Cosby would then take his pick

Another corroborator of the allegations about Bill Cosby – this time not a woman but a former wing man.

A former NBC employee and Bill Cosby confidante has claimed to the New York Daily News that he acted as a cover-up for the comedian as he slept with women and paid them off.

Well…he’s just doing it for the fame and attention!

Frank Scotti, 90, who worked for the studio where “The Cosby Show” was filmed from 1984 to 1992, told the Daily News that he took out money orders in his name to pay women who he suspects Cosby had slept with. Scotti also alleges that he would stand guard at Cosby’s dressing room while he met with young models.

Well…I’m sure Cosby was just giving them good fatherly advice on how to pull their pants up.

Cosby would reportedly claim he was “interviewing” the young models for parts in his show.

He allegedly had a deal with a Manhattan modeling agency that would stop by the set with several girls at once. Cosby would then take his pick, Scotti said.

“The owner [of the agency] just walked right out,” Scotti told the Daily News. “She knew exactly what was going to go on. Then he’d tell me, ‘Stand outside the door and don’t let anyone in.’ Now you put that together and figure [out] why.”

Career advice. Grooming tips. Experiments in the effects of certain drugs when mixed with alcohol or tea or Sprite.

Scotti provided signed memorabilia and photographs of himself and Cosby to the Daily News. He also showed receipts for money orders with the names of women on them — at least one of whom recently stepped forward to accuse Cosby of sexual assault.

Cosby’s accusers have said that the comedian lured them in with promises of career help and mentorship, then gave them pills to make them immobile so he could assault them. The allegations span decades — some dating back to 1969 and one as recent as 2004.

Ok ok ok fine, but never mind all that, because he’s Cliff Huxtable. That’s all that counts.


  1. says

    He also showed receipts for money orders with the names of women on them — at least one of whom recently stepped forward to accuse Cosby of sexual assault.

    I’m sure even that won’t silence the “prooooooof!” brigade.

  2. resident_alien says

    I’m torn between feeling grateful that he chose to go public and feeling really,really fucking angry that he chose to wait DECADES to do so.

  3. says

    really,really fucking angry that he chose to wait DECADES to do so

    Yup. Seems like a shitty thing to have to carry around with you for all those years; remember – he also facilitated it at the time so it’s not even a matter of “why did he go public so late?” He was helping Cosby trap and rape those women.

    Mentally, I classify such people as “Renfields”; they’re the little weaselly creatures attracted to the glitz and glamour of the vampires; petty menials that have no souls and try to fill the vast emptiness of their being with the reflected glory of their masters. And, when cornered, renfields fight with all the savage fury of a rat.

  4. Blanche Quizno says

    “We’ve reached the point of absurdity,” [Cosby] previously told Us [Magazine] in a statement. “The stories are getting more ridiculous. People coming out of nowhere with this sort of inane yarn is what happens in a media-driven feeding frenzy.

    Classic response – condemn the reports, trivialize it, dismiss it, nothing to see here, folks.

  5. D McNally says

    In the UK we had Jimmy Saville,a TV personality and DJ,protected for decades by the establishment including the police,people in the entertainment industry knew what was going on but turned a bind eye,to their eternal shame.For evil to happen it takes good people to do nothing.

  6. Marius says

    “Feeding frenzy”, now where have I heard that phrase before?

    Has the great one himself had anything to say about the Cosby allegations? If they wanted to be in a position to testify and jail him, they shouldn’t have accepted his drinks, amirite? Or does that only apply to atheists?

  7. says

    Marcus #1

    Of course it won’t silence them (or make them change their minds). Rather, it will make them say “See. These women were money-grubbing attention-whores then and still are now/only regret it now. They used Bill Cosby to get what they wanted and now want to lynch* him.”

    *Yes, they’ll say “lynch” because the horror and the extra horror of using that term will be completely lost on them. If they don’t use “lynch” they’ll use “witch hunt” overlooking the horror and irony of using *that* term to describe women speaking out about the abuse they’ve suffered.

  8. Jackie the social justice WIZZARD!!! says

    I can think of two reasons for why he’s only coming forward now.

