
  1. Omar Puhleez says

    Luke 15:7 (AV)
    “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.”
    We could rewrite that to say that when all are born with equal rights and opportunities, we will be as close as we can come to a paradise on Earth.
    “…joy shall be in that paradise on Earth over one who gains equal rights, over any and all who seek to deny them, more than over ninety and nine who have already got them.”
    Or as Shelley put it:
    “Can man be free if woman be a slave?
    Chain one who lives, and breathes this boundless air
    To the corruption of a closed grave!
    Can they whose mates are beasts, condemned to bear
    Scorn heavier far than toil or anguish, dare
    To trample their oppressors? in their home
    Among their babes, thou knowest a curse would wear
    The shape of woman — hoary crime would come
    Behind, and Fraud rebuild religion’s tottering dome.”*

    This is a (perhaps a bit too ornamented) way of saying that EXMNA is right on the money.

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