Once again, in the nomination thread for the Molly award, two names came up over and over again, and since this isn’t the kind of thing where we should nit-pick, I’ll put up two winners once more:
Now I know there are a few complaints about this being a popularity contest, but that’s because it is — that’s the whole point. You all know you don’t just come here because you like me—judging by my mail, a fair number of you are driven to fits by me—but there’s also this community of active commenters here that attracts readers, too. This is a tool to give me an excuse to acknowledge the gang lurking under the articles.
Congratulations to Blake and Hank! Great choices. I look forward to more insightful comments coming from them.
Wonderful choices indeed! Congratulations!
Hmmm… I’m reminded of this advice given last month: Now, of course, you two have a reputation to maintain. Be wary, for if you let your standards slip. . . well, let’s just say I know a few Evil Overlords who are looking to test a few less elaborate methods of hero extermination. We don’t want any unpleasantness, do we?
Pot…kettle…Blake! Hehe. ;-)
Blake deserves this for his last HST-based comment alone, in the Vegas-woo thread. That one had me laughing.
Hip hip hooray! Congratulations! [Cue the confetti drop now]
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Damn. Even without exclamation points and question marks, it still looks like bleeped-out profanity. Back to the drawing board.
That looks like fine confetti to me. Granted, I make my confetti out of F-bombs.
I’m ridiculously delighted! One of my little secrets is that when I’m happy, I smile big … but when I’m REALLY happy, I giggle like a 5-year-old. Fortunately I live alone so nobody can see me right now.
And if anybody says anything later, I’ll damn well deny it.
Thanks, PZ! And thanks to all those who nominated me! In such dazzling company, it’s truly fantastic to be singled out for notice.
That video ad is annoying… tricks me into thinking you posted a video.
Flash is for suckers. Just uninstall it, and the ad will go away.
Congratulations to the winners. The prize is well-deserved.
Inoculated Mind:
I surf with Firefox and the AdBlock and FlashBlock plugins. The latter replaces all Flash insertions with a blank box and a “play” button, which when pressed brings up the animation or whatever as normal. Together, they make surfing the Wobosphere quite a bit more bearable.
To all:
Many thanks! I notice that I didn’t get my own blag up and running in time to catch the Pharyngulan traffic spike, but so it goes.
I woke up this morning with some choice phrases about antibiotic resistance spinning in my head, so with any luck I’ll have some juicy new prose for you all soon. Again, a plenitude of thanks.
Now Hank, I’ve always wanted to know – are you the Hank who’s ass we’re supposed to kiss to get a million dollars? :)
Congratulations to the winners, it was well deserved.
As I expect that previous winners will not be eligible again (at least for a while), I should probably catch up on my earlier comment. Perhaps a postfact comment on why I would have voted for the alternative winner will become a tradition.
I would have voted for Hank Fox because he often makes great and new points, have his own style, and drives me nuts when inserting his signature empty lines that disturbs reading.
(No, I’m not masochistic. But it’s great for brain plasticity to meet a fair amount of challenge now and then. So there.)
Like “Forgetting antibiotic resistance is futile”?
Congratulations to the winners, it was well deserved.
As I expect that previous winners will not be eligible again (at least for a while), I should probably catch up on my earlier comment. Perhaps a postfact comment on why I would have voted for the alternative winner will become a tradition.
I would have voted for Hank Fox because he often makes great and new points, have his own style, and drives me nuts when inserting his signature empty lines that disturbs reading.
(No, I’m not masochistic. But it’s great for brain plasticity to meet a fair amount of challenge now and then. So there.)
Like “Forgetting antibiotic resistance is futile”?
That is, when it is deserved, of course. As in previous cases.
That is, when it is deserved, of course. As in previous cases.
*Clap clap clap clap clap clap*
Congrats boys. You make PZ’s place extra entertaining.
If I was the possessive type (Internet Translation: “a psychotic stalker”) I’d be all, like “Who’s this Nicole chick?” but of course I’m not, so…
Uh… What were we talking about? Oh yeah! Congratulations, Blake and Hank!
And LOL @ “, OM”
I never seem to attract the attention of the truly psychotic stalkers, just the mildly over-curious. I’m oddly unhappy about this.
(And come on, my fellow Order of the Molly winners! Suffix a few letters and let your community of commenters know that you care. (-: )
As far as I know, Blake doesn’t have a weblog, though I keep seeing his comments all over the place. I think he’s actually pioneering Weblog 2.0: distributed all over the net, not centralized like those of us dinosaurs.
Blake- The OM is a great touch! I’m glad you care.
Congrats to both … Hank giggling .. now that I’ve gotta see.
I wonder if we can vote for PZ. He give good comments too.