    Because the media is finally paying attention. He’d end up implicated if many more women came forward anyway.
    He’s not afraid of Cosby anymore. A word from him about this can’t ruin careers anymore.

  9. carlie says

    He’s not afraid of Cosby anymore. A word from him about this can’t ruin careers anymore.

    Yeah, but the guy is 90. I assume that when the first report was made, he was already retired.

  10. mordred says

    Reading about him raping women and then buying their silence I wondered why he did not just met with a prostitude? But I suppose it isn’t about sex as much as it was about power and privilige for people like him.

  11. Jackie the social justice WIZZARD!!! says

    That’s right, Nate and either alot of people think they are all lying or that they all had it coming.

  12. says

    I read somewhere that it was 15 separate accusations so far. Is that right?

    It took a bigger conspiracy than that to kill Kennedy, and to keep the UFOs at Area-51 secret, so it’s possible!!!


  13. says

    …he’s just doing it for the fame and attention!

    Oh, no… He’s just being irrationally vindictive, out to get the Great Celebrated One however he can. You know how these jilted former wingmen get.

    (And I feel slightly dirty even writing this in mockery… Vaguely wondering how some people even sleep at night, now…)

  14. says

    I’m sure even that won’t silence the “prooooooof!” brigade.

    Well, I’m not part of that brigade, but, when I read that, my thought was, “He really kept receipts around from 20+ years ago?” Authenticity is definitely going to be a concern. And, if they are authentic, then I’m with resident_alien @2. He had this evidence and waited until now to present it! (Not to mention the other issue pointed out @3 that he allowed this to happen at the time. But then that makes me further doubt the receipts. Then again, maybe he had a problem with it at the time, but was too afraid to do anything about it and therefore kept the receipts for when he felt he actually could do something.)

  15. says

    Well, I’ve probably got receipts around from the mid 90s.

    (Mine are most likely to be for minor appliances that had warranties at the time, though. Just in case anyone’s wondering.)

    As to his motivation, who knows? I think anyone less than the entirely sociopathic would feel _some_ ambivalence about such a role, and it sounds like he did. Sounds they kept him _just_ enough in the dark he could probably rationalize it at the time, tell himself he couldn’t know for _sure_ what was going on, couldn’t really do anything but quit (which he eventually did).

    The cynic in me does wonder now if he’s also talking now in part out of cover your ass, though, too. As in: he knows Cosby’s finally lost the Teflon anyway, and anyone involved is going to get stuff on them, too. So it’s might as well talk now, rather than get fingered later when someone remembers his role.

  16. Kevin Kehres says

    I know this is silly and a complete derail…but oh how I loathe the euphemism “sleep with” as a synonym for “rape”.

  17. johnthedrunkard says

    Power, money, status, alcohol.
    Perhaps the most discouraging aspect is how close Cosby’s behavior is to ‘normal dating.’ In this culture, as of today, commerce and coercion hover over EVERY possible social/sexual connection between men and women.

    Monsters like Cosby and Saville are just exaggerations of what passes for ‘confident, successful’ men.

  18. Decker says

    I know this is silly and a complete derail…but oh how I loathe the euphemism “sleep with” as a synonym for “rape”

    Actually that’s quite important. Everyone uses the ‘passive’ mode these days instead of calling things by their real name. When you sleep with someone it is a consensual act. Rape is exactly the opposite of “sleeping with” someone.

  19. says

    “He really kept receipts around from 20+ years ago?” Authenticity is definitely going to be a concern

    I do.
    I also have every email (even the spam) that I’ve received or sent, going back to 1983

  20. says

    Well…he’s just doing it for the fame and attention!

    Yeah, he’s just admitted he was both a total shitheel and a knowing active supporter of a premeditated campaign of serial rape, who didn’t say one damn word about it until it was way too late and he was safely retired. Now everyone will love him as much as they used to love Cliff Huxtable! What a cunning plan.

  21. says

    Do you think Mick Nugent reading this could comprehend why his, don’t talk until you’ve got a conviction, stance enables rapists? Nah, it would take more than 200K words to express in Nugentese, so I doubt he can manage it.

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