So how is your trans-species present-shopping list doing? Natalie Angier has tips.
For the female scorpionfly: an extremely large, glittering, nutrient-laced ball of spit, equivalent to 5 percent to 10 percent of a male fly’s body mass. Gentlemen: Too worn down by the holidays to cough up such an expensive package? Try giving her a dead insect instead. You can always steal it back later.
For the male Zeus bug: a monthlong excursion aboard the luxury liner that is the much larger female’s back, with its scooped-out seat tailored to his dimensions and a pair of dorsal glands to supply the passenger with all the proteinaceous wax he can swallow.
For the bonobo you’ve just met: half your food, at least. Just shovel it over. Sharing is fun!
Oh look, half a cheesecake with half a cross in it. Yum.
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