Is Genocide always such a bad idea? #UpForDebate
Why not punish serious crimes by flaying people? #UpForDebate
Let’s totally rethink our position on torture. #UpForDebate
How about euthanasia for disabled people? That would save a few bucks. #UpForDebate
Immigrants. Shouldn’t we just enslave them? It was their idea to come here, after all. #UpForDebate
The US should invade Iceland. It’s just lying there, begging for it. #UpForDebate
We need serious tax reform. No tax at all on people with incomes over $200,000. Let everyone else pay for it. #UpForDebate
Dentists should be allowed to torture every 11th patient, just for laughs. #UpForDebate
I take it this is a stab at the idiots fucking up Greta’s current discussion topic…? In which case:
Women should be held legally responsible for their own rape, as they incited the lust in the man. #UpForDebate #SomePeopleActuallyBelieveThis
Oops, I didn’t see the two preludes to this post.
Preemptive war, just in case. #UpForDebate
Black people, and why I believe they are all thieves. #UpForDebate
Give all border patrols along the Mexican (but not Canadian) border official clearence to shoot on sight. #UpForDebate
Having a gay child means you are bad at parenting. #UpForDebate.
I think I’m bad at this game; I keep choosing shit that the Republicans actually believe.
We could revolutionize health care, by farming a small number of people to provide blood, bone marrow, and perhaps organs, for the greater good of the greater society…
Logan’s Run – a viable solution to the pensions crisis? #UpForDebate
Soylent Green – it’s not really cannibalism if you haven’t read the label. #UpForDebate.
You’re too blooming good at this, some of us are getting worried.
@shatterface, those are hilarious
Should we bring back coverture? #UpForDebate
Let’s limit the vote to men who own property. #UpForDebate
Which family should become America’s new monarchy? #UpForDebate #SomePeopleActuallyBelieveThis
Medical ethics rules and informed consent are just burdensome regulations. #UpForDebate
Let’s kill a whole flock with one stone:
Guys, don’t do that. #UpForDebate
Jews: Secret masters of the global economy, amirite? #UpForDebate
Rich/powerful people should be granted the opportunity to purchase, as food, poor folks’ children. #UpForDebate
Resolved: We don’t really need all those Amendments to the USConstitution. #UpForDebate
Given overpopulation, should we be throwing the babies out with the bathwater? #UpForDebate
Why shouldn’t we come right out and say that there’s nothing wrong with some people’s pets having more rights and opportunities than some people? #UpForDebate
Death Panels – an idea whose time has come? #UpForDebate
Is it acceptable to kick guys in the balls, because reasons #UpforDebate
Well, if we want to really hit the right-wingers where they live…
Second Amendment. Mistake or Malice? #upfordebate
Private property: abolish or redistribute? #upfordebate
Should we not have a maximum wage? #upfordebate
Should hate speech be counted as libel, slander or death threats? #upfordebate
Nationalizaton of industry. Isn’t it about damn time? #upfordebate
Isn’t it *adorable* when women think they should have more rights than small children? #UpForDebate
Since we don’t need slave patrols any more, we don’t need the 2nd Amendment any more, do we? #UpForDebate
Who wants to tell the Tea Partiers that the Boston Tea Party was about protesting the fact that a large corporation (the East India Trading Company) paid a far lower rate of tax than the smaller businesses and individuals? #UpForDebate
Dentists should be allowed to torture every 11th patient, just for laughs. #UpForDebate
Blah, and I used to respect you. Using a serious issue to push your horrible 11th-er views… For shame! SHAAAAME! Even the NDA agrees it should be the 12th. #WhenHeroesFall
I’m sorry, but the off-hand discussion of dental torture has sent me into a fugue state.
Thanks for the PTSD, Mom!
Oh lol funny! But I think I’m going dark for this one….
Should boys be allowed to go to school? #UpForDebate
Should male circumcision be expanded to include the testicles? All they do is cause trouble and social instability. #UpForDebate
Now that marriage equality is legal in many places, perhaps it’s time to consider if those uneducated little boys should be married off to old men? It’s not like they’d have anything else going on. #UpForDebate
Hey, we might as well tackle the big questions as long as we are living in the feminist dystopia!
The heat death of the universe. #UpForDebate
2 + 2 = 4. #UpForDebate
Human beings possess liberty and safety of person, free from state intervention. #ShouldntBeUpForDebateAndNormallyIsntUnlessItAppliesToPeopleYouDontCareAboutInWhichCaseWeMustEndlessHashItOutOverAndOverAndOverAndOver