The people have spoken, and the honored recipient of the Molly for December is…Nerd of Redhead! This, of course, merely confirms the nerdishness and raises it to new heights, so the nick is now even more appropriate.
Next, we have to pick some other nerd to get the OM after his or her name for the month of January. Leave your nominations/votes in the comment thread below.
James F says
Watchman says
Gratz to the Nerd!
co says
Congratulations, Nerd of Redhead. And a big raspberry to me, for I never knew what the “OM” meant until now.
oaksterdam says
Congrats, Nerd!
One vote for Sven DiMilo. That dude has been heavy this month. I think. I might be in the matrix imagining it.
SC, OM says
Congratulations, Nerd!
For January: Wowbagger
(There were several others whose January comments I appreciated; hope to have time to list them later, but Wowbagger gets my vote.)
Janine, Queen of Assholes says
I call dibs to rubbing Nerd’s head for good luck.
Sven DiMilo says
Thanks, oaksterdam, but I spent 3 weeks of January offline, diggin’ the real world (I’m almost certain it was real).
SC, OM says
I’ve tried to nominate Sven before. He says he wouldn’t accept it, which I respect as his choice (while noting that it would be richly deserved).
Lee Picton says
Congrats, Nerd! Well done. For January, once again I submit Wowbagger, as I have for the last three months. And no, I am getting no bribes for this as I don’t even know the guy; but recognition for him is overdue.
Matt Heath says
yay for Nerd.
Possibly this is due to recency bias, but raven has my vote for kicking ass on the Stein threads.
oaksterdam says
See? You packed a month of heavy into one week.
Oh, yeah, I recall the not wanting one now.
Kel says
Nicely done NoR
Bill Dauphin says
Well deserved, Nerd!
I renew my no doubt annoyingly consistent nomination for negentropyeater and recommend SC for a tentacle cluster (or whatever we decided to call them), and I cannot but concur with the nomination of Sven (despite his time offline), if he can be persuaded to accept.
Steve_C says
Yay Nerd!
Bill Dauphin says
Sorry for the rapid-fire postings, but I noticed this too late to include in my previous (@13):
It occurs to me that NoR, OM is moron spelled backwards… which is appropriate, as the Nerd is the polar opposite of a moron! ;^)
Kel says
Oh and for my nomination this month (I haven’t been here so much so I’m unsure of just who posted what)I’ll nominate feynmaniac.
Teleprompter says
I nominate Wowbagger and Janine.
I think both are long overdue.
Feynmaniac says
Congrats Nerd!
My vote this month goes to Wowbagger.
Also, I’d also like to add that SC’s comments have been great this month. They were insightful and entertaining to read.
I wouldn’t mind seeing SC, OM 2 .
Janine, Queen of Assholes says
I will toss in Jadehawk for consideration.
Patricia, Charming Slut, OM says
Huzzah for the Nerd! Well deserved win.
My vote goes to Janine, vilest of us all.
Also Kel and Wowbagger.
If we were voting for the one most needing to be wrapped in chains, pockets filled with cannon balls and thrown overboard – Heddle.
Brownian says
I was reading Sven’s comment on the Young Darwin post yesterday (“He kicked puppies!! Teach the controversy!”) and I laughed and thought to myself, “Hmm, that Sven is one funny mofo. Could it be that he doesn’t yet have a Molly?” and then I checked and saw that he didn’t, and I thought, “I should make an effort to rectify this egregious injust–holy shit! the hashbrowns are burning!”, as I was also trying to cook breakfast at the time. (The hashbrowns turned out fine, thanks for asking.)
And today came, and with it the opportunity to mollify(!) that feeling of injustice, and so I’m gonna seize it and nominate Sven, who has deserved the accolade for a long time.
Another long-deserving poster gets my other vote: Wowbagger.
Speaking of nominations: Ray Comfort’s bananalogy is a contender in a blog contest run by a philosophy lecturer at the University of Gloucester for the “Worst Argument Ever“. Poor Ray. How awful it must be to be the butt of humanity’s collective laughter and not even know it.
Brownian says
Oh, and congrats to Nerd of Redhead. I hope Redhead is as proud of you as we are.
Those of you who can’t access the article in The Chronicle of Higher Education can jump directly to the blog it references here. Ha-ha Ray! You know what’s also proof of God’s Design: that your head manages to fit so snugly up your own ass.
E.V. says
So many deserving souls and it goes to Nerd of Redhead? Whut about Wowbanger? Whut about Sven? Jadehawk? Kel?
Hearty congratulations to Nerd of Redhead, advancing logic and reason in the trenches of the war on science. *ovation*
Desert Son says
Congratulations, Nerd of Redhead!
Feel too new to know who to nominate (many excellent candidates), but I’ll try and give it some more thought/looking-up and submit something later today, if the option’s still open.
No kings,
Watchman says
Longtime lurker The Watchman casts a vote for Sven DeMilo.
Ken Cope says
The power of Sideshow Bob compels me to vote for Wowbagger, and congratulate NoR OM.
phantomreader42 says
I’d nominate Sastra for her “you can’t borrow infallibility from god” response to Facilis the Fallacious (#482 in An Ugly Debate in Edmonton), but I’m sure she’s won one already.
