Chile has been described as the birthplace of Neoliberalism. Specifically, it was the Pinochet regime that seized power from the democratically elected Salvadore Allende, with U.S. support, that then enacted a brutal regime of torture, murder, and privatization with the continued backing of the U.S. government, and advice from “the Chicago boys“, acolytes of Milton Friedman’s cult of The Invisible Hand of the Free Market that pioneered the ruthless profit-seeking and “marketization” of every aspect of life that has become typical of American capitalism in the decades since. I’ll pause here to once again link you to the free audiobook of Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine”.
Recently, the left has been rising again in Chile, finally moving back towards the kind of society they had been trying to build before capitalists tried to crush that dream, and presidential candidate Gabriel Boric has been credited with saying, “If Chile was the birthplace of Neoliberalism, it will also be its grave!”
Now, Boric has released the funniest political ad I have ever seen, and while I was going to take today off, I had to share it with you.
If I can’t dance, it’s not my revolution!
If I can’t dance, I don’t want your revolution!
If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.
A revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having.
If there won’t be dancing at the revolution, I’m not coming-Emma Goldman
Here’s hoping Chile is finally turning the corner after the destruction caused by Pinochet, and from the Americans that helped install him.
Neoliberalism has literally destroyed the planet. it’s well past time that it had the life choked out of it, the corpse burned to ash, and the ashes scattered.
After Pinochet, Chile became one of the most powerful and prosperous countries in South America, with one of the strongest economies in the region, and things only started to get bad when the leftists began to gain power once again. Anyone who says otherwise is either brainwashed or willfully lying.
In fact, the whole South American left and its brainwashed masses has been nothing but a disaster for the region. The worse effects are yet to be seen, but they sure are coming.
What, just two replies from NR? I want to know whether Pinochet made the trains run on time.
@No Respect
Yes, in fact my brain is so shiny and clean that I don’t even know better than to check whether “powerful and prosperous” is a meaningful concept in a world where “the richest country in the world” has tent cities springing up while billionaires race to be the first trillionaire.
It’s almost like most metrics used to declare a country prosperous focus on volume of money rather than where that money goes, or what life is like for the residents of that “prosperous” nation.
In Chile, people that talk like this come in two flavors: those who are paid by politicians to lie about being poor (that “self-built camp” was probably a fake temporary residence), and those who are brainwashed into believing that they are poor.
Ah yes. Everyone who disagrees with you is either lying or brainwashed, but YOU? You know the REAL truth! It’s IMPOSSIBLE for you to be wrong!
Very convincing.
Indeed, I know the real truth, but I certainly can be wrong. For example, I used to think that the Earth was round. That humanity really did go to the Moon. But then I felt something was wrong, and after lots of investigation I realized how we were being duped by “science”. How we are controlled through chemtrails and fluorine in the water. The lies about the existence of poverty, climate change and more. THAT is the truth, and I hope that one day you’re able to awaken to it like I did, though I doubt it.
you’re insane. I hope some part of you realizes this.
Well, I can tell when I’ve been beaten. I’ll let these comments stand as a testament to my shame, and a warning to those who may come after me.
Some pertinent breaking news at least currently in Oz for me :
@ No Respect : Are you for real or a parody? What the.. ?
It may interest you – and others here – to see this analysis :
Which among other things notes of Chile’s economy :
The graphs there are make interesting if technical viewing too although I can’t cut & paste them here. Nor am I an economist but still.
Also regarding Chile going bad economically post-Pinocet’s murderous even genocidal dictatorship see :
Noting :
Based on this bit of admittedly cursory googling and reading I’d say the reality here is what the opposite of No Respect wrongly asserts – whether the asserting was made in not-so-funny jest parody or deluded sincereity.
Oh and at NoRespect #3 : “The worse effects are yet to be seen, but they sure are coming.”
I am morbidly curious over what NoRespect means by those vague “worse effects” exactly?