Peter Boghossian said something interesting on Facebook (via Twitter, I take it).
I was just called a radical feminist for opposing gender segregation at universities.
I’d just been talking about someone going by the name Abdullah Ali who commented on the Universities UK blog and blamed “EDL white surpemacists and radical feminists” for their knee-jerk responses to gender segregation, so I was interested, so I commented. But I should have known better, because I got called “cupcake” for my pains. It’s radical feminist of me to take exception to that.
Ophelia Benson The iERA press release referred to everyone who opposes gender segregation as “radical feminist or EDL”. N Timothy Aho Nonradical feminists provide cover for their more radical ideologists Ophelia Benson The label “radical feminists” is thrown around so promiscuously that it has little meaning. N Timothy Aho Right. So probably best to avoid the ideology altogether Ophelia Benson Well what “ideology”? If the label has little meaning how can we possibly know what “ideology” we’re talking about? N Timothy Aho You’ll figure it out Ophelia Benson I’ll figure out what you mean? No I won’t. Your mind is your mind. I can’t “figure out” what you mean on the basis of two short comments.
Ophelia Benson Eh? You “edited” your comment to say something completely different, after I replied to the unedited one? That’s not very reasonable. N Timothy Aho @OB- I hope you can find that point of examining gender-related topics without feminist a more objective-seeking social psychology N Timothy Aho Relax cupcake – mods happen Ophelia Benson I must be a “radical feminist” – I don’t like being called “cupcake” by a condescending stranger. N Timothy Aho Radical condescenders are fun Ophelia Benson Actually no, they’re not. N Timothy Aho What? I enjoy FTB & Jezebel antics…
And this is why I’m a radical feminist. (Not in the sense of being a TERF. The older meaning: a feminist who wants to change the culture, not just the laws.) Because I get sick of being unable to have a conversation of that kind without being called “cupcake” or similar. I get sick of being casually automatically insulted just for being a woman by an ill-mannered man.
Why does the “le” keep getting edited off the end of his name?
(Ok, I know… childish of me.)
Gobsmaked! What is wrong with people today? How does being opposed to gender segregation (separate but equal, anyone?) make you a radical anything? This person is an idiot.
Reminds me of a conversation I overheard a couple of years ago
Idiot #1: Blah, blah, blah, bitches
Idiot #2: Hey, don’t call them that!
Idiot #1: Call them what?
Idiont #2: Bitches, chicks really hate when you call them that.
Me: Sigh, please neither of you ever, ever breed.
Jafafa Hots (#1)
Actually, it’s fine as it is. “Aho” means “fuckwit” in Japanese.
So if the label “radical feminst” is thrown around too much, it is best to avoid the ideology altogether.
Then how about: if the label “radical islamist” is thrown around to much, it is best to avoid the ideology altogether?
The TERfs are pro-gender segregation, with all the ridiculous impossibility of checking chromosomal “sex” (Not possible), gonadal “sex” etc and ignoring the easiest way of telling if someone is a woman. Just ask them.
In fact I was disappointed at the extreme islamists on the Chirs Moos post you linked to not answering the Qs on Intersex, gender identity and trans ppl. I wonder if they’d actually be more sensible than the TERfs and just go with identity. Although I’d imagine the idea of a penis in the “womens” space would tweak their bigot gland in the same way as it gets the TERfs going. Would be interesting to see anyway.