Stop Killing Black People
I don’t know what to say anymore. All I can do is say their names. (All links go to their Twitter hashtags. Watch out for videos.)
Also, the women who risked her life to record the murder of Philando Castile, Diamond Reynolds, is, while in police custody, missing. She and their child are in danger. Please work to get her out.
ETA: see the title. I’m adding two more names.
I don’t know, not being American at all let alone African-American -- Aussie here. Yet I do feel for the people who have died as well, I’ve got US firends and visited an dthe US ha s a whopping big influence onsomuch of tehworld incl. esp. my nation.
We have to listen to what those who are African-Americans say and listen to what they think will help. Above all else.
Still, FWW, I do think saying their names, telling their stories is good and helps. They shouldn’t be forgotten. Things badly need to change culturally and socially over in the The States.
Some suggestions on a few ideas I hope might help :
1) A huge education and training campaign to alter the current police mindset to one that de-escalates, assesses more fairly and rationally and really does only use force as last resort. Police also to be educated about Civil Rights and African-American history.
2) Police to meet with and engage positively with BLM activists learning from and listening to them.
3) Compulsory dashcams that must be working at all times on active police duty.
4) A major review of the police officers population with those with racist and unsuitable tendencies removed and more appropriate people hired instead including more African-Americans where possible.
5) A South African style Truth and Reconciliation Commission with powers of a Royal Commission to publicly investigate and fully reveal the truth of previous unexplained or poorly explained deaths in police custody, e.g. Sandra Bland, Freddy Gray, Jeremy McDole, etc ..