A pregnant passerby

Ben Quinn in the Guardian has details of Sunny’s encounter with the protesters and what happened next.

A video in which protesters picketing a London abortion clinic are challenged by a pregnant passerby has gone viral after being posted on YouTube.

The incident, involving protesters from the controversial Abort 67 group, was filmed by the commentator and pro-choice activist Sunny Hundal and had been watched nearly 2m times by Friday afternoon.

Hundal said he had been threatened with legal action by one of the protesters, who was brandishing his own camera and was accused of filming women coming and going from the clinic.

After Hundal himself confronted the protesters, who have been heavily criticised for displaying graphic imagery outside abortion clinics, an unnamed woman who had been listening nearby told the demonstrators: “You are wrong in what you’re doing”.

Wrong on so many levels, she says. She’s fierce.

Ann Furedi, chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, said last month that it had started calling for “buffer zones” or “safe havens” around clinics, because women had said they felt intimidated by the protesters.

“We have previously contacted the churches who support the people who gather outside clinics and asked them to reconsider their stance – but to no avail; in repeated meetings with police around the country officers have told us they do not have the powers to tackle the problems these people cause; and attempts to use public order legislation have failed,” she said.

Bizarro-world side-note: Ann Furedi is married to Frank Furedi, and a contributor to spiked. She’s part of that RCP-Living Marxism-Institute of Ideas crowd that includes Brendan O’Neill. One can’t get away from them.



  1. Brian E says

    In Melbourne there’s a group that harass women at a clinic day-in, day out. Similar to the guys in the video I believe. Standing around the entrance, signs with fetus, offering pamphlets and impeding women, all in god’s name. The state government brought in a fairly draconian anti-protest law, to allow police to arrest anybody who didn’t move on and basically protect the powerful from the public. One side effect, the Mayor of Melbourne said it would be put to use in getting the god-botherers to stop hanging around the abortion clinic and harassing women as they have already been told to move on, and thus breaking the new law. I wonder if he did, perhaps a lot of conservative politicians’ daughters used it?


  2. johnthedrunkard says

    Another cultural gift from the U.S to the world, all via moronic evangelicalism.

    I know its a bit Michael Moore-ish, but identifying the sponsoring churches, and showing up on Sunday morning, blocking their sidewalks, leafleting cars in their parking lots with photographs of women killed via illegal abortions, disrupting their services with bull-horns, taking down licence numbers and photographing congregants…

    Would it do any good?

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