I’ll keep this brief:
In Texas, where an atheist is more or less a villain,
And life is cheap, and so are guns, and evil folks need killin’
A story from Petrolia, which must not be ignored;
A soldier killed, and why? Because he did not love the Lord.
Story, after the jump:
Gruesome news from Texas, where at least there is a little bit of closure.
Officials in Clay County, Texas revealed this week that human remains uncovered near the Oklahoma border last month were those of Spc. Jose Ramirez, an El Centro, California native who went missing from Fort Sill, Oklahoma more than seven years ago. A former friend of Ramirez’s, 30-year-old Justin Green, was charged with the murder in February.
Three others, including Green’s mother and sister, also face charges related to helping clean up the crime scene and hide the body, and the story was carried earlier this week by The Associated Press.
But one shocking detail in that story seemed to be overlooked in the AP’s lead: A criminal complaint against the group, obtained by Raw Story on Thursday, shows that Green’s sister believes he killed Ramirez “because Ramirez did not believe in God.”
Follow the link for the complete police report, courtesy of The Raw Story.
I am reminded of Pat Tillman, another murdered atheist soldier. :(
Here’s another example of a murder just because the victim was an atheist. Be prepared to rage hard, as the hatred against the victim wasn’t limited to the murderer: http://www.parallelpac.org/murder.htm
Ugh, with this and the Pure Evil post from Ophelia, today is a bad day to be a Texan.
Not that any other days are much better.
Apparently the jingle speaks truth; “When you’re in Texas look behind you…”
One more example of Christians demonstrating their Jeebus love. L
Another wet-dream of the Religious Reich, fatwa-envy at its finest.
Sounds like Michigan has its problems as well.
Texan; Mexican who stopped on the way to Okalahoma.
The difference between Colorado cowboy boots and texas cowboy boots. The colorado cowboy boots have bullshit on the outside.
There are just too many more of these to type.
How did this whole crew of people hiding a body somehow not manage to get the whole thing underground?