Once you’ve voted in the poll that matters, you can go play on this Online Presidential Poll. I’m pretty sure the results won’t be binding, so you can vote for me or Immanuel Kant (wait, what? He left off Nietzsche?)
John McCain | 4% | 8 |
Barack Obama | 17% | 35 |
Rev. Jeremiah Wright | 2% | 4 |
William Ayers | 1% | 2 |
Sarah Palin | 0% | 0 |
A Moose | 4% | 8 |
PZ Myers, aka, “Pharyngula” | 2% | 5 |
Glenn Reynolds, aka, “InstaIgnorance” | 0% | 0 |
Immanuel Kant | 12% | 26 |
Any member of the PGR Advisory Board | 0% | 1 |
Any member of the Texas Taliban | 0% | 1 |
Jason Stanley | 4% | 9 |
Paul Krugman, Nobel Laureate | 9% | 19 |
Gary Becker, Nobel Laureate | 3% | 6 |
Saul Kripke, Schock Prize Winner | 5% | 11 |
The Anonymous Proprietor of the Now Defunct “Dadahead” Blog |
0% | 1 |
Stephen Colbert | 10% | 21 |
Ali G. | 4% | 9 |
A Philosopher Named Cohen (G.A., Joshua, or Stewart) |
11% | 22 |
Any Four-Dimensionalist | 10% | 21 |
I am troubled that I am being trounced by a moose, but at least I’m beating Palin.
I’m all tied in knots today. I’m not going to be able to go to sleep if they don’t have an answer for who’s won…
I was the #5 for you, PZ.
Moose for the win.
Ahead of the moose now. I will admit I was tempted to vote for the moose, but I was a bit worried by its record on foreign policy even though it was substantially better than Palin’s.
I wanted to vote for Chuck Norris, but I realized he’s not on there because, if he wants it, he just takes it.
Glen D
Wot no Allosaurus? It could eat the moose.
No time-lords either unless “Any Four-Dimensionalist” counts.
How about the Harper Valley PTA? ;-)
PZ is almost tied with Obama. Well ahead of the moose.
Unlike my vote in Texas, this one actually counted, PZ passes Obama, the flecked ilk strikes again!!
Sorry PZ, but I had to vote for Stephen Colbert. I would support you for the veepstakes* though! I am a citizen of the Colbert Nation first and foremost. Although I must admit, I would welcome the cephalod overlords with great pleasure!
*How I HATE this word and can’t wait for it to go away forever
Hey, where’s Joe the plumber?
You’re in the lead now! Didn’t take very long at all.
PZ Meyers – 24%
Barack Obama – 15%
Stephen Colbert – 10%
Moose – 5%
I, too, am a part of the Colbert Nation. But I’m sure there would be a cabinet position for PZ. Also, if Kant can be a viable candidate, why not P.G. Wodehouse? If nothing else, it would be the funniest four years of your life.
Hey, where’s Joe the plumber?
John? Is that you?
Give it up. He’s not coming…
Also, the rally’s over.
PZ 30%
Barack 14%
Com’on guys, this was a scientific effort to gauge sentiment among philosophers! So PZ has now beaten the moose, lay off!
I would have included Nietzsche, but I fear he might be a divisive candidate. We need a uniter like you or Kant.
Being Canadian, I voted for the moose. Nice to see it’s beating Sarah Palin.
Notwithstanding the pronouncements of the main stream media and those pundits here, the Moose’s campaign is strong and we are confident that when this contest is over will emerge as the Victor despite the vice-presidential pick of squirrel.
Why wasn’t Thomas Friedman on the ballot? or Fareed Zakaria? :(
Sorry, PZ. Four-Dimensonalists need a voice too.
Gave you a boost, but I don’t think you really had anything to worry about, Palin would have shot the moose anyway. :)
I note with mild ammusmanet that Biden is not on the list. I note this because it will be nice to have an ordinary vice president again that nobody cares about because he’s not trying to f*** us over (hopefully).
Too many choices. At mid day, strip the ballot to the three or five front runners and have a runoff!
PZ for Prez – Drag him in kicking and screaming!
I am troubled that I am being trounced by a moose, but at least I’m beating Palin.
