Happy Australia Day!

I never know when to say that–it’s not Oz day here yet, but it’s been going on for hours in actual Australia. Anyway, I’m listening to Kylie on my favorite local radio station … where “local” is defined in astronomical terms, apparently.


  1. echidna says

    And a good day to you too. There is a bit of scandal in the PM honouring Prince Philip with a knighthood. Very few people seem to think this was a good idea.

    I get the sense that society is becoming aware that the celebrations gloss over Indigenous people’s perception of the arrival of the first fleet in Botany Bay.

  2. grumpyoldfart says

    You conned us into joining you in Vietnam but we got our own back when we sent you Ken Ham and Rupert Murdoch.

  3. Cuttlefish says


    Immediately after posting this, I was listening to the news on RTR-FM (Perth), and the newsreader mentioned the controversy, and a move to rename the day “Invasion Day”.

    And here’s ignorance for you–I had never (not my country, so never gave it a thought) considered that this celebration might be viewed with all the deserved bitterness of Columbus Day in the US.

  4. John Morales says


    I get the sense that society is becoming aware that the celebrations gloss over Indigenous people’s perception of the arrival of the first fleet in Botany Bay.

    Definitionally, anyone born in Australia is indigenous to Australia, whether or not they are Indigenous, but only those descended from the indigenes predating the pre-European invasion are aborigines (Aboriginal).

    (The euphemism treadmill has been at work here)

  5. StevoR says

    Aussie! Aussie ! Aussie! Oy! Oy! Oy! ;-)


    But dangnabbit, they really shoulda played the traditional ODI at the Adelaide oval not the flamin’ SCG! (Flippin’ wash out dammit!)

  6. StevoR says

    @ 4. Cuttlefish : Well I do believ “Survival Day” is a slightly more positive alternative term also used there.

    But yes.

    I think we (Aussie here) do need to set aside a day (Or three) to remember and contemplate and recognise the First Australians and their many and varied cultures and peoples and lives pre- Europrn “settlement”. If only we had listened to and learned from them – in so many ways when it comes to looking after(or being stewards of) Country. Sigh.

  7. StevoR says

    Oh and our real anthemn and story starts with them and we must forget it.


    (Living on Kaurna and Peramangk land. Near the fountain of tears remembering the Stolen Children of Colebrook house and elsewhere. The evil we did in the past cannot be changed. But must never be forgotten.)

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