I just said this in a comment, and now I want to say it more conspicuously.
Imagine for a second what it would be like to have total strangers cross-examining every trivial remark you’ve ever made in an effort to find things you said that could be seen as politically suspect in some way.
Yeah, yeah. But these cornfields ain’t gonna water themselves, lady.
That’s why this whole episode has been so ridiculous from the beginning. It’s not really about how you said something that some perceived to be TERFy. For whatever reason, some folks don’t like you. If they can’t find a real reason, then they’ll make one up. You want to have an honest conversation; but they don’t.
Please set up shop someplace else and we’ll donate. If anything good has come out of this horrible situation, it seems to have galvanized those who have enjoyed reading your posts and want to support you going forward.
“Imagine for a second what it would be like to have total strangers cross-examining every trivial remark you’ve ever made in an effort to find things you said that could be seen as politically suspect in some way.”
Honestly, reading this sentence, I immediately thought of our political process.
“Imagine for a second what it would be like to have total strangers cross-examining every trivial remark you’ve ever made in an effort to find things you said that could be seen as politically suspect in some way.” – while doing nothing to nothing to address the actual issues at hand.
Even more like the political process.
Ophelia – as a sporadic reader of FTB, I hadn’t realised this thing was going on until today. I’ve always found your interrogation of gender so much more worthwhile than an uncritical acceptance of the gender binary that is the way some people reconcile the concepts of trans/cis/gender. We can’t critique gender as it applies to cis people, then stop questioning its meaning as it relates to trans people. I’m sorry you’re having such a shitty time and if you do leave FTB, which I hope you don’t but understand why you might, please let us all know where you go to blog so we can go there!
Right here – it’s been there all along.
I’d say, “Welcome to the Slymepit! Have a nice stay….”
Well, I would say this is a case of the shoe being on the other foot now. Now you know what it is like to be on the receiving end of the kind of behavior this blog community and its allies condone and encourage. Now you know how it feels to be someone such as Dr. Tim Hunt. How does it feel to be labeled and vilified by a group of people unjustly just because you do not tow the party line? How does it feel to have your intent misrepresented? Sucks, doesn’t it?
Maybe now you will do less attacking and criticizing of people you disagree with and find more productive and positive ways to achieve your goals. If not, you will just continue to reap what you sow.
Maybe instead of cowardly writing a nasty blog post about someone, do the upright thing; contact them directly and get their side of things. Once you have their side, you can see if what they say messes with reality. The truth has three side – your side, their side, and reality. Sometimes one side is closer to reality than others. Being a good human means accepting you might be in the wrong.
Anyway, I hope you will grow some now and see that there is not only one side to an issue and that you are not always on the right side. Being wrong is part of how we learn and grow.
Finally, if you want to call me a tone troll, so be it. What exactly has ad-holmium attacks, argumentum ad baculam, bandwagoning or blind loyalty, false equivocations or guilt by association, lying with statistics, overgeneralization, playing on emotions, red herrings, scare tactics, shifting the burden of proof, snow jobs, zero tolerance, and all the straw men you care to construct has gotten you?
Lordxor, you’re not a tone troll, you’re an ordinary troll. Bah.
(BTW, that you imagine Ophelia’s and Tim Hunt’s situations are analogous is risible)
“Lordxor” reminds me of johngreg; they both have an almost-charming lack of knowledge regarding the fancy terms they like to thrown around, leading to lots of jargon used and spelled almost correctly.
Appeal to penis bone?
(Kidding. I know what argumentum ad baculum is. Haven’t seen it around these parts though.)
@ 10 Holms
I take it you’re demonstrating the form of the “ad-holmium attack”.
Well, if we’re having fun at the troll’s expense, my favourite gaffe there is “false equivocations”.
Yeah, I have sort of been waiting for the “ha!” from the troll gallery in the false equivalence how do you like them apples department.
Oh. Please pardon my ad-hafnium attack.