Watch the initial “cautious optimism” about the “‘Rats” (that’s the Democrats) descend into outrage at the Commies and perverts at this election discussion from Tuesday night at FreeConservatives. Not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach.
I am cautiously optimistic that tonight could be a night to remember! I’m recording it cause this could be a bigger classic than Titanic.
Way to go, compare your election chances to a famous disaster.
Steve LaBonnesays
I particularly enjoyed this one, from even before the descent into despair and insanity began:
We went directly after work. I voted among a flurry of unwashed, pony-tailed men, and hairy-legged, fat women – Portland, as you know, is a liberal hellhole.
And this bit of denial as the news was starring to sink in is pretty priceless as well:
.I am only listening to Hugh Hewitt on the radio because he is even tempered and is very much in touch with experts in local races
Once reality sets in of course it’s pretty much the usual “waiting for the Islamofascists to nuke the blue states” stuff. Yawn.
Okay, it’s time for guess the “liberal”, guess the “conservative”!
One says: “Don’t tell me that you are afraid of a simple voting machine.”
Then the other says: “I’m afraid of those who programs them.”
Okay, guess the liberal, guess the conservative!
91 guests viewing the forum… carefull or we’ll crash it and miss out on the good stuff.
Strictly speaking, it’s only ‘schadenfreude’ if it makes you feel ashamed. This is just good old-fashioned ‘freude’.
I heard David Brooks on the radio yesterday and he sounded surprisingly sanguine. Then I realized that every one of the Right’s Loudmouth Lunatics has guaranteed material for the next two years. Cause you know, every time something bad happens now, it’s going to be the fault of the Liberals in Congress–the heroic George Bush standing alone against them.
The one thing I have long noticed about these types of sites, is that the more rabidly anti-gay a person is, the more explicit about gay sex they become. Discussions about Brokeback Mountain, for example, were much cruder and more explicit than anything in the movie itself.
Of course, it’s done to rile up straight people’s natural aversion to the gay sex as opposed to treating a gay person like any other normal individual. After all, you don’t go imagining “old-people sex” every time you meet your grandmother, do you?
So homophobes are the ones guilty of treating gay people as little more than sex objects. If they actually knew how many of their friends and acquaintances were gay, they would barely be able to function if they continued that behaviour.
It’s been like this on all the right wing sites. Stop by Free Republic, Little Green Footballs, and to a lesser extent It’s like someone mixed up all the medication at the asylumn.
I participated in that debate. These guys are nuts. Positively certifiable. Everything that displeases them is due to “liberals”.
Read my blog for more signs that you might be a diehard conservative. And take a wild guess at where I got the inspiration for that list… :p
Ryan Kitchelsays
I found it interesting that the first two pages of posts rant on about how democrats are always whining about stolen elections and problems with voting machines.
Then you get to the later pages after the election results come back and all the posters are whining about how the democrats stole this election.
Jim in Chicagosays
“It’s like someone mixed up all the medication at the asylumn.”
I had that same feeling. It’s as if, as Malkin would say, they’ve all become “unhinged”.
Madam Pomfreysays
Personality disorders at the very least, with some bordering on full-blown psychosis. Of course not all conservatives are wackos, but that end of the political spectrum does tend to attract the angry, vindictive schoolyard-bully type who likes to beat up on the “smart kids.” Maybe they don’t realize they’re not still in middle school.
Cat of Many Facessays
Wow, it’s insane over there. I’ve never seen such visciousness online. I mean, i’ve been in flame wars and such, but it’s all about the violence with those people.
If you strip the violence out though, i was struck by 2 things:
1. They complain about the media being co-opted, and the elections being tampered with more than we do.
2. But they NEVER put up any proof. never. Hell, one commenter over there actually said that any race won by a democrat by a small margin is because of vote fraud. Pretty convincing logic there. Oh, i also like the evidence provided… you know… none.
Very scary. And it does indeed always devolve into masturbatory fantasys about killing lots of people. Sure some are from the viewpoint of “the enemy” but really, at that level of detail, and length… Well, it’s obvious that it’s something they themselves want.
Well, off to take 5 showers now.
My fav:
“I don’t give a rip for the American people. They deserve what they’ve voted for and I hope we get everything Pelosi and Murtha want. Its the Military who lost big tonight-the one group who deserved a victory, who deserved our support, who deserved our votes. They, the military lost tonight and my heart is laying in jagged pieces on the ground for them and them alone. The rest of this country can go to hell.”
