“Charlie Hebdo’s work is not important,” Francine Prose said

Katha Pollitt stands up for Charlie Hebdo.

When PEN decided to award the first PEN/Toni and James C. Goodale Freedom of Expression Courage Award to the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, they surely thought they were honoring bravery in defense of free speech. This was a magazine that kept publishing after its offices were firebombed by Islamists in 2011, and kept publishing after nine staffers were horribly murdered by Islamists in January. Compare that to, say, Yale University Press, which dropped the illustrations for Jytte Clausen’s book about the Danish Mohammed cartoons after the book’s first printing, or Random House, which canceled publication of Sherry Jones’s The Jewel of Medina, a historical novel about Mohammed’s wife Aisha. Both publishing houses cited fears of violence by Muslim extremists. Those fears were not irrational. The head of the British publishing house that picked up Jones’s novel had his house firebombed—and the book was dropped. Violence works.

Damn straight. There was even some hesitation about Does God Hate Women? for a few nerve-racking days, but that ended.

But the Six see things differently.

Charlie Hebdo’s work is not important,” Francine Prose told me, over the phone. “It’s not interesting.” She said she was offended by Charlie’s crude cartoons of the Prophet and mockery of the religion of France’s marginalized Muslim community: “It’s a racist publication. Let’s not beat about the bush.” She compared the magazine’s Muslim caricatures to Goebbels’s anti-Semitic propaganda. “I don’t see a difference, really. It’s the same big noses and thick lips.” She pointed out that many dozens of Mexican and Russian journalists had been killed for reporting on their government’s corrupt doings. Why not honor them?

She should start her own PEN if she wants to decide who gets the awards. Thinking someone else should have gotten it is not a good reason to boycott it, especially when the people getting it were murdered.

I’ve known Francine since we were in college, and admire her and her writing enormously. I agree with her that there’s a distinction between supporting the freedom to speak and write, as we both do, and honoring the speech itself. It is probably safe to say that if PEN believedCharlie Hebdo was the Volkischer Beobachter of our day, they wouldn’t be giving it an award, no matter how many of its editors had been massacred. I don’t agree that the drawings of Mohammed are in a different key than the magazine’s rude caricatures of the Pope or Hasidic rabbis or the Virgin Mary just after being raped by the three kings, but maybe that’s in the eye of the beholder. In any case, Charlie is a small satirical magazine run by aging sixties leftists who spend the vast bulk of their column inches attacking the National Front and other French conservatives, with frequent jabs at the Catholic Church. Those immersed in French cartoon culture have pointed out that the offensive drawings circulating on the Internet are, in context, the opposite of what they seem to some American readers—indictments of the racist and anti-immigrant views of right-wing French politicians. In fact, after the murders, Rushdie tweetedthat the president of SOS Racisme, the premier anti-racist group in France, had called it “the greatest anti-racist weekly in the country.” Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, whom opponents of the award described as depicted as “a black woman drawn as a monkey” in the pages of Charlie Hebdo, also paid tribute to the magazine.

So why can’t Francine Prose and the rest of them take that in? Even if the cartoons (or some of them) make them flinch, why can’t they take in the explanations that they simply have it wrong? Why can’t they at least grasp that Charlie is not on the right but the left? Why can’t they listen?

The six writers are circulating a letter to PEN members, which many great and famous writers are signing: Joyce Carol Oates, Junot Diaz, Lorrie Moore. It seems to me these writers must be awfully sure that they will never fall afoul of either fanaticism or well-meaning liberalism. “There is a critical difference between staunchly supporting expression that violates the acceptable,” it argues, “and enthusiastically rewarding such expression.” Well, sure, but excuse me: violates the acceptable? The acceptable what? And don’t we need writing and artwork that pushes the boundary of what the acceptable is? “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom,” as Blake put it.

It’s a great piece; read the whole thing.


  1. PatrickG says

    Of course, on the Twitters, people are immediately dismissing Rushdie and SOS Racisme because of … Islamaphobia! Checkmate, Rushdie!

    See, for example:

    @SalmanRushdie SOS Racisme was founded by islamophobic pro-Israëlis (Julien Dray, Bernard-Henri Levy, Daniel Saada… http://www.chaos-controle.com/archives/2014/10/28/30851956.html

    or here:

    @SalmanRushdie @RichardDawkins What do you think the Collective Against Islamophobia in France call it?

    I really don’t know much about SOS Racisme. Maybe they really are just a bunch of Zionist conspirators, as that chaos-controle link alleges. But damn I am tired of Islamaphobia being deployed as a Declare Victory Card.

    Good times.

  2. says

    Indeed, it is blasphemous. Is that not an honorable left-wing thing to be? It used to be so…

    It is an honourable thing to be. And will always be. Or at least so long as we are offered gods against which to blaspheme.

    Thank you, Ms. Pollitt.

  3. StevoR says

    Importance like beauty can be in the eye of the beholder – but yeah, the fact that people died and killed for it says Charlie Hebdo means a lot for a lot of people. If it didn’t mean much and hadn’t been important before the attacks (& it was from what I gather – important and meaningful that is, although i think also in decline maybe?), it certainly became important after and with the Islamist attack on it. The Jihadists should have learnt from Barbara Streisland’s mistake. Of course they also should’ve, y’know not committed terrorist murder.

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