Anyone want to help Joolya with her unpleasant personal fungus problem? I should warn you that there are photographs at that link, and she is naked under her lab coat.
Thanks PZ and gentle readers! So far I’m leaning towards it being some kind of person-carried Candida, though I would not be surprised if it came from the HVAC, since the flow hood right next to it was on the blink all week.
Anyway, cheers again for the traffic and input.
PS: don’t worry, all, I usually do wear clothes in the lab. It’s like, a metaphor, dig? Haha.
After clicking on the link, I am not sure if I should be disappointed about the lack of nakedness under the lab coat, or relieved.
On second thought, a reference to nakedness and fungus makes me relieved that the nakedness wasn’t evident.
Oh, and I don’t know what fungus it is either. Tinea would be my fungus of preference, considering the other known places where fungus can form.
I wouldn’t recommend wearing only a lab coat, they can chafe like hell.
They can chafe. Yet, in her profile picture, that seems to be all Joolya is wearing.
Oh, my Candida
We could make it together
The further from here, girl, the better
Where the air is fresh and clean
Holy cats! I looked at the images, and you’re right! She is naked under that lab coat.
Thanks PZ and gentle readers! So far I’m leaning towards it being some kind of person-carried Candida, though I would not be surprised if it came from the HVAC, since the flow hood right next to it was on the blink all week.
Anyway, cheers again for the traffic and input.
PS: don’t worry, all, I usually do wear clothes in the lab. It’s like, a metaphor, dig? Haha.