Main post for day isn’t ready yet. Lil dreampost for you instead. What kind of recurring dreams do you have? I have, over the years, occasionally dreamed of Aliens. The most remarkable of those dreams had me as Sigourney Weaver in BA mode, doing gymnastics to get away from the mother alien. But it got too exhausting and I gave up hope, letting her get me. The mother alien gave me an abortion with a clear plastic tube and some kinda gizmos. Good times.
Haven’t had an Aliens dream in a long long time, but I did the night before last. I was in some kinda scifi scenario, on a space station maybe?, and a single alien caused so much ruckus the whole structure busted apart. The survivors were left floating in spacesuits. I found my cat Hecubus, who in this dream was still a shaggy kitten, floating in space – without any protection, exposed to the void!
Somehow he wasn’t dead or exploded, so we got him to some kind of space vet. I ended up at a spaceport bumming around waiting for a flight. I found out I was supposed to pilot the spaceship, but realized I’d forgotten my wig, so I went to see if I could by a bandana for my bald-ass domepiece. This is the first time I’ve ever had a dream that directly related to gender expression issues from my waking life. About how one would expect it to go.
I was late getting back to the spaceship and Lemmy Kilmister made fun of me. He also complained there wasn’t enough time to finish cooking this roast suckling pig, so the only way to keep the meat from going to waste was to freeze it, which would keep it from cooking up as nice when it was thawed. He was giving my vibes of a tall metal dude from my high school who had same last name as The Elephant Man.
I’m so tired but I can’t sleep. Good daynight.