It takes a special kind of mind to see Satan

Remember Utah Republican Don Larsen? He made a speech recently. It sounds like his proposal to blame Satan for illegal immigrants was just the caboose on a whole trainful of crazy — liberals and Mexicans are Satan’s minions out to destroy America.

Don Larsen, chairman of legislative District 65 for the Utah County Republican Party, had submitted a resolution warning that Satan’s minions want to eliminate national borders and do away with sovereignty.

In a speech at the convention, Larsen told those gathered that illegal immigrants “hate American people” and “are determined to destroy this country, and there is nothing they won’t do.”

Illegal aliens are in control of the media, and working in tandem with Democrats, are trying to “destroy Christian America” and replace it with “a godless new world order — and that is not extremism, that is fact,” Larsen said.

At the end of his speech, Larsen began to cry, saying illegal immigrants were trying to bring about the destruction of the U.S. “by self invasion.”

The crying was a nice touch. It convinces me that he’s sincerely nuts.

I notice something interesting here, though, that infects a lot of debates of interest to me. It’s not enough that he disagrees strongly with immigration policy, or that he thinks the presence of godless liberals has bad consequences on his goals for the country; he has to see intent. If a policy decision has a bad effect, it can’t be because it was unforeseen, or because many decisions have to balance tradeoffs — it can only be because the bad result was intended. Mr Larsen lives in a simple world where there are good people doing good works, and evil people working against the good people with malign purpose, and nothing in between.

I suspect he even views natural events through the lens of omnipresent intent. It’s why he’s committed to the existence of an evil supernatural agent, Satan. After all, if bad things happen to him, if he gets a flat tire on the way to work or a Democrat is elected to office or there is a brush fire in a canyon near his home, there must have been an enemy working directly to do mischief. That something can “just happen” without a conscious mind behind it is inconceivable.

Anyone want to bet on whether Don Larsen is a creationist? I’d also bet that Mr Larsen is the kind of guy who finds the argument that “I can’t imagine something as complex as a human brain arising without intelligent planning” to be compelling.


  1. Ric says

    CR-AZY! These are the nutjobs that want political power in this country… or rather, these are the nutjobs who hold the power now.

  2. Russell says

    You’re just part of the liberal media that is going to use this to make fun of Republicans. ;-)

  3. says

    Show me a politician, and I’ll show you a great reason not to bother voting. Sadly, this guy probably isn’t a lot different than most, he’s just doing us the favor of wearing his stupidity on his sleeve.

  4. Boosterz says

    a godless new world order — and that is not extremism, that is fact

    I guess that sounds a little better then the standard, “and I’m not crazy either!” line. :-)

  5. commissarjs says

    Illegal aliens are in control of the media? When did the jews cede control of the media to illegal aliens? Is this going to set back the international zionist conspiracy?

  6. Nomen Nescio says

    illegal aliens are in control of the media? what’d they do to push out the jooos, i wonder…?

    (seriously, that level of stupid should carry a government-mandated “hazardous to your health” warning label. i’ve seen illegal aliens on the streets of my town, and the words “media mogul” have never popped into my head. “starvation wage farm hand”, commonly…)

  7. rrt says

    This reminds me of the “human tendency to spot patterns and read intent” hypothesis for why we have religion.

  8. Graculus says

    Show me a politician, Show me a politician, and I’ll show you a great reason not to bother voting..

    Show me a human being, Show me a politician, and I’ll show you a great reason not to bother voting.

    Seriously, the insistance on sainthood in politicians is silly and immature. What they should be is reality based and competent to the job. Anything after that is just a plus.

  9. says

    To quote Pink Floyd’s “The Trial”

    Crazy, toys in the attic I am crazy,
    Truly gone fishing
    They must have taken my marbles away
    (Crazy, toys in the attic he’s crazy)

  10. Kimpatsu says

    [i]Seriously, the insistance on sainthood in politicians is silly and immature. What they should be is reality based and competent to the job[/i]
    Really? Doesn’t honesty figure into it?

  11. ckerst says

    The illegals i run into, and there are hoards of them, seem to be a religious sort. I’d say 80% Catholic, which I guess wouldn’t count in Larsen’s book, and 20% crimminal.

  12. says


    No doubt! I just haven’t seen anyone like this yet… I’m not asking for too much, am I?

  13. Dunc says

    Seriously: what are the rules regarding involuntary commitment over there? Normally I’m perfectly happy to let unmedicated paranoid schizophrenics wander around, but not when they’re in a position to harm people. This type of rant just screams “untreated mental illness”.

  14. says

    What invisible super beings support American ideals?

