
  1. David Marjanović says

    That is a good article!!!

    The Bank understandably wants to throw Wolfowitz overboard. I say, Let the ship go down with the captain.

  2. David Marjanović says

    That is a good article!!!

    The Bank understandably wants to throw Wolfowitz overboard. I say, Let the ship go down with the captain.

  3. AstroPaul says

    Don’t get me wrong, I think Wolfowitz and his compatriots bear responsibility for the present Iraq debacle, but if what Christopher Hitchens says is true (, then it’s possible that the “girlfriend” in question, Shaha Riza, is a highly qualified long-time World Bank staffer, who took this new outside position in order to AVOID the conflict of interest that would follow from having Wolfowitz as her supervisor. In which case the whole “scandal” appears to have been contrived to attack the (justifiably) disliked Wolfowitz, while destroying the professional reputation of Ms. Riza based solely on her personal life — not a very feminist thing for the left to do.

  4. says

    Neddie loves him some PZ Myers….

    I rather stopped listening to anything Christopher Hitchens says some time ago — and my liver is the healthier for it — but to have your Main Squeeze working anywhere in your organization is asking for trouble.

  5. bernarda says

    Bravo Hugo Chavez!

    “President Hugo Chavez announced Monday he would formally pull Venezuela out of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, a largely symbolic move since the nation has already canceled its debts to the lending institutions.”

    This CNN report is interesting because it uses the word “canceled”–11:21 pm. In fact in an earlier report, CNN used the correct term, “paid off”.

    So, why did CNN decide to change the wording? Here is the report some minutes earlier–10:46 pm.

  6. Fernando Magyar says

    can’celed check’

    a check that has been redeemed by a bank and then usually returned to the issuer, i.e. paid off.

    It might be something as innocent as cultural nuance in terminology,eh? Nah,that was deliberate.