Random things I’ve seen on tumblr. I’m on hiatus with all my tumblrz, but that’s just from reblogging, and the attendant chore of sorting / tagging content. But these should be shared anyhow. First some tweets which I encountered on tumbl because fuck having to see the comments on twitter:

ryanlcooper: “don’t have a strong take but worth remembering the whole point of fascism is to leverage liberal tolerance to dissolve the liberal state”

ryanlcooper: “fascists will be whining about free speech and being bullied right up to the point they overturn democracy and start the purges”

rosesurnow: “I guess my favorite thing about the @BarackObama administration was being able to sleep at night.”
Then “fandomsandfeminism” on tumblr had this to say about why things were fucked even before we had fascism looming this large:
Every human being inherently deserves safe food, clean water, and adequate medical care.
The greatest moral failure of capitalism is that it turned these necessities into commodities.
The greatest moral failure of capitalists is finding ways to justify withholding what we need to live while it is in abundance for the sake of profit.
Nothing to add to that.
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