    If the account given in Genesis is really true, ought we not, after all, to thank this serpent? He was the first schoolmaster, the first advocate of learning, the first enemy of ignorance, the first to whisper in human ears the sacred word liberty, the creator of ambition, the author of modesty, of inquiry, of doubt, of investigation, of progress and of civilization.
    — Robert G. Ingersoll, 1872

  15. says

    They are not illegal aliens. They are just aliens.

    Regarding commitment and insanity: Utah is the center of the Great Basin, a geophysical province from which no water escapes unless it is in the form of vapor (or, I suppose, exported soda pop and such).

    When the Mormons originally ended up here after being driven out of every other place they settled, there was a collective, national (actually, international) sigh of relief. The assumption was that this remote area, circumscribed with mountains and rugged terrain, would be a good place for them and the difficulties they caused would be over.

    Unfortunately, this was forgotten about when we built the Federal Highway System and airports and such.

  16. says

    So there is a politician screwier than that moron Tancredo who wants to nuke Mecca as a reprisal against an Al Qaeda nuclear strike…

  17. Spirula says

    self invasion

    Didn’t realize that was possible. Or is it a euphemism like “self-abuse” is for masturbation?

  18. Scott says

    He may be crazy, but his concerns may not be that far off base. As a godless liberal, I DO want to destroy Christian America and replace it with a godless new-world order.

    I also believe that the nationalism this guy spouts is just as dangerous as his religious views. His hatred of immigrants comes more from a radical nationalism and racism rather than his religion.

  19. Josh says

    So, these illigal immigrants hate americans so much that… they all move to america? Um, when did the rules on love-hate change? I mean I know people say you can have a love-hate relationship, but I’ve never heard it had got this far. I’m not too fond of rasists, does this mean I have to go to white power rallies now?

  20. says

    SATAN? I read this and thought it was a joke the first time around. Then I remembered that everything is a little screwy in the ski mecca of Utah. I would agree with Scott #21 regarding Larson’s radical nationalism and racism affecting his judgement, but considering he cried at the end of his speech, I chalk it up to mind-warping hyper-religiosity.

    Does anybody know what flavor of insanity Larson prescribes to?

  21. duquesne_pdx says

    If a policy decision has a bad effect, it can’t be because it was unforeseen, or because many decisions have to balance tradeoffs — it can only be because the bad result was intended.

    So what’s his position on W’s lack of administration and criminal negligence re: Iraq? Or the endemic corruption with the repuglicans in general?

  22. eewolf says

    Larson and his idiotic ideas are laughable, but this is ignored by those who benefit from it.

    Senator Howard Stephenson, R-Draper, spoke against the resolution, saying Larsen, whom he called a “true patriot and a close friend,” was embarrassing the Republican Party.

    This is more dangerous. The idea that you can (and have to) ignore lunatic rantings because someone is part of your political and/or idealogical base has become normalized.

    Notice he doesn’t indicate that there is anything particularly wrong with his “close friend.” If he really was a friend, he would get the man some professional help.

    I think there is an interesting parallel with denialist/cranks described in this blog article.

    “It explains the tendency of cranks not to care if other cranks (and denialists in general for that matter) have variations on their own crazy ideas, just as long as the other cranks are opposing the same perceived incorrect truth.”

  23. raven says

    Larsen, the avowed foe of Satan, is “chairman of legislative District 65 for the Utah County Republican Party,”. Presumably he is representing the views of district 65 republicans or he would be removed from his position. Crazy he might be but it looks like a lot of his neighbors agree with him. I hope they don’t do something silly like have a Salem class withhunt or something.

    Larsen: Illegal aliens are in control of the media, and working in tandem with Democrats,

    Not exactly a fan of reality either. Rupert Murdoch, an Australian, controls much of the US media. He is the owner of FOX cable, a far right outlet that works in tandem with Republicans.

    Most of the illegal aliens in my neighborhood appear to be maids and gardeners. Must be a clever disguise. ROTFLMAO.

  24. Bruce says

    ckerst: “I’d say 80% Catholic, … and 20% crimminal.”

    What, there’s no overlap?

    Cabrone! He has found us out, our self invasion. We must flee!

    What a maroon.

  25. stogoe says

    I wonder who’s been smuggling all these low wage workers into the USA for extra CEO profits. Now, who could it be? Could it be…Satan?

  26. raven says

    Larsen has a bright future ahead of him as a comedian. I wonder what else Satan is responsible for? From his viewpoint probably most of 20 and 21st century civilization. This guy has to get his own talk radio show and soon. He could give Limbaugh some serious competition.

  27. Curiosis says

    It’s not enough that he disagrees strongly with immigration policy, or that he thinks the presence of godless liberals has bad consequences on his goals for the country; he has to see intent. If a policy decision has a bad effect, it can’t be because it was unforeseen, or because many decisions have to balance tradeoffs — it can only be because the bad result was intended.

