Rootle rootle

Wow. She’s still at it. Obsessive-compulsive blog-monitoring.


Sara E. Mayhew @saramayhew

The copy/paste bloggers at #ftbullies are now block quoting block quotes.

The picture is of a quoted passage on my post Hold that pose, now pout from the day before that tweet. I quoted John Holbo and included a bit that he quoted.

Yes, and? So what? Is Mayhew so sub-literate that she’s never encountered internal quoted passages before? It’s normal. It’s not some loopy thing that only I do because I’m one of the #ftbullies, it’s just a normal thing to do.

They go rooting around like Périgord pigs looking for truffles, digging through every post to find something to rage about. I must be very important!!



  1. Al Dente says

    If she can’t find something substantive to complain about, that won’t stop her. She’ll complain just for the sake of complaining. Or instead of complaining, maybe she’s just whining.

  2. Wowbagger, Designated Snarker says

    It’s pretty telling about Sara’s personality that she doesn’t appear to have any friends who care about her enough to tell her to stop engaging in poorly-thought-out attack after poorly-thought-out attack when so many of them do far more damage to her reputation (like in this case) than they do to the person/people she’s trying so very hard to discredit.

    At least she appears to have learned to spot-check her tweets for typos before posting them, which is something. #navalgassing

  3. Jean says

    So she is quoting you quoting someone quoting someone else. And she says that you are the bad one for doing something like this?!?!?!

  4. PatrickG says

    Pfft, I’ve been known to nest blockquotes four deep!*

    Ophelia’s an amateur. AN AMATEUR!

    * Albeit not intentionally. 😀

  5. says

    I know, right? I’m sometimes tempted to see how far I can indent before the system breaks down.

    It’s an art form – like David Foster Wallace’s notes, which could easily go four deep. I should do a post with notes that do that…

  6. Wowbagger, Designated Snarker says

    Ophelia wrote:

    It’s an art form – like David Foster Wallace’s notes, which could easily go four deep. I should do a post with notes that do that…

    No doubt Sara would say she saw Braveheart and therefore doesn’t need to read any of Wallace’s books…

  7. PatrickG says

    I should do a post with notes that do that…

    Hey! You already share tweets from Sara Mayhew with us. Isn’t that torture enough?

  8. hjhornbeck says

    Woo_Monster, Sniffer of Starfarts @9:






    You didn’t use it to make beat poetry. [ahem]

    mound round,

    holding profound ground

    herding birds,

    and hiding bears

    a brio mingle,

    volcanic pingo

  9. Dave Ricks says

    Referring to references referred to, I just found Channel 101 is an ongoing contest in Los Angeles to make 5-minute TV episodes, and the audience decides whether the shows should continue or be cancelled.  The TV episodes tend to have an aesthetic of being so bad they’re good.  Now if you step inside the world of

    the mocumentary Yacht Rock, in episode 4, where Toto’s Steve Porcaro pays SCTV’s Harold Ramis $75 to make Michael McDonald into an irrelevant joke, the satirical clip McDonald sees on TV is really from

    SCTV episode 84 where

    The Gerry Todd Show episode 2 has VJ Gerry Todd play

    A Tribute to Michael McDonald.

    Of course this all assumes the audience is familiar with Michael McDonald.

  10. freemage says

    Yeah… How dare you, Ophelia, actually give credit to the person you’re reading for pointing you to an interesting quote by a third person? You should be doing like professionals do, and just plagiarize shit.

    No, wait…

  11. says

    It’s funny about reading one person who is reading another person and liking to show people both…I’ve always liked that, I’ve always liked reading about, say, Keats reading Shakespeare, or Shakespeare reading Montaigne, or Montaigne reading Plutarch…One of the many reasons I like blogging and the medium of the blog is that it makes it so easy to share things like that.

    I find it kind of…disgusting that anyone thinks it’s worth pissing on that just because of some mysterious hatred of a stranger.

  12. Ant (@antallan) says

    My father-in-law tells this story… 

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:

    It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said to the crew, “Now gather ’round lads and I’ll tell you a story!” And this is the story he told:


  13. embertine says

    Sara, if you’re reading this (and, let’s face it, you are) please for the love of Snoopy get yourself another hobby. I hear crochet is big at the moment. You can actually make hyperbolic planes out of it that are not only interesting mathematically but look like nudibranchia. Look at this!
    Wouldn’t that be more fun than repetitively criticising a total stranger? Or you could grow orchids! You could focus all that obsessive attention to detail on something constructive for a change!


  1. […] In case you are wondering, yes this was precipitated by a recent conversation in meatspace. Also, yes, I’m experiencing heightened levels of anxiety–because of said conversation, poor decisions regarding participating in Facebook conversations discussing reproductive rights, and the distressing fact that calling a professional scientist and science communicator a whore is not unambiguously considered wrong by everyone. So I’m being a such a lazy blogger today–you don’t even get block quotes! […]

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