A Møøse once bit my sister …
(a statement from a Palin far more intelligent than Sarah…)
Who I voted for:
I cast my vote for Paul Krugman. Nobel laureate and sci-fi fan, what’s not to like?
As a Canadian, I feel compelled to vote “Moose”.
I was begining to feel left out. At least I can vote in one election today.
a vote for moose is a vote for trouble
Yes vote for da moose!
How can you people vote for “Moose”?! Haven’t you heard? He’s been seen palling around with “Bear”. And we all know that bears are a threat to national security.
Kant? I hear he was a real pissant. Very rarely stable.
Natasha, shaddap you mouth.
You busy-bodies have busied your last body.
Vote against moose.
Heh, now Bill Ayers is ahead of McCain!
Well, at least Phill Plait is not in this poll… imagine how PZ would feel if he was behind the Bad Astronomer! :)
I voted for Moose. After all, the moose dealt with Boris and Natasha.
Natasha: (Thick Russian accent.) Boris, we must get squirrel and moose before they are elected to US presidency.
Boris: (With thicker Russian accent.) I have a plan.
Announcer: Little did the voters of Frostbite Falls know…
Hm, don’t even need to clear out cookies to vote again and have it count. Not that I know this from direct experience.
41% for PZ!
Really? I got a “Sorry, you’ve already voted!” message …
Uh oh, time for McCain to pull a “double maverick.”
After the well-known slashdot effect on websites, there is now a similar Pharyngula-effect ;-)
This poll has been pharyngulated! PZ, get ready to move in to the Whitehouse ;-)
According to the new McCain ads PZ pals around with atheists, and rumor has it, Obama’s mother had sex with a black man.
I think we can trust them on this.
I’m not sure that Immanuel Kant would be such a good president, certainly not if he enforced the categorical imperative on all issues. So, I went with the only safe option: Any four-dimensional. That way I’m pretty sure that my candidate will win in at least one of the parallel universes :)
I was a bit of a traitor and voted for Ali G. I mean, he did con Kent Hovind into being on his show, y’know…
Had to go with the moose (now at 6%) – no offense to you personally.
Choose the Moose! ¡Alce sí!
Nietzsche divisive?
College Bans Nietzsche Quote on Prof’s Door
Aye my tentacled master, I hear and obey. PZ for president! 43%!
I voted for the moose earlier, since I figured that PZ didn’t really want the job. Which actually makes him a good candidate.
Looks like you’re doing pretty well now, PZ!
The Moose campain wants to remind you that a vote for Moose is a vote against marshweed.
This time Pharyngulization has gone too far. Seriously.
(NB: I voted for Ayers).
OH PZ you’re winning by 44%!
But alas, I voted for Stephen Colbert.
44% and 517 votes.
You need to ask yourself: “Who would I want to answer the phone, when I make a prank call at 3 a.m.?”
Who is PZ’s running mate?
I voted for Moose. His political record is impeccable. and he’s cute.
PZ does not need a running mate for PZ can never die, only evolve.
“Nietzsche, Nietzsche,
He’s our man…
If he can’t do it,
Immanuel Kant!”
I love this blog.
No Kucinich, no vote from me.
At this point, I would have voted for
“Anyone who thinks young earth creationism is foolish”
I really felt I couldn’t vote for the moose without knowing precisely WHICH moose I was voting for. Individual character matters- I don’t like generic candidates. And if you’re not careful, you might end up electing a Russian moose. (I’m not using McCarthy-ite or Dole-ite scare tactics, as it is well known that Russian mooses abandoned their short-lived flirtation with communism 40 years ago. I just don’t like their present position on borscht subsidies.)
Sorry, Stephen Colbert was also on the ballot.
I voted early and I think i f’d up and voted for the wrong person. Now I’m scared: http://www.theonion.com/content/opinion/a_vote_for_my_husband_is_a_vote?utm_source=EMTF_Onion
Vote for Moose. We won’t boreal you!
Imagine if the moose in question was Lumpy from Happy Tree Friends…
I clicked on your bullet PZ but it kept jumping up one to the Moose!
Drat, #25 beat me to it…
And now that P-Zed is soundly in front, I suggest the rest of you vote for Colbert–that way, if HE wins, PZ might get a mention on the show.
