The famous Paymon, who recently had their day in the movie Hereditary. There is an abbreviation in this I cannot fathom. I might have a clue for you culled from the same part of the description of the same demon in another source, but first the Geomanticarum:
Notandum est quod si memoratus Paymon si solus venerit ut vocatus fuerit (wtf?) libanum seu sacrificium : ut si coactus fuerit : semper cum eo duo magni reges veniunt scilicet Belial, et Basaam, et reges alii magni atque potentes : 25. legiones semper cum eo incircuiti eius sunt : quam spiritus qui ex eis erunt non semper cum illo pergunt, nisi virtute divina cogantur :-
Anyway, same part of the same demon’s description in Johann Weyer’s Pseudomonarchia Daemonum:
Notandum adhæc, si Paymon solus fuerit citatus per aliquam libationem aut sacrificium, duo reges magni comitantur, scilicet Bebal & Abalam, & alii potentes. In hujus exercitu sunt vigintiquinque legiones: Quia spiritus his subjecti, non semper ipsis adsunt, nisi ut appareant, divina virtute compellantur.
Which also includes an English translation of:
Note that if Paimon be cited alone by an offering or sacrifice, two kings followe him; to wit, Beball & Abalam, & other potentates: in his host are twentie five legions, bicause the spirits subject to them are not alwaies with them, except they be compelled to appeere by divine vertue.
I’m going to just disappeere nowe, and sleepe forevere alwaies. It’s just a sad sleepy kind of weekend.
Looks like “per aliquam” to me. The crossed “p” per contraction is apparent enough, and the second word has got the “a” at the beginning, a downstroke for the “l”, a “quam” contraction to finish and an elision line on top to indicate the missing “i”.
The mental image your title has given me of medieval demonologists as Pokemon players will be impossible to expunge. Thank you.
Thanks pals. Paymonchu thanks you.
I agree with the translation and that’s also how the demon king is presented in the Ars Goetia in the Lesser Key of Solomon. The two Kings, by the way, are called by many names in different grimoires but are present in the LKoS as Belial and Balam.
Thanks, Yuri!