their cesspool of sin
It makes me perspire, but when I inquire
They insist that I cannot join in
Every homo flick, it just makes me sick
With its gyrations, jerkings and jizz
I study this slime, for hours at a time
To judge just how filthy it is
Because they’re not straight they will desecrate
Our churches with ugly rainbows
They slap the caboose of the kids they seduce
Unlike Catholics, everyone knows!
Your e-mail I stole because you crashed my poll
How dare you maggots have the hide!
I’ve been told by “The Man” to stop sending you spam
Even though you are not on my side
A bureaucrat dared to be smug and declare
That my mail to PA’s was obscene!
This hardly is fair for gay porn I’m aware
Of turns me a flaming shade of green
Pro-family means that all of those drag queens
Should not get their hands on my kids
Does logic support it? No, Christians report it
Is reason that religion forbids.
The homosexual lobby’s favourite hobby
Is to spread the ridiculous lie
That those who are like a poofter or dyke
Are humans just like you and I
I’ll feather and tar all of them who are
The filthiest of all human trash
They streaking through Congress, continuing unless
You’ll only just give me some cash
Jett Perrobone, really enjoyed your poem!
When I read of these crazy people in the US, I despair and doubt if India would ever wake up from its religio-homophopic slumber..
I think one of the greatest lines of gay poetry I have ever read is from Don Leon.
Quoting it to counter ‘your’ position:
“Though law cries ‘Hold!’ yet passion onward draws,
But nature gave us passions, man gave laws,
Whence spring these inclinations, rank and strong?
And harming no one, wherefore call them wrong?”
I do really wish it was Byron who wrote this but most scholars agree it wasn’t him…
This guy’s actually up for re-election in a less than three weeks. The Democrat opposing him is Al Nevarez. Take your donation dollars and put them somewhere that’ll piss Delgaudio off!
I live in Loudoun County. Not in the Sterling District though. I forwarded the e-mail I got to the Loudoun Times-Mirror.
Here’s a way to complain: Contact his superior:
Scott K. York,
Chairman At Large (Independent)
P.O. Box 7000
Mailstop #01
Leesburg, Virginia
Office Phone:
I can confirm this creep harvested email addys from that survey (on a totally different site, with no opt-in or -out for being signed up).
Answers to his paranoid rantings are not read, since he has continued to email once every two days. It just gets creepier, by the way. He’s now claiming children in kindergarten will be taught about gay sex acts.
I tried to report him for spam, but interestingly he seems to be using a popular munging service, via Spamcop couldn’t find an abuse address to complain to.
Lots of LGBT blogs ripping him a new one, with bets being laid as to how long before he’s outed.
He turned up in my spam filter, but I had to read the latest screed:
You mean these e-mails have to stop, I hope? Please.
The paranoid ramblings sent today is in a league of its own. That dude is losing his shit. Apparently if we don’t send him $50 the Radical Homosexual Lobby will conquer all, and he will be forced to shutter his office. I can think of worse things to happen.
Thanks a lot PZ. Because of that Family Values poll you had us all take, this guy is emailing us all the exact same crap. It’s funny in small doses, but it’s getting nauseating. Also he seems to be able to get around my spam filter somehow