Alom Shaha alerted me to a tumblr post by King of Dawah.
Jemima Cheltenham – We Betray Our Principles By Supporting Them
As white liberal feminists we must oppose misogyny in all its forms.
Especially when we get scared by requests from Muslim feminists that we stand side by side with them in the face of angry reactionaries and passive aggressive sulking community leaders.
Yes, the Muslim liberals and feminists who are fighting for equal rights and against the dictates of clerics are very brave. But as white liberals we have to be even braver, by ignoring them, so we don’t get scared by scary men with beards demanding reactionary things who may call us racist for supporting women who struggle for the same rights as everyone else.
What’s that in English? I’m sure that quote was chosen for the word saladness though
Agreed, “King of Dawah”, some ‘feminists’ are just scared.
In English, this verbal diarrhea probably means ‘decadent, racist Western human rights concepts’ don’t apply to Muslims.
My favorite is the marvellously Orwellian—“traditional modes of gender equality that is misrepresented as inequality by Orientalist filters in the secular realm”
What a weird site. There’s no way for it not to be satirical, and yet it strikes me as odd that someone would create a website dedicated solely to taking the piss out of feminists who fail to stand up to islamists.
Hmmmm…not me. It’s actually a fairly large subject, and certainly important enough.