It’s always “USA! USA!”…unless it’s inconvenient. Well, if you hate America so much, why don’t you just move to…
Oh wait, there’s nowhere they can go. Too bad.
Unless that get over their aversion to brown people, in which case they’d be plenty happy in one of the many Islamic theocracies.
I love it. I always wondered what was in that sludge at the bottom of the Kool Aid cup. It seems a little more bitter than the last drops a poorly constructed Starbuck’s latte.
Steve LaBonnesays
“Its the Military who lost big tonight-the one group who deserved a victory, who deserved our support, who deserved our votes.”
Hehe, would that be the same military that pressed so hard behind the scenes for the Boy Emperor to deep-six Rummy? I think these goons might be in for a hell of a shock if they heard what a lot of actual military personnel and families really think about the cluster***k in Iraq.
From one ‘Naturalized Texan’ I see:
Josef Goebbels would be proud that his fellow leftists, the Democrats and their willing accomplices, have been so adept at his Big Lie Propaganda.
The war we are fighting until victory or the bitter end is in its deepest sense and war between Christ and Marx.
Christ: the principle of love.
Marx: the principle of hate.
“Its the Military who lost big tonight-the one group who deserved a victory, who deserved our support, who deserved our votes. They, the military lost tonight and my heart is laying in jagged pieces on the ground for them and them alone.”
Hmmm. That’s funny, because my son-in-law, the one in the military in Iraq, just emailed me about how happy he is about the elections. The ones over here, y’know. And about Rummy going to the house.
So, where do I get my free conservative? Will they mail me one? Or is it a buy-one-get-one-free kinda deal? It’d sure be handy to keep those pesky kids offa my lawn….
I was struck by the visual icons and fantasy images posted all over the site. smiley faces, frowny faces, confused faces, flag animations, little medals on the posters bios (membership?) The site has a very adolescent feel to it. I would esp. like to see what Dr. Doom-troll hunter really looks like.
I would esp. like to see what Dr. Doom-troll hunter really looks like.
Just imagine him dressed up like his icon in real life. That’s what he wants, isn’t it?
Josef Goebbels was a leftist?
Yeah, see he was so far left he went all the way around and came out the other side.
Saw the first few minutes of Bill O’Reilly’s show last night…his take was the Dems didn’t win, the Republicans just lost. So if it wasn’t for all the lying, corruption, failed military adventures and general gross incompetence, they would’ve kicked our asses.
Charlie, I had exactly the same reaction, to the site and to Dr. Doom. It looks like a gamer’s site, but with far less time devoted to composing cogent arguments pertaining to the subjects addressed.
Beware Drum’s Law!
Big Nastysays
After all, you don’t go imagining “old-people sex” every time you meet your grandmother, do you?
Not until now. We need a constitutional amendment to protect marriage from old people. Old-people sex is un-natural – otherwise they could have children, right?
Richard Claytonsays
“The one thing I have long noticed about these types of sites, is that the more rabidly anti-gay a person is, the more explicit about gay sex they become.”
I’ve noticed that too, Tacitus. Although it’s led me to wonder if maybe some of these rabidly anti-gay people might find homosexuality strangely compelling for reasons they can’t quite articulate.
Old-people sex is un-natural – otherwise they could have children, right?
Which points to one of my pro-gay marriage arguments: would these same people who claim that gays marrying is wrong “because they can’t procreate” advocate outlawing seniors getting married, too?
Steve LaBonnesays
Although it’s led me to wonder if maybe some of these rabidly anti-gay people might find homosexuality strangely compelling for reasons they can’t quite articulate.
I’m sure Ted Haggard could give them some pastoral counseling on this issue. ;)
Which version of Drum’s Law? This one?
“If you’re forced to rely on random blog commenters to make a point about the prevalence of some form or another of disagreeable behavior, you’ve pretty much made exactly the opposite point.”
Or this one?
“If you’re forced to rely on random blog commenters to make a point about the prevalence of some form or another of disagreeable behavior, you’ve pretty much made exactly the opposite point, unless you’re using the quotes to criticize the left, in which case, no problem!”
The “procreation” argument is a classic. I’ve yet to receive an adequate response – or any response, really – when I ask if the procreation argument extends to heterosexual couples who are unable to conceive, or couples who choose to remain childless.
