Rupert Sutton of Student Rights has a reply to Priyamvada Gopal’s article at the Rationalist Association. It’s calm
Unfortunately, [Gopal’s] attempt to persuade greater numbers of people to criticise reactionary religious practice was marred by a number of inaccurate attacks on my organisation, Student Rights, which seeks to highlight political and religious extremism on university campuses regardless of provenance. This included claims that we had brought the issue to national attention despite a lack of evidence for its occurrence, and presented the campaign as part of a running battle between white conservatives intent on imposing their views on others, and the beleaguered representatives of minority communities standing against this. This is simply not the case, and both misrepresents Student Rights and the campaign itself.
He puts that so calmly and politely.
Placed alongside the claims that Student Rights is a “reactionary and opportunistic” group which has “cynically” chosen to focus on segregation, it is clear that these criticisms were a veiled suggestion that we use issues such as this to malevolently target the Muslim community. This disregards our focus on far-right groups like the BNP and French Front National. Whilst it is true that we cover events featuring Islamist speakers more frequently than we cover the far-right, this is by no means an attempt to stigmatise Muslims, but instead reflects the fact that thankfully the far-right are an increasingly rare sight on our campuses these days.
And in any case Islamists aren’t the same category as Muslims. I, for instance, despise the US Conference of Catholic Bishops; it doesn’t follow that I despise Catholics.
But the most disappointing element of the article was the way in which the voices of ethnic and religious minorities were sidelined. This placed Ms Gopal in the odd position of arguing that progressives affiliating to ethnic or religious minorities should not disregard this issue, whilst ignoring those from these communities who have been the most vocal campaigners. Last week’s rally outside the offices of UUK gave a prominent voice to women and was dominated by Maryam Namazie and Pragna Patel, two leftist activists who have driven gender segregation to the forefront of the news agenda and been instrumental in ensuring cross-party political consensus against it.
Exactly. Gopal’s ignoring of that fact, and sidelining of the voices of ethnic and religious minorities while in the very act of claiming to stand up for them, is why I’ve been so much less calm and polite about her article than Rupert Sutton has been.
As we highlighted following UUK’s withdrawal of its guidance, the campaign drew together a broad church of students, equality groups, and human rights activists from across the political spectrum. Presenting it instead as an opportunistic attack on Muslims overlooks this, and risks furthering claims of groups like the Islamic Education and Research Academy (IERA) that criticism of gender segregation amounts to “anti-Muslim propaganda”. IERA, whose members have excused domestic violence and supported the return of execution for fornication, (a ‘crime’ which is disproportionally used to repress women), are not representative of the UK’s Muslim community and must not be allowed to claim as such.
Ultimately, rather than being a campaign ‘hijacked’ by a cabal of ‘deeply conservative white males’, this was instead an example of an inclusive movement which showed that challenging reactionary tradition is not limited to any particular culture or community far more effectively than Ms Gopal’s article did. Had she been at the rally last week she would have seen many of the UK’s progressive activists and organisations protesting together against gender segregation regardless of race, religion, community, or political affiliation, and it is unfortunate that she has allowed her perception of the work my organisation does to blind her to that.
Obviously Rupert is paying attention to this particular situation and understands who and what are driving the protests. It’s a pity Ms. Gopal is not as attentive as Rupert.
His calm, factual and well-written piece shows up Gopal’s ignorant sloppiness. I’m always amazed when I read Gopal’s assemblages of buzzwords and attitudes that she actually teaches English at Cambridge.
The more I think about her, the angrier I am. The campaign went the way campaigns are supposed to go. There’s a bad piece of policy. Some group pinpoints it. People start writing about it. There’s a petition and a demo which gets good coverage. The big media takes up the story. The politicians get behind it. Then the policy is changed.
Now that is political activity in your dreams. Anyone who campaigns on anything knows what a long, thankless slog it can be.
Then Gopal appears and throws muck at everyone – sorry “voices her concerns”. She’s made up her own story, that yes, gender segregation is bad, but be highly suspicious of anyone who does anything about it. Then when shown that she has been interpreting the wrong set of events she starts throwing insults.
As Sutton says:- “Ms Gopal in the odd position of arguing that progressives affiliating to ethnic or religious minorities should not disregard this issue, whilst ignoring those from these communities who have been the most vocal campaigners. ”
She not only ignored them,. She got in a snit on Twitter and told the Council of Ex-Muslims that she would not work with them! What is she like?
Interesting comment under Rupert’s piece. IERA’s own video of the UCL seating arrangements undermines IERA’s version of events. (almost) blink and you miss it, seems they did. They filmed a harmless guy bring removed.
I wonder what UUK will come up with. I can see it now, “A Framework for Segregation: Segregation – New Directions”