I’d also recommend her subtle linking of instinctive belief in Agency to parents, which I just found after much searching, #87 in the Teapot thread.
And I second the praise for Sven’s running stoner Matrix bit. At least on the assumption that it’s real and not the Matrix making me imagine it. :)
birdiefly386sx says
I nominate Watchman for Order of the Molly!!
Aquaria says
Yay! Nerd has a molly.
I’ll nominate Kel for the next one.
smurph says
Well done and well deserved Nerd of Redhead!
– from a geek of brunette
aratina says
Nerd definitely deserved it. Way to go, Nerd!
I am going to jump on the bandwagon and vote Sven DiMilo for the next Molly. Sometimes Pharyngula threads get really funny as they did last month and Sven’s commentary in January was like the icing on the cake–sweet but not saccharine, delicious and digestible, left me savoring for more.
Sastra says
Congratulations Nerd — tell the Redhead to give you an extra backrub this month (PZ’s octopus is secretly supposed to give them out, but he’s so far behind don’t count on it.)
As for January, many are deserving, but
one vote for Wowbagger;
and another one for AJ Milne.
I think both have engaged in some noticeably fine argumentation and exposition recently.
Jadehawk says
congrats, NoR OM (I, too, like that it spells moron backwards! hehe)
and I nominate Janine
John Phillips, FCD says
Wowbagger as well as tentacles for Sastra’s Molly.
Oh and Congrats Nerd.
Rey Fox says
Marcus Ranum, mayhempix, Jadehawk.
SC, Feminist Concern Troll Extraordinaire, OM says
Bill* and Feynmaniac – Thank you so much. I’m extremely touched.
*(There were no hard feelings on my part after our recent disagreement – I was actually planning to get in touch somehow before my next visit to your area, which should be soon, to see if you and wife wanted to meet up. I’m happy to hear there were none on yours, either.)
Zeno says
Redheads are winning the Molly these days?! Oy! Well, thank goodness it’s a nerdy one. I guess that’s okay then.
Naked Bunny with a Whip says
Congratulations, Nerd. I’ll be stopping by with your celebratory spanking later. And don’t worry; I’ll bring my own cuffs.
Grendels Dad says
One vote each for AJMilne, Jadehawk, and Wowbagger.
And two votes for anyone with the HTML-fu to post NoR OM with the R backwards. ;)
thalarctos says
Hi, Grendel’s Dad! :)
Wowbagger says
Congrats, Nerd – you can throw the statuette in with the huge pile of money you get for being a paid AGW shill for Big Science™. No doubt The Redhead will be very proud.
My vote for this month is for Jadehawk.
Bill Dauphin says
None whatsoever: Disagreement is a Feature, Not a Bug™ when it’s as trenchant and thought-provoking as it always is with you. And might I add, you’re doing yeoman’s work over on the “atheist bus” thread!
BTW, could you repost, or e-mail to me, the link to the Chomsky video? I’ve lost track of exactly what thread it was posted in, and I really did want to take a look.
If you want to get in touch, you can reach me at firstname-dot-lastname-at-comcast-dot-net, where firstname is the more formal version of the “Christian” name I post under. (Think that’s bot-proof enough?)
PZ Myers says
I get a prize for “No? OM”?
(You want to use я to make that character).
PZ Myers says
Dang. Thalarctos beat me to it. I can’t even win on my own blog, waaaaa!
'Tis Himself says
Congratulations, Nerd. It’s well deserved.
birdieflybirdie386sx says
? ? ?
SC, FCTE, OM says
Aw. Same to you.
Just emailed – let me know if you don’t get it. (Sven, I emailed you a little while ago.)
Brownian says
Ha! PZ’s been Pharyngulated!
birdie386sx says
AJ Milne says
Oh my teapot. That’s still going?
Anyway, congratulations, NoR; thanks, Sastra and GD, and I’ll add a vote to Janine of the Many Titles, for persistent and enduring (and well-deserved) snarkiness above and beyond the call.
David Marjanović, OM says
Feynmaniac and tsig.
<slowly, solemnly taking glasses off>
And here I was thinking that your name was something about Brownian motion.
Ouch. :-D
Anyway, congratulations to the ИoЯoM.
clinteas says
Wowbagger is long overdue,and Jadehawk for wittiest and most knowledgeable girl debut on Pharyngula since the days of Etha.
mayhempix says
Nerd time! Congrats
My list this time is motivated by those who have long deserved even though there are many more who also deserve…
SC deserves an award for Most Competitive Punster.
Sincere thanks to Rey Fox for including me this time however I’m not sure I’m worthy of such esteemed company.
SC, FCTE, OM says
I was thinking the same about you. (Actually, I felt like I was off my game this month – distracted by the start of the semester and all…)
Pshaw! In fact, I’m planning to vote for you, Janine, and Bill D. next month if none of you get it this month. (By the way, mayhempix, and totally OT and strange: You have a very cool-shaped head. It’s geometric – like a semicircle atop a pentagon. I like it. The picture also helped to remind me that you’re a man, since for many weeks I divided your pseudonym in the wrong place and thought your name was May Something-Related-to-Hempix. Odd, I know.)