The most mind-numbing part of Free Conservatives is that everyone there is posting doom-and-gloom scenarios that involve Pelosi starting impeachment proceedings. Not a single poster has pointed out that Pelosi has said that she is not going to impeach Bush.
The most mind-numbing part of Free Conservatives is that everyone there is posting doom-and-gloom scenarios that involve Pelosi starting impeachment proceedings. Not a single poster has pointed out that Pelosi has said that she is not going to impeach Bush.
Have the “Pelosi is a closet lesbian” posts started yet?
If you’re going to post as “DoctorDoom” with that avatar, shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, a little more menacing:
Looks like Virginia has a soft spot for a pornographer. Goodbye, America!
I mean, wouldn’t Dr. Doom love to see America overrun with pornographers?
Rey Foxsays
“So if it wasn’t for all the lying, corruption, failed military adventures and general gross incompetence, they would’ve kicked our asses.”
Probably more true than we’d like to admit.
It is just too funny how those clowns constantly tell each other how stoopid us libruls are. And all those emoticons and graphics are just sooo cute. Doesn’t it make you want to hug them?
Saw the first few minutes of Bill O’Reilly’s show last night…his take was the Dems didn’t win, the Republicans just lost. So if it wasn’t for all the lying, corruption, failed military adventures and general gross incompetence, they would’ve kicked our asses.
I don’t disagree with that statement. A good many Democrats didn’t have much to offer other than the “We’re not those guys!” platform. And some areas of the country stayed solidly scarlet (The GOP swept state offices in Texas yet again).
The GOP has been repeatedly shooting itself in the foot for a while now, but it only reached critical mass in the last year. The response to Katrina was the first really big PR stumble, from which they could have recovered had it not been for the combination of perceived lack of progress in Iraq and the parade of corruption scandals.
The Democratic Party was moribund until just a few months ago, offering token principled opposition but no real plan. It wasn’t until they started smelling blood in the water from the GOP’s self-inflicted wounds that they really came to life.
So, yeah, I count this as more of a loss for the Republicans than a win for the Democrats.
If you’re going to post as “DoctorDoom” with that avatar, shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, a little more menacing
My favourite theme was about voting fraud/errors – e.g.:
Those who want to cheat will find a way (after being a computer aficionado for 15 years you must have learned that). Ask liberals. They excel at cheating.
Now who is it that:
(a) removed thousands of ex-cons and African Americans from electoral registers?
(b) has placed obstructions in the voter registration process?
(c) continues to promote the use of fraud- and error-prone voting machines?
(d) owns stakes in the companies that make them?
(e) has allegedly being attempting to discourage registered voters from voting with threatening or misleading phone calls and leaflets?
Well, the USA seems to be evidence for the “many-worlds” hypothesis, at any rate :-)
Dr Doom is easily the stupidest Marvel Comics villain ever. He’s a bad 20s mustache-twirler without the mustache to twirl. It also doesn’t help that the Fantastic Four are lamer than the Avengers.
Mrs. Peachsays
“So if it wasn’t for all the lying, corruption, failed military adventures and general gross incompetence,….”
And this is the loss they are mourning?
Projection Pete: I heard of some fliers going around accusing a Dem (I think) of planning to attack Christians and Blacks once he wins. It seemed so outrageous to me, most likely it was made by some Commie operatives inorder to discredit the Republicans.
They really can’t face the fact that NOBODY LIKES THEM ANYMORE!
They laid down and rolled over and exposed their bellies to the president, waiting for him to pet them and we had enough of that.
Well, I live in a Democratic stronghold anyway, but I would have voted against Republican incumbents if I could have.
Goebbels personally did have some socialist leanings, which is why he was picked to run the Party operation in proletarian-lefty-filled Berlin. But on the Party level, he was outvoted — the paleocons had the money, so Hitler aimed to make them happy.
Mrs. Peachsays
Well, I REALLY like what happened to Ohio! It’s been hell here. There is still a republican majority in the state legislature, but we got the governor, a new senator, secretary of state, some IDiots thrown out, … ah, the list goes on. I couldn’t stop smiling for a couple of days!
This tune keeps going through my head, with a slight alteration:
“Bye, bye, Blackwell, bye bye…”
Ok, I don’t know any of the other lines.
I mean, wouldn’t Dr. Doom love to see America overrun with pornographers?
How dare you speak as if you know the will of Doom!?
he most mind-numbing part of Free Conservatives is that everyone there is posting doom-and-gloom scenarios that involve Pelosi starting impeachment proceedings. Not a single poster has pointed out that Pelosi has said that she is not going to impeach Bush.