Then PZ could raise his speaking fees. Win-Win.
My vote moved the stat for total votes for PZ at 666. Perfecto!
“any four dimensionalist” includes Ziltoid the Omniscient, right?
A vote for Moose is a vote for you
Excellent suggestion, Marty!
You’re winning! I think Obama can not possibly go around this result. McCain could, if he would win that other election, obviously ;-)
I really wanted to vote for ERV, cause she’s hawt…
So I settled for PZ.
FIRST RESULTS (which do not actually count in the electoral college) are in:
Obama has won the territory of Guam (West of the dateline, so one day ahead of the rest of the country).
Obama 62%
McCain 37%
Barr 0.65% (212 votes out of 32,272)
This territory voted 2-1 for Bush in 2004( maybe because of a lot of military people living there?).
I think it will be a landslide.
I was volunteering for a couple of hours this morning and we were getting out the vote in a lower-middle class African American neighbourhood in Milwaukee. Almost every house we went to, the adults had already voted. AND they thanked us profusely for taking the trouble to walk around their neighbourhood and the “Bless yous” would have melted your heart. Wisconsin for Obama by close to ten points….I have never seen such grass roots enthusiasm in an American election.
I vote for any science blogger who sticks to science!
The surprisingly strong showing of Immanuel Kant clearlly shows that attack ads can backfire.
677 for PZ. He’s kickin’ ass.
Another vote for A Moose.
Because, y’know, why not?
Moose – 117 votes 7%
up from 5%. You can not stop the Moose Talk Express.
Had to vote for Da Moose
I assumed the link would be to verse calling him “very rarely stable,” and slanderously referring to him as a “real pissant.”
A vote for the Moose is a vote for…err, um I got nothing. Voted Moose anyway.
Thank Yøu. Thank yøu all før vøting før me!
Änd yes, it was me whø bit yøur sistër. :)
A vote for Moose is another vote against Anne Elk.
And you know, Miss Elk nailed that brontosaurus thingy.
Glen D
Vote for Ali. G… aka BORAT
He has foreign policy experience! Sexy time!
I agree with marty (#69). It would be best if the race is really close. If we get lucky, Stephen might even put PZ on his hate list (sorry, I don’t remember the technical term).
Sorry, PZ. I voted for the moose. It’s time to stop figuratively voting for the dominant male with the biggest antlers.
Total OT but way interesting.
ScienceDaily (Nov. 4, 2008) — A team led by a Montana State University professor has found a fungus that produces a new type of diesel fuel, which they say holds great promise. Calling the fungus’ output “myco-diesel,” Gary Strobel and his collaborators describe their initial observations in the November issue of Microbiology.
Since there was noi way to write in Dr. Kervorkian’s name, I had to go with the moose. I can only hope it is a well-armed Alaskan moose with a nasty temper when shot at.
@#92: Yeah, I saw that. The “novel fungus” though was described as Penicillium roseum by Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link in 1816, and got its current name, Clonostachys rosea f. rosea, in 1999. Gliocladium roseum is a homologue name.
When Colbert gets hold of this and possibly puts it on the air, the Nation will absolutely crush the heretofore undefeated PZ minions. But I bet someone could change this result by editing a couple of Wikipedia entries. Just sayin’.
On Notice and Dead to Me boards.
#87 and #88 had perfect timing. Yay for Pythonesque synchronicity!
Shit. This is embarrassing. I hadn’t noticed that Krugman had won the Nobel prize in Economics, until I saw this list.
Man, I gotta read more news…
Sorry, Dr. Myers, but my vote matters, and I think Obama would make a better president than you.
PZ, you’re trouncing everyone else at 45%. Don’t let all that power go to your head.
You wanna know ‘ow I make diz country bettah? Iz simple, two words: keep it real! -Ali G
Sorry PZ, I considered you but had to go for Stephen Colbert in the end. After eight years of amateur clowning I thought America might want to graduate to a professional.
1000 votes for PZed!!
Vote for Moose.
In your heart you know he’s right.
I was PZ’s 999th vote! That’s 666 upside down!
Let’s see what Fox makes of THAT statistic.