Jadehawk says
oh! it’s mayhem-pix, not may-hempix?!
I feel stupid now. :-p
and I can’t believe some you guys are nominating me *blush* That’s not exactly helping me fight SIWOTI Syndrome ;-)
Alan Kellogg says
Continuing my tradition of small livered cowardice and blatant following the herd, I place my vote for Wowbagger.
Wowbagger says
It’s easier to grasp the origin or inspiration of some handles than others; I have to admit that, until he explained it in a post a while back, I’d seen ‘hemp’ rather than ‘mayhem’ – I wonder what that says about us, Jadehawk?
Jadehawk says
I’d like to think it’s a mentality that prefers an innocuous plant to brutal chaos and mayhem
in reality, we’ve simply got pot on our brain :-p
Emmet, OM says
Congratulations to NoR, OM.
I haven’t been around much in the last few weeks nor will I be for the next while (busy, busy, busy), but I think Wowbagger is long overdue.
mayhempix says
Wow SC! You sure can make a guy flush… but thank you… and I completely agree about Bill D. FTR when I was about six a cute little girl came up to me and asked “Can I ask you a question?” I was totally floating with a kid crush… then she said, “Why is your head so big?” You have finally freed me from that frozen speechless moment.
;^ )
@SC and Jadehawk
About “mayhempix”…
I had a small production company called Mayhem Pictures. It never occurred to me that people would read it as may-hempix…. interesting. What’s funny is that all the wingnuts always think it’s a stoner reference to “hemp”.
mayhempix says
“What’s funny is that all the wingnuts always think it’s a stoner reference to “hemp”.
“I have to admit that, until he explained it in a post a while back, I’d seen ‘hemp’ …”
And I guess the Aussies too.
Not that there’s any truth to it of course.
Emmet, OM says
FCTE? I obviously missed something.
If you were a pretty girl, the obvious answer to May-Hemp-IX would be Can-Weed-VIII ? ;o)
SC, FCTE, OM says
Feminist Concern Troll Extraordinaire – based on a suggestion by that vile bitch after I was called a concern troll, with my own embellishments. (It was all this morning on the “It’s Another Atheist Bus Poll” thread. I doubt you want to try to stomach that, but Denker’s creepy comments might be entertaining.)
On a personal note, I’m so sorry for the long delay. Nothing is meant by it.
mayhempix says
SC, Feminist Concern Troll Extraordinaire, OM
And her smokin’ sister, Mary Jane-Queen of Pots.
Nerd of Redhead says
(Blushing as red as the Redhead’s hair). I got home late due to a client making sure I will be employed for the next few month, and found this surprise. A big thank you for all your support.
This month I will nominate John Morales for his philosophical insights, and (rolling seven sided die) Wowbagger for general rationalness. Also, Sastra OM has been very impressive with her summations of atheism versus religion. A bow in your direction my lady, one deserving of a tentacle cluster.
John Morales says
Congratulations, Nerd!
I’m voting (again!) for Wowbagger. Pretty much anytime I read one of Wowbagger’s posts, I think “yeah…”.
CosmicTeapot says
Congratulations Nerd, it’s about time.
For Januarz, I vote Mollz NZ for the mollz, because I’m in that sort of mood.
E.V. says
Let’s not forget John Morales for a Molly nomination. Perhaps there should be an Aussie category since they constitute a great portion of the graveyard shift here.
Facilis says
I nominate Neil B. he seems very intelligent. Also that guy who tried to prove God with certainty with his transcendental proof. That was cool
clinteas says
E.V.@ 68,
Nah,thats ok mate,we’ve been doing it for years..:-)
sublunary says
I’m late to the party, as usual, but I have to put in another vote for Wowbagger. He just impresses me with almost every comment.
Congrats to Nerd of Redhead! I am always cheered by the way you call out every creationist troll who tries to weasle out of answering questions.
Grendels Dad says
Setting aside the Molly talk for a moment, Emmet gets my vote for winner of the thread in comment #62. That is the sort of thing that gets me weird looks all day from the seemingly spontaneous giggling.
Knockgoats says
Congratulations, Nerd! For January, I nominate Wowbagger, and Bill Dauphin: both consistently intelligent and interesting.
eddie says
I’d like to nominate AnthonyK @ 308 in the ‘Stupid It Burns thread’ for a Molly.
Sili says
I thought Brownian reefered to the motion, too.
I’m horribly behind on the blogs – I fear I’ll have to swallow my pride and cull some.
Still – I can see I’ve made one note last month (but it’s most likely not representative)
wowbagger & Jadehawk
Raven is another name I keep seeing.
Congrats to NOM NOM … sorry, NoROM.
Kristjan Wager says
I think Sili could be a good candidate for the Molly. His comments are always spot on, and when I re-read the old thread about the Warda/Han paper, I saw that it was his comment that triggered the research into plagiarism – yes, it happened a year ago, but that’s just one example of an excellent comment by him.