Recall that the republicans initiated impeachment proceedings against Clinton for trivial and irrelevant reasons. That’s one of the few things these characters remember about the 1990s. Projection is their forte.
(Personally, I respect Speaker Pelosi’s decision to not seek impeachment as the right decision, strategically, but I for one do feel Bush deserves impeachment, and a guilty verdict. But I’m not a democrat.)
Tukla in Iowasays
Bush would never get a guilty verdict, anyway. I just don’t see 2/3 of the Senate voting to convict him.
The Dems need to keep releasing the administration’s dirty deeds to the public. Given how much was simply leaked, imagine what they could find if they actually looked.
If the public gets wind of enough things, eventually two-thirds of the Senate will be too terrified of the populace NOT to vote for impeachment.
The trick will be to find and release enough dirt first. Then, and only then, can we gorge ourselves on the sweet sweet meats of our administration enemies.
Even if there’s never enough will for impeachment, what comes to light will help determine what’s written in the history books, and the Bushites have claimed that history is the only thing qualified to judge them. Let’s see what it looks like when they’re not the ones writing it…
Brian Xsays
These people are not rational anyway. While there is some merit to the concept of Islamofascism, it’s really just another word for an oppressive theocracy, and really too loaded for use in rational discussion. And notice how they freely conflate Nazi socialism (socialism through extreme privatization; rule by manipulation of public prejudice; “lawful evil” in D&D terms) with Stalinism (socialism through extreme deprivatization; irrational and haphazard killing and rule by fear; “chaotic evil”).
There really isn’t a whole lot of depth to the hard-right intellect. But why should there be — intellectual thinkers are “elitist”…
Brian Xsays
Incidentally, re: poll fraud: I don’t think there was a whole lot of it going around this time. There was some really ham-handed attempts at voter suppression (bad enough that anyone who was fooled may qualify as too stupid to live), and a lot of massive underestimation of voter turnout, but I think the hands-on section of the dirty tricks squad sat this one out — too much heat.
truth machinesays
Of course, it’s done to rile up straight people’s natural aversion to the gay sex
Natural aversion? Methinks you’re projecting.
truth machinesays
The Democratic Party was moribund until just a few months ago, offering token principled opposition but no real plan.
The right wing has think tanks that dream up slogans, like “stay the course”, which are then presented as “plans” to people stupid enough to buy it. The same people buy the notion that the Democrats have no “plan” because they don’t have an equally pity slogan.
truth machinesays
BTW, it’s a classic example of framing. Smart people know that political parties have principles and platforms and that a rational decision can be made on that basis. Fortunately, enough Americans did so instead of swallowing the “plan” nonsense. Of course, if one were voting solely on the subject of Iraq, an intelligent person would be aware of such things as the Biden plan.
A few days ago, when I read about the “no sex until you’re 30” policy from the Department of Health and Human Services, I asked myself: “What would society be like with a lot of 30-year-old virgins running around?”
Tukla in Iowa: Don’t forget that Nixon was very popular for a while too …
Steve LaBonnesays
The same people buy the notion that the Democrats have no “plan” because they don’t have an equally pity slogan.
Also because the “liberal” media ignorend press conferences held by Democratic leaders, and invited about 90% Republican and conservative guests on shows like Meet the Press. How the hell was anybody supposed to find out about Democratic plans?
The Elucidator:
Way to go, compare your election chances to a famous disaster.
I particularly enjoyed this one, from even before the descent into despair and insanity began:
And this bit of denial as the news was starring to sink in is pretty priceless as well:
Once reality sets in of course it’s pretty much the usual “waiting for the Islamofascists to nuke the blue states” stuff. Yawn.
Okay, it’s time for guess the “liberal”, guess the “conservative”!
One says: “Don’t tell me that you are afraid of a simple voting machine.”
Then the other says: “I’m afraid of those who programs them.”
Okay, guess the liberal, guess the conservative!
91 guests viewing the forum… carefull or we’ll crash it and miss out on the good stuff.
Strictly speaking, it’s only ‘schadenfreude’ if it makes you feel ashamed. This is just good old-fashioned ‘freude’.
I heard David Brooks on the radio yesterday and he sounded surprisingly sanguine. Then I realized that every one of the Right’s Loudmouth Lunatics has guaranteed material for the next two years. Cause you know, every time something bad happens now, it’s going to be the fault of the Liberals in Congress–the heroic George Bush standing alone against them.