PZ for president! What a shame he’s not a candidate for the real president, still I suppose we will have to settle for Obama. Only hours to go before that grumpy old grampa and his (dozy queen of anti-science) running mate are long forgotten nobodies! Well let’s hope anyway.
Vote for Moose!!!!
A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage!
Does it register a vote as soon as you click on a button? I can’t see any “Vote” button! I’m being disenfranchised!!
Voted for the only real scientist in that list that:
1. I actually know
2. Is actually alive
3. Has abundantly demonstrated serious knack for communicating effectively to non-scientist public
Prizes don’t impress me much. Perceptive, penetrating and intelligible discourse ungarnished by unnecessarily opaque specialist or academic language together with boundless sensibility and enthusiasm does. That guy will go far and do much good.
I assume of course you mean, a Moose.
Does it register a vote as soon as you click on a button? I can’t see any “Vote” button! I’m being disenfranchised!!
Click on the Query button on the left, which takes you to another page with a Vote button.
Vote for Immanuel Kant: a categorical imperative in every pot, and a critique of pure reason in every garage!
A Moose
Rumination You Can Believe In
Nick Gotts: Does it register a vote as soon as you click on a button? I can’t see any “Vote” button! I’m being disenfranchised!!
SC: Click on the Query button on the left, which takes you to another page with a Vote button.
I just checked, and the website is not i Florida, as one would suspect if considering the irrational clicking before voting, but in California :)
PZ I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for you. I’m afraid you would give cephalopods special rights.
The Artiodactyl We Need
Thanks SC! I was going to vote for Immanuel Kant, but at the last moment I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for a transcendental idealist, and plumped for the moose instead.
They stole the election from you, PZ!!! A “5 pm update” indicates that all your votes were “spoiled”! (sounds very fishy to me).
It puts Obama in the lead, with Colbert and A Moose following behind.
Moose all the way!
Seriously, I’ve had enough of these politicians and their “Boys Club”. It’s time to bring in a fresh perspective, a greener perspective, a more natural perspective. A perspective that can only be achieved by having your head in a marsh and getting bitten to the point of raving insanity by blackflies for eight months of the year. It’s time we stopped listening to the average male human and open our ears and our hearts to the bellow of change echoing forth from the swamplands.
Vote Moose.
They’ve stolen the election!!
Scroll down on the first page!!
They’ve discounted PZed’s votes entirely.
What are they, Republicans?
It’s a sad day.
Vote Yourself a Forest.
They’ve discounted PZed’s votes entirely.
Moose now running third behind Obama and Colbert!
Darth Wader, #116, wrote:
Hey, I’m all for special rights for cephalopods – the special right to be cooked with salt-and-pepper seasoning…
Exposing voter fraud is your duty as Americans. The Moose campaign is happy that the fraud has been exposed and the dignity of the election upheld.
Vote for Moose!!
Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, Free Men, and Free Moose!!
You was robbed! Demand a recount! Take it all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary! Cephalopods Unite! Obey your tentacled masters!
where’s nader :(
I voted for that PZ Myers guy. I hear he’s gonna become King Pharynluga after he gets elected!
Why vote for a candidate with no chance of winning. Make your vote count!
Vote Moose
I’m sorry PZ but your poll crashing abilities, while strong, cannot compete with Colbert ( see Hungarian bridge).
As a member of the Ailurophiliac Party I was disappointed that no cat was on the ballot so I had to cast my vote for A Moose.
A Moose
Building a bridge further into the 21st century, and not to nowhere.
Vote Moose
u r da winna (so far 46%)! epic pwnage mr myers ! we r not worthy – so … whos your running mate going to be ????
A Moose promises to outlaw L337 speak.
V0t3 f0r M00s3!
I know! I know!
A Møøse! :)
A Moose
Cervidae First!
I loled at “Who would you REALLY like to see elected?”
I think they’re onto you, PZ
A Moose, of course.
Vote Moose.
