More about that Daily Beast interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The interviewer is Cathy Young, who writes for Reason magazine among others and is great buddies with Christina Hoff Sommers – in short, she’s a conservative and she takes a very jaundiced view of feminism. She asked Ayaan HA questions carefully shaped to elicit the politically correct (in conservative terms) answers.
Her introduction, for instance, helps to set the tone.
Never one to shy away from battles, Ali has also made a foray into America’s gender wars: Last November, in a speech before the right-of-center Independent Women’s Forum, she declared that feminism in the West has “won” and that feminists were wasting their victory on “trivial bullshit”…
Edith Honan @edithhonan 12 hours ago
Leah N Wanfula, 21, missing from Garissa, 1st of 9 to go to college, popular, loved Christian activities, mathematics
Leah Wanfula
The #147notjustanumber hashtag was started by Ory Okolloh Mwangi @kenyanpundit.
Edith Honan @edithhonan 14 hours ago
Risper Mutindi Kasyoka, 23, died in Garissa. A-student, loved gospel music, planned to start biz consulting firm
Daily Nation @dailynation 11 hours ago
#GarissaAttack: Lives snuffed out too soon #147notjustanumber
Three more.
Godfrey Simiyu @Simiyuhiphoree
This is #Liz Musinai from #Kitale #GarissaAttack #147notjustanumber #RIP our dear one [5 words omitted]
12:11 AM – 6 Apr 2015
cynthia cindy @cynthiacindy4 4 hours ago
Joy Chepkorir, a daughter,niece, sister and friend to many…
I’m seeing lots of consternation and alarm at the fact that some of us disagree with Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the Dear Muslima or Fallacy of Relative Deprivation or Not serve you cake or Who does the dishes question. How dare we disagree with Ayaan HA on anything, don’t we understand how much worse it is in Somalia or Bangladesh or Saudi Arabia than it is here?
Well, that’s a fatuous question, for a start. Of course we do. I for one write and post about it all the time. But I also write and post about other things. That’s all there is to it, really – we can pay attention to more than one thing, and it’s really not up to Ayaan HA to decide what we’re allowed to pay attention to. [Read more…]
Cyprian, Is Nyakundi @C_NyaKundiH Apr 4
R.I.P Ruth Esiromo she was killed by the terrorists according to her boyfriend. Indeed #147notjustanumber
Ruth Esiromo
d. winny @winmitchxxtk 34 minutes ago
Elizabeth Nyangarora #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
Elizabeth Nyangarora
d. winny @winmitchask 36 minutes ago
Dadly Mose #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
Dadly Mose
d. winny @winmitchklyv 1 hour ago
Tonie Wangu #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
Tonie Wangu