The one thing I have long noticed about these types of sites, is that the more rabidly anti-gay a person is, the more explicit about gay sex they become. Discussions about Brokeback Mountain, for example, were much cruder and more explicit than anything in the movie itself.
Of course, it’s done to rile up straight people’s natural aversion to the gay sex as opposed to treating a gay person like any other normal individual. After all, you don’t go imagining “old-people sex” every time you meet your grandmother, do you?
So homophobes are the ones guilty of treating gay people as little more than sex objects. If they actually knew how many of their friends and acquaintances were gay, they would barely be able to function if they continued that behaviour.
It’s been like this on all the right wing sites. Stop by Free Republic, Little Green Footballs, and to a lesser extent It’s like someone mixed up all the medication at the asylumn.
I participated in that debate. These guys are nuts. Positively certifiable. Everything that displeases them is due to “liberals”.
Read my blog for more signs that you might be a diehard conservative. And take a wild guess at where I got the inspiration for that list… :p
I found it interesting that the first two pages of posts rant on about how democrats are always whining about stolen elections and problems with voting machines.
Then you get to the later pages after the election results come back and all the posters are whining about how the democrats stole this election.
“It’s like someone mixed up all the medication at the asylumn.”
I had that same feeling. It’s as if, as Malkin would say, they’ve all become “unhinged”.
Personality disorders at the very least, with some bordering on full-blown psychosis. Of course not all conservatives are wackos, but that end of the political spectrum does tend to attract the angry, vindictive schoolyard-bully type who likes to beat up on the “smart kids.” Maybe they don’t realize they’re not still in middle school.
Wow, it’s insane over there. I’ve never seen such visciousness online. I mean, i’ve been in flame wars and such, but it’s all about the violence with those people.
If you strip the violence out though, i was struck by 2 things:
1. They complain about the media being co-opted, and the elections being tampered with more than we do.
2. But they NEVER put up any proof. never. Hell, one commenter over there actually said that any race won by a democrat by a small margin is because of vote fraud. Pretty convincing logic there. Oh, i also like the evidence provided… you know… none.
Very scary. And it does indeed always devolve into masturbatory fantasys about killing lots of people. Sure some are from the viewpoint of “the enemy” but really, at that level of detail, and length… Well, it’s obvious that it’s something they themselves want.
Well, off to take 5 showers now.
My fav:
“I don’t give a rip for the American people. They deserve what they’ve voted for and I hope we get everything Pelosi and Murtha want. Its the Military who lost big tonight-the one group who deserved a victory, who deserved our support, who deserved our votes. They, the military lost tonight and my heart is laying in jagged pieces on the ground for them and them alone. The rest of this country can go to hell.”
It’s always “USA! USA!”…unless it’s inconvenient. Well, if you hate America so much, why don’t you just move to…
Oh wait, there’s nowhere they can go. Too bad.
Unless that get over their aversion to brown people, in which case they’d be plenty happy in one of the many Islamic theocracies.
I love it. I always wondered what was in that sludge at the bottom of the Kool Aid cup. It seems a little more bitter than the last drops a poorly constructed Starbuck’s latte.
Hehe, would that be the same military that pressed so hard behind the scenes for the Boy Emperor to deep-six Rummy? I think these goons might be in for a hell of a shock if they heard what a lot of actual military personnel and families really think about the cluster***k in Iraq.
From one ‘Naturalized Texan’ I see:
Josef Goebbels was a leftist? He wrote:
“Its the Military who lost big tonight-the one group who deserved a victory, who deserved our support, who deserved our votes. They, the military lost tonight and my heart is laying in jagged pieces on the ground for them and them alone.”
Hmmm. That’s funny, because my son-in-law, the one in the military in Iraq, just emailed me about how happy he is about the elections. The ones over here, y’know. And about Rummy going to the house.
So, where do I get my free conservative? Will they mail me one? Or is it a buy-one-get-one-free kinda deal? It’d sure be handy to keep those pesky kids offa my lawn….
I was struck by the visual icons and fantasy images posted all over the site. smiley faces, frowny faces, confused faces, flag animations, little medals on the posters bios (membership?) The site has a very adolescent feel to it. I would esp. like to see what Dr. Doom-troll hunter really looks like.
Just imagine him dressed up like his icon in real life. That’s what he wants, isn’t it?