    It’s odd that you would say this. You seem certain that the invasion of Iraq and the resulting deaths were what Bush intended. Is it possible that this was a policy decision with a bad affect? Or a tradeoff that you simply disagree with?

    Larsen demonizes his opponents. Your position on the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq seems little different to me.

  28. Steve_C (Secular Elitist) FCD says

    Bush’s intent is to STAY regardless of the deaths. He refuses to accept the fact that his policy is a failure.

    His intent was always to invade Iraq regardless of what the critics are the facts bore out.

    Tenet has said as much.

  29. David Marjanović says

    Larsen demonizes his opponents. Your position on the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq seems little different to me.

    The difference is that in the latter case we have plenty of evidence for intent and none against it.

  30. David Marjanović says

    Larsen demonizes his opponents. Your position on the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq seems little different to me.

    The difference is that in the latter case we have plenty of evidence for intent and none against it.

  31. creeky belly says

    How else would the fundamentalist/conspiracy theorist population be represented? He must have received the majority vote from somewhere.

    “Larsen demonizes his opponents. Your position on the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq seems little different to me.”
    Larsen literally demonizes his opponents: they are demons from the Bible whose intent was to harm America. Personally, I think the Bush administration’s ineptitude and incompetence doomed Iraq, not that they intended to screw it up.

  32. Flex says

    “by self invasion.”

    What a maroooon.

    Doesn’t he even know that the proper phrase is “Fifth Column.”

    We already have a perfectly good, pejoritive, phrase which sounds semi-intelligent and at the same time people aren’t entirely sure what it means, so it’s a bit scary.


    Not scary at all.

  33. dw says

    Someone over at the Daily Show seriously needs to interview this guy. I remember an interview they did a few years back with a mayor who banned Satan from her city.

  34. says

    As if Satan weren’t bad enough, there was a sighting of a Super Satan on Sunday’s episode of Family Guy. “Vatican scientists” were credited with the discovery of the new arch-fiend, although Super Devil soon met his match when Dog brought him down (apparently more effective than God). (link)

  35. KiwiInOz says

    Rupert Murdoch is an illegal alien?? C’mon. I know that he is Australian and an agent of Satan, but that is just too much.

  36. Curiosis says


    And FDR’s intent was to press the war in Europe regardless of our initial losses.

    Perhaps the hope of a democratic Iraq will remain unrealized, but leaving will guarantee failure.

    And if Bush saw Iraq as a threat, then an intent to stop that threat was reasonable. If he was wrong to think that Iraq possessed WMDs, then why was the UN conducting inspections? Did you see them as a waste of time prior to the invasion?

  37. Curiosis says

    David said:

    The difference is that in the latter case we have plenty of evidence for intent and none against it.

    What evidence is there that Bush intended the war in Iraq to last 4 years and result in thousands of US deaths?

    Is there any credible evidence that Bush did not believe that Iraq had WMDs but invaded anyway?

  38. Larry says

    If this whackjob is an elected representative of the people, what must the people be like?


  39. Fraser Hartley says

    Hmm, don’t you normally check it out and make absolutely certain your suspicions are right before you embark on a war that kills 650,000 plus? And the IAEA had been conducting inspections for quite a while and found nada. And yes, I know an Egyptian led the inspection team. So what?

  40. says

    Wow. “Self invasion.” Too much to handle…getting overwhelmed by the stupidity…I’m going back to Mexico now.

  41. wrg says

    And if Bush saw Iraq as a threat, then an intent to stop that threat was reasonable. If he was wrong to think that Iraq possessed WMDs, then why was the UN conducting inspections? Did you see them as a waste of time prior to the invasion?

    That’s a curious sort of argument. You seem to claim that the UN investigation by itself proved the presence of WMD. That’s not quite how things work. When you look for something somewhere, it’s probably because you suspect it’s there, but that in itself certainly doesn’t prove it is. Otherwise, lost keys wouldn’t be a problem; simply look for them somewhere, and there they must be!

    Comparing Bush to Roosevelt is just the sort of thing he enjoys. He loves to be seen as a war president, guiding the nation through crises, not all of which are due to his incompetent administration. Hussein was no Hitler and had not engaged in a campaign of invasion immediately prior to the American invasion. There was no Pearl Harbor from Iraq, either; Whitehouse innuendo about al-Qaeda notwithstanding, Iraq did not attack America.

    Perhaps there were valid reasons for America to invade, but the Whitehouse seems to spend most of its time spinning, or outright lying, about its decisions so far and promoting idealistic visions of the future. I doubt Bush intended to make a hash of governance, but that’s what happens if you’re so “faith-based” as to disdain reality.