PZ – 47%
Obama – 14%
Colbert – 12%
Moose – 6%
And now the LULz:
Ayers – 2%
McCain – 1%
Is must to vote Moose
Consider prolific cabinet of Rockey J. Squirrel, VP; Boris Badenov, Homeland Security; Natasha Fatale, HHS; Captain Peter “Wrongway” Peachfuzz, Defense; Gidney & Cloyd, State; Mr Peabody, Treasury; and Sherman, Chief of Staff.
you’re still beating that cock-sucking whore.
way to go.
after tonight Sarah will have had her 15 minutes of fame.
We have been disenfranchised!
Yes we Kant!
Fuck right off.
This election is getting to be a real Kirwood Derby.
Oooo. I just went back and actually read all of the thread and am proud of the company I’m keeping. Unfortunately for them, it’s probably not reciprocal.
(Oh well, we all have our Jeremiah Wrights and Bill Ayers. Well, they do.)
Moose On!
Currently 1290 votes for Mr. Myers. 48%. Well past a plurality. Well on its way to a majority. Bravisimo.
I’m dissappointed though that Marvin the Paranoid Android was not an option.
Currently 1290 votes for Mr. Myers. 48%. Well past a plurality. Well on its way to a majority. Bravisimo.
Those votes have been disallowed.
It’s no use not voting for Moose.
You can’t stop the Swamp Donkey! Go Moose! Go!
Based on different reasons for each real candidate, I find both despicable and couldn’t bring myself to vote for either. I ended up voting for PZ on both elections (would have written in Hitchens as his political views are a bit more in line with mine, but of course, he is not eligible)
OT: Kay Hagan is kicking Elizabeth Dole’s ASS!
Vote Moose.
It’s better than getting kicked in the balls.
Rev BDC #111: “I assume of course you mean, a Moose.”
But of course! Definitely. Who else?
Antlers…I SWOON. As prominences sprouting from the head – blush – they remind me so of cephalopods in solidified form…
Sorry PZ, but I just couldn’t resist mere appearance. I hope you will forgive my transgression into this bit of rank idolatry. I just can’t bear the thought of you working even harder than you already are.
PZ’s, you’re up to 48%.
I, for one, welcome our cephalopod overlords.
Come on, I need a *real* polls thread!
I had quite a rotten night four years ago, waiting for results. If you don’t post something soon, I’ll have to figure out how to get back on IRC…
Why no open thread? Very un-PZish
McCain continuing his long history of not being president
The bastards! They threw out PZ’s votes.
Release the Kracken!!
Nice! I love that cheesy movie
ELIZABETH DOLE LOSES…..ok hagen is not the best, but still…
Liddy Dole is toast!
Yay! XD
Yup. From the BBC live coverage:
0117 GMT More bad news for the GOP: Republican Sen Elizabeth Dole – the wife of 1996 Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole – has been unseated in North Carolina.
Californians might like this little bunny comic cartoon: crazy talk
Penn for Obama!!
Ladies and gentleman…it’s over.
Obama Obama Obama Obama
Please, let this be the last we hear of Palin.
I voted for the moose….PZ’s university needs him to keep teaching students how to think (note: Not WHAT to think, but HOW to think…how to use their brains.)
Since I feel the office of president is superfluous and unnecessary, I had to choose the one most fitting for that position, so sorry, PZ, I had to vote for the moose. Unfortunately there is a good chance that an upset Sarah Palin will assasinate the moose at the first opportunity if the moose wins the election. And, just in case, the Game and Wildlife departments better start training a secret service division. :-D
(Anybody ever hear the old Woody Allen stand up bit about shooting a moose? Hysterical)
Well and truly pharyngulated.
I think it’s doubly honorable that the nearest runner-up (and it is quite distant) is Stephen Colbert.
Michael Palin was running too. How come he was left off?
The list also excluded four ACTUAL candidates…
For all that work, the over percentage haven’t changed much since early on, and the top three remain PZ, Obama, Colbert.
Nietzsche’s not much of a proper atheist. His understanding of science — including evolution — is dim, and his reasons for being an atheist are of the sentimental kind.
What, no squid?! The injustice!
Congratulations! You’ve just hit 50%!
Nietzsche is Dead.
The Cohen ticket doesn’t include Leonard?!!!
Congratulations! All of your work has been deleted!
Don’t blame me, I voted for a moose.
Yes noyb, it is SUCH hard work to click a mouse a couple of times.
You got us.