Yeah, see he was so far left he went all the way around and came out the other side.
Saw the first few minutes of Bill O’Reilly’s show last night…his take was the Dems didn’t win, the Republicans just lost. So if it wasn’t for all the lying, corruption, failed military adventures and general gross incompetence, they would’ve kicked our asses.
Charlie, I had exactly the same reaction, to the site and to Dr. Doom. It looks like a gamer’s site, but with far less time devoted to composing cogent arguments pertaining to the subjects addressed.
Beware Drum’s Law!
Not until now. We need a constitutional amendment to protect marriage from old people. Old-people sex is un-natural – otherwise they could have children, right?
“The one thing I have long noticed about these types of sites, is that the more rabidly anti-gay a person is, the more explicit about gay sex they become.”
I’ve noticed that too, Tacitus. Although it’s led me to wonder if maybe some of these rabidly anti-gay people might find homosexuality strangely compelling for reasons they can’t quite articulate.
Old-people sex is un-natural – otherwise they could have children, right?
Which points to one of my pro-gay marriage arguments: would these same people who claim that gays marrying is wrong “because they can’t procreate” advocate outlawing seniors getting married, too?
I’m sure Ted Haggard could give them some pastoral counseling on this issue. ;)
Which version of Drum’s Law? This one?
“If you’re forced to rely on random blog commenters to make a point about the prevalence of some form or another of disagreeable behavior, you’ve pretty much made exactly the opposite point.”
Or this one?
“If you’re forced to rely on random blog commenters to make a point about the prevalence of some form or another of disagreeable behavior, you’ve pretty much made exactly the opposite point, unless you’re using the quotes to criticize the left, in which case, no problem!”
The “procreation” argument is a classic. I’ve yet to receive an adequate response – or any response, really – when I ask if the procreation argument extends to heterosexual couples who are unable to conceive, or couples who choose to remain childless.
The most mind-numbing part of Free Conservatives is that everyone there is posting doom-and-gloom scenarios that involve Pelosi starting impeachment proceedings. Not a single poster has pointed out that Pelosi has said that she is not going to impeach Bush.
The most mind-numbing part of Free Conservatives is that everyone there is posting doom-and-gloom scenarios that involve Pelosi starting impeachment proceedings. Not a single poster has pointed out that Pelosi has said that she is not going to impeach Bush.
Have the “Pelosi is a closet lesbian” posts started yet?
If you’re going to post as “DoctorDoom” with that avatar, shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, a little more menacing:
I mean, wouldn’t Dr. Doom love to see America overrun with pornographers?
“So if it wasn’t for all the lying, corruption, failed military adventures and general gross incompetence, they would’ve kicked our asses.”
Probably more true than we’d like to admit.
It is just too funny how those clowns constantly tell each other how stoopid us libruls are. And all those emoticons and graphics are just sooo cute. Doesn’t it make you want to hug them?
I don’t disagree with that statement. A good many Democrats didn’t have much to offer other than the “We’re not those guys!” platform. And some areas of the country stayed solidly scarlet (The GOP swept state offices in Texas yet again).
The GOP has been repeatedly shooting itself in the foot for a while now, but it only reached critical mass in the last year. The response to Katrina was the first really big PR stumble, from which they could have recovered had it not been for the combination of perceived lack of progress in Iraq and the parade of corruption scandals.
The Democratic Party was moribund until just a few months ago, offering token principled opposition but no real plan. It wasn’t until they started smelling blood in the water from the GOP’s self-inflicted wounds that they really came to life.
So, yeah, I count this as more of a loss for the Republicans than a win for the Democrats.
DoctorDoom is an asshole. He’s well known at Fundies Say The Darndest Things.
My favourite theme was about voting fraud/errors – e.g.:
Now who is it that:
(a) removed thousands of ex-cons and African Americans from electoral registers?
(b) has placed obstructions in the voter registration process?
(c) continues to promote the use of fraud- and error-prone voting machines?
(d) owns stakes in the companies that make them?
(e) has allegedly being attempting to discourage registered voters from voting with threatening or misleading phone calls and leaflets?
Well, the USA seems to be evidence for the “many-worlds” hypothesis, at any rate :-)
Dr Doom is easily the stupidest Marvel Comics villain ever. He’s a bad 20s mustache-twirler without the mustache to twirl. It also doesn’t help that the Fantastic Four are lamer than the Avengers.
