You Could Be Jesus!

Via Lousy Canuck, the news that a new production of Jesus Christ Superstar will feature Tim Minchin as Judas.

That’s the (very) good news. The bad news? After the jump:

The plan is to cast Jesus via one of those (IMO, unforgivably cringeworthy) televised competitions we all know and love.

The character of Jesus will be cast via a television talent competition next month, where contestants will compete for the lead role in the musical telling the story of Christ’s final week.

The television show has been criticised by Sir Tim [Rice], who wrote the musical’s lyrics and has described plans to ask a panel of celebrity judges and public voters to pick the “next Jesus” as “tasteless” and “tacky”.

Sir Tim said that the musical’s religious and political themes could become a source of ridicule in a television talent show, with the judges telling hopeful contestants: “You could be Jesus.”

Of course, Andrew Lloyd Webber has cast singers this way before, so I’m assuming enough people disagree with my opinion to make the process profitable.


  1. Gregory in Seattle says

    So, shall we brainstorm titles for this reality show?

    “Who Wants to Be a Savior”
    “The Superstar”
    “Britain’s Next Christ”

  2. Crudely Wrott says

    Well, I’ve got long hair and a beard. Yesterday my daughter said I have such kind eyes. I’d prolly be a shoe in if I could stomach going on TeeVee.

  3. says

    I think it’s perfectly appropriate that a mugging, singing Jesus will be chosen by popular referendum. That’s precisely how his image has been developed for the last 2000 years – so this is just carrying the trend forward.

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