    Recent American executive policy seems to me like a child who dreams of being king. King Bush shall topple tyrants from their thrones, liberate the adoring masses, and take all the bad people and put them away where they’ll never hurt anyone again. As long as we have the moral conviction to tell good people from bad with a firm handshake, who really needs stuffy old books of law, habeas corpus, or activist judges?

    I expect Bush has a rather special mind, too, but still knows better than to say things like the statements that started the thread.

  42. ChrisO says

    You’ll like the text of the resolution itself – it’s completely nuts!

    Resolution opposing Satan’s plan to destroy the U.S. by stealth invasion

    Whereas, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Revelation 12:9)

    Whereas, in order for Satan to establish his “New World Order” and destroy the freedom of all people as predicted in the Scriptures, he must first destroy the U.S. There are ways to destroy a nation other than with bombs or bullets. The mostly quiet and unspectacular invasion of illegal immigrants does not focus the attention of the nation the way open warfare does, but is all the more insidious for its stealth and innocuousness.

    Whereas, Americans will have to make a choice: either close our borders to illegal immigration, which is now vastly greater than any time in the past, or witness the passing country [sic]. The proof of this statement is the record of history. It is a history littered with the gravestones of great nations and civilizations which allowed invaders to overrun them. If we fail to learn from the lessons of history, we are doomed to repeat them.

    Whereas, all polls show that the American people overwhelmingly want limited immigration, reform and control of our borders as mandated by the Constitution. But many do not realize the extent of the dangers ahead because of the lack of accurate media coverage and public debate. An important reason for the lack of understanding is that the powerful commercial, political, ethnic, and the godless globalist elites who control the major media do not want the issues of illegal immigration to come to national attention.

    Whereas, it is obvious that most promoters of massive immigration and open borders do not like the ideas of patriotism, national identity, sovereignty, our Christian culture and freedom. Many consider themselves cosmopolitans or world citizens. Their religion is atheistic humanism. They are found primarily among the elite of foundations, universities, big business, left-wing politicians, Hollywood, ACLU (Anti-Christian Lawyers Union [sic]), CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the American power elite and the liberal media. They prefer a world without borders ruled by a one world tyrannical government.

    Whereas, we cannot benefit the world by eliminating our borders and sovereignty as advocated by Satan’s “axis of evil”, if we do, the world will pull us down to its lowest common level and we will have committed national suicide. In that case, the U.S. will no longer be a free and prosperous land or light of liberty for all nations. Once he has destroyed the U.S., Satan will be able to establish his “Satanic New World Order” and destroy the freedom of all people.

    Whereas, the national security and the future of the nation and the American people depends upon how well we do our job and defend our borders. We must control our borders to illegal immigration, have a well regulated temporary worker program, as needed, or face extinction. The destruction of the U.S. by the forces of evil is a top priority of Satan.
    Now therefore, we (delegates) are obligated to support the Utah State and Utah County Republicans Platforms regarding the mandates to support the “Rule of Law” and the Constitutional mandate to protect and secure our national borders.

    Now therefore, because we support the “Rule of Law,” the Constitution and the principals that made America the greatest and freest nation in history, the Utah County Republican Party supports the closing of our national borders to illegal immigration to prevent the destruction of the U.S. by stealth invasion.

    Submitted by: Don Larsen, District 65 Chairman

  43. Caledonian says

    Perhaps the hope of a democratic Iraq will remain unrealized, but leaving will guarantee failure.

    Staying doesn’t seem any more likely to produce democracy – not that democracy is the point.

    And just because a threat is seen doesn’t make any arbitrary reaction reasonable.

  44. synthesist says

    Doesn’t this inscription appear on a famous US statue ???

    The New Colossus

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
    With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
    –Emma Lazarus, 1883 av JC

    perhaps he hasn’t read it ?

  45. Steve_C (Secular Elitist) FCD says


    Iraq was an impotent and powerless threat. They went in thinking it would be a push over without considering the ramifications. They wanted to reshape the middle east and install a democracy and have a new oil supplier with sweet deals for american contractors. That was their intent.

    They failed to plan. They are incompetent and they will never admit they were wrong.

  46. says

    If the illegal immigrants control the media, how come we have only two Spanish channels? Are there ANY in Utah?

    Larsen’s bill made me cry, too.

  47. N. C. says

    If the illegal immigrants control the media, how come we have only two Spanish channels? Are there ANY in Utah?

    I bet Larsen was channel surfing one evening and he stumbled across Ugly Betty on ABC and it was all downhill from there.

  48. says

    I guess to realize that the plutocratic policies of the US wreck local economies and produce mass migrations is way beyond this guy. And that slur against the ACLU. What a nutcase.