“So if it wasn’t for all the lying, corruption, failed military adventures and general gross incompetence,….”
And this is the loss they are mourning?
So, what’s the view like from crazy?
Goebbels a leftist?
yeah, right. those guys were so leftist.
for example, only a leftist would say this:
I’m sure the parallels might strike some.
They really can’t face the fact that NOBODY LIKES THEM ANYMORE!
They laid down and rolled over and exposed their bellies to the president, waiting for him to pet them and we had enough of that.
Well, I live in a Democratic stronghold anyway, but I would have voted against Republican incumbents if I could have.
Goebbels personally did have some socialist leanings, which is why he was picked to run the Party operation in proletarian-lefty-filled Berlin. But on the Party level, he was outvoted — the paleocons had the money, so Hitler aimed to make them happy.
Well, I REALLY like what happened to Ohio! It’s been hell here. There is still a republican majority in the state legislature, but we got the governor, a new senator, secretary of state, some IDiots thrown out, … ah, the list goes on. I couldn’t stop smiling for a couple of days!
This tune keeps going through my head, with a slight alteration:
“Bye, bye, Blackwell, bye bye…”
Ok, I don’t know any of the other lines.
I mean, wouldn’t Dr. Doom love to see America overrun with pornographers?
How dare you speak as if you know the will of Doom!?
Recall that the republicans initiated impeachment proceedings against Clinton for trivial and irrelevant reasons. That’s one of the few things these characters remember about the 1990s. Projection is their forte.
(Personally, I respect Speaker Pelosi’s decision to not seek impeachment as the right decision, strategically, but I for one do feel Bush deserves impeachment, and a guilty verdict. But I’m not a democrat.)
Bush would never get a guilty verdict, anyway. I just don’t see 2/3 of the Senate voting to convict him.
The Dems need to keep releasing the administration’s dirty deeds to the public. Given how much was simply leaked, imagine what they could find if they actually looked.
If the public gets wind of enough things, eventually two-thirds of the Senate will be too terrified of the populace NOT to vote for impeachment.
The trick will be to find and release enough dirt first. Then, and only then, can we gorge ourselves on the sweet sweet meats of our administration enemies.
Even if there’s never enough will for impeachment, what comes to light will help determine what’s written in the history books, and the Bushites have claimed that history is the only thing qualified to judge them. Let’s see what it looks like when they’re not the ones writing it…
These people are not rational anyway. While there is some merit to the concept of Islamofascism, it’s really just another word for an oppressive theocracy, and really too loaded for use in rational discussion. And notice how they freely conflate Nazi socialism (socialism through extreme privatization; rule by manipulation of public prejudice; “lawful evil” in D&D terms) with Stalinism (socialism through extreme deprivatization; irrational and haphazard killing and rule by fear; “chaotic evil”).
There really isn’t a whole lot of depth to the hard-right intellect. But why should there be — intellectual thinkers are “elitist”…
Incidentally, re: poll fraud: I don’t think there was a whole lot of it going around this time. There was some really ham-handed attempts at voter suppression (bad enough that anyone who was fooled may qualify as too stupid to live), and a lot of massive underestimation of voter turnout, but I think the hands-on section of the dirty tricks squad sat this one out — too much heat.
Of course, it’s done to rile up straight people’s natural aversion to the gay sex
Natural aversion? Methinks you’re projecting.
The Democratic Party was moribund until just a few months ago, offering token principled opposition but no real plan.
The right wing has think tanks that dream up slogans, like “stay the course”, which are then presented as “plans” to people stupid enough to buy it. The same people buy the notion that the Democrats have no “plan” because they don’t have an equally pity slogan.
BTW, it’s a classic example of framing. Smart people know that political parties have principles and platforms and that a rational decision can be made on that basis. Fortunately, enough Americans did so instead of swallowing the “plan” nonsense. Of course, if one were voting solely on the subject of Iraq, an intelligent person would be aware of such things as the Biden plan.
A few days ago, when I read about the “no sex until you’re 30” policy from the Department of Health and Human Services, I asked myself: “What would society be like with a lot of 30-year-old virgins running around?”
After visiting, now I know…
Braavo, sir. Braaaavo.
Tukla in Iowa: Don’t forget that Nixon was very popular for a while too …
Also because the “liberal” media ignorend press conferences held by Democratic leaders, and invited about 90% Republican and conservative guests on shows like Meet the Press. How the hell was anybody supposed to find out about Democratic plans?