Can’t wait to read it, it will be fascinating to explore the early development of the intellect of one of history’s most influential political and economic philosophers.
“Objectivism” is truly unforgettable.
R Johnstonsays
I’ll bet they’re better written than her adult work.
chigau (違う)says
I really like the ‘flames’ in the background.
She should have a sword.
Athywren - Social Justice Spellswordsays
I actually read about her history and felt sorry for her once. The Russian revolution really did suck for the richer parts of society. Of course, the few hundred years leading up to it sucked for everyone else, so I didn’t feel that sorry for her, just a bit sorry.
I’m sad that they don’t seem to have included “I got all these toys from my own hard work alone; Mummy & Daddy had nothing to do with it.” That’s one of my favourites.
If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s definitely worth reading this graphic biography of her: . It’s fairly devastating.
The fake book about the doll was interesting. Apparently when she was young, her mother made her choose half her toys to put away, which would be given back to her in a year. She imagined how excited she would be getting her toys back, and so she chose all her favorites to be put away. A year later, she asked her mother for them back, and her mother told her she had given them all away to an orphanage.
Apparently she actually did save an essay she wrote when she was little. It was all about how childhood sucks.
Link to source?
Let’s not forget her first love poem – courtesy of Stephen Colbert:
Roses are red
violets are blue
finish this poem yourself
you dependent parasite
How to Share – Interpreted from Ayn Rand
Timmy wants to play with Becky’s toy train.
Fuck Timmy. He doesn’t deserve handouts. If he really wanted a toy train he should have been born to rich parents or he could get a paper route. If he won’t work hard he can play in the dirt.
Becky shouldn’t talk to Timmy except to tell him he is worthless. This will make Timmy work harder and achieve his own train.
Now I just need an illustrator.
Nick Gottssays
Thanks for the link, brucegee1962@6. I second your recommendation.
John Moralessays
johnthedrunkard @7, “Meme GOP / Facebook” is an attribution.
She was obviously abused by her mother. Doesn’t excuse her behavior, but may explain a lot of it.
Crimson Clupeidaesays
One of my favorite quotes regarding Rand:
“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”
Explanation, please?
Can’t wait to read it, it will be fascinating to explore the early development of the intellect of one of history’s most influential political and economic philosophers.
“Objectivism” is truly unforgettable.
I’ll bet they’re better written than her adult work.
I really like the ‘flames’ in the background.
She should have a sword.
I actually read about her history and felt sorry for her once. The Russian revolution really did suck for the richer parts of society. Of course, the few hundred years leading up to it sucked for everyone else, so I didn’t feel that sorry for her, just a bit sorry.
I’m sad that they don’t seem to have included “I got all these toys from my own hard work alone; Mummy & Daddy had nothing to do with it.” That’s one of my favourites.
If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s definitely worth reading this graphic biography of her: . It’s fairly devastating.
The fake book about the doll was interesting. Apparently when she was young, her mother made her choose half her toys to put away, which would be given back to her in a year. She imagined how excited she would be getting her toys back, and so she chose all her favorites to be put away. A year later, she asked her mother for them back, and her mother told her she had given them all away to an orphanage.
Apparently she actually did save an essay she wrote when she was little. It was all about how childhood sucks.
Link to source?
Let’s not forget her first love poem – courtesy of Stephen Colbert:
Roses are red
violets are blue
finish this poem yourself
you dependent parasite
How to Share – Interpreted from Ayn Rand
Timmy wants to play with Becky’s toy train.
Fuck Timmy. He doesn’t deserve handouts. If he really wanted a toy train he should have been born to rich parents or he could get a paper route. If he won’t work hard he can play in the dirt.
Becky shouldn’t talk to Timmy except to tell him he is worthless. This will make Timmy work harder and achieve his own train.
Now I just need an illustrator.
Thanks for the link, brucegee1962@6. I second your recommendation.
johnthedrunkard @7, “Meme GOP / Facebook” is an attribution.
She was obviously abused by her mother. Doesn’t excuse her behavior, but may explain a lot of it.
One of my favorite quotes regarding Rand:
“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”