There are pains that are physical
And pains that are mental
But the pain that is both
Is dental
You have my sympathy (though I didn’t think cuttlefish had teeth).
The molar equivalent of war.
Ouch! That’s painful. And I’m a lover of bad puns.
Not until Friday? You can have my appointment tomorrow. Although I suppose I’d better go, since it’s wrapping up (I hope) a painful six-month saga.
Kate Jonessays
If belief in tiny demons from Hell
Is impelled by your being unwell,
Imagine what unbeliefs you could acquire
When everything swimmingly meets your desire.
Do tiny angels from heaven descend
To tend to your needs? Oh, where will this end?
Molarity sucks. Now, if you wanna,
Is the time for med. marijuana.
Marcus Grymmesays
Many years ago I was stranded in a foreign country with a toothache. A friend’s father suggested Diclofenac, which was available there without a prescription. It’s a moderately strong anti-inflammatory, and it worked wonders on my toothache. Your mileage may vary, but sometimes tooth pain is caused by swelling, and if so, any kind of anti-inflammatory you can get may help until Friday. Caveat: I am not a dentist or doctor, just relaying my personal experience.
What strange and interesting things one learns from Googling on the internet.
Studies in Pakistan showed diclofenac caused acute kidney failure in vultures when they ate the carcasses of animals that had recently been treated with it. Drug-sensitive species and individual humans are initially assumed to lack genes expressing specific drug detoxification enzymes
It is thought to be the cause of millions of vulture deaths. Talk about unintended consequences…
There are pains that are physical
And pains that are mental
But the pain that is both
Is dental
You have my sympathy (though I didn’t think cuttlefish had teeth).
Ouch! That’s painful. And I’m a lover of bad puns.
Not until Friday? You can have my appointment tomorrow. Although I suppose I’d better go, since it’s wrapping up (I hope) a painful six-month saga.
If belief in tiny demons from Hell
Is impelled by your being unwell,
Imagine what unbeliefs you could acquire
When everything swimmingly meets your desire.
Do tiny angels from heaven descend
To tend to your needs? Oh, where will this end?
Molarity sucks. Now, if you wanna,
Is the time for med. marijuana.
Many years ago I was stranded in a foreign country with a toothache. A friend’s father suggested Diclofenac, which was available there without a prescription. It’s a moderately strong anti-inflammatory, and it worked wonders on my toothache. Your mileage may vary, but sometimes tooth pain is caused by swelling, and if so, any kind of anti-inflammatory you can get may help until Friday. Caveat: I am not a dentist or doctor, just relaying my personal experience.
What strange and interesting things one learns from Googling on the internet.
It is thought to be the cause of millions of vulture deaths. Talk about unintended consequences…