Hemant Mehta tells us that now that a Satanist group has said it wants to put up a monument in the grounds of the Oklahoma state Capitol building, to join the 10 Commandments monument that’s already there – a Hindu group wants to join the fun.
Fabulous. Now that the monument is there, and won’t be coming down, this is the only available way to respond.
Will the Muslim volunteer please hurry up?
I’m investing in Orville Redenbocker stock…..
Hahaha – good one.
a Hindu group wants to join the fun.
Please tell me it’s a lingam.
Whenever someone says “we need a better class of trolls around here” or something like that, I used to wonder what that would even mean. Well: Satanists.
I gotta say the Okies led with their chins on this one.
Time for the pastafarians to ring in. The Oklahoma state capitol building would look much better with meatballs on the lawn.
There’s not going to be much of a lawn left at this rate, though.
What? No greenery? Better get the Gaians in on this sweet religious monument fever!
I’ve known only a handful of Satanists, but in my experience they’re often excellent at this sort of stuff.
Good luck playing catchup with Pastafarians …
#9: Ba-dump, tsssh!
Screw pastafarians, someone call the Rastafari. Those folks could come up with a seriously irie design. Maybe a nice lie-down-able bench under a large fan of stone (get it?) sawtoothed and familiar leaves,..
It’ll be a religious park on that front lawn! Awesome! Good luck finding the christian bits, among all the other symbols of ‘sincerely held’ religious belief.