I go to Twitter and what greets me?
Loser, hypocrite, bitch,
#cuntbucket AND#douchecanoe:@OpheliaBenson < fuck you ruiner of things. >> look: http://www.atheistrev.com/2012/12/michael-shermer-is-latest-to-be.html … think!!.
@OpheliaBenson is a horrible person..
@OpheliaBenson makes me think I should avoid Seattle. (Even though I was born in Tacoma.)
Total stranger to me, that person. I thought I would RT the first one, but got the “you can’t” message – so that person tweeted that shit at me and then blocked me. I don’t do this “that feminazi blocked me just because I called her a cunt!!” routine, I don’t do the “you may not block anyone” routine at all – but I do think that throwing a bunch of shit at a stranger and then blocking is chickenshit.
Anyway. That was my Twitter “good morning.”
Update: A couple of hours on –
@CommonCormorantNot sure I understand how “oh no someone called me the c-word on twitter” is even something adults talk about.
That’s great, isn’t it? Calling a total stranger a cunt is perfectly adult, but talking about the fact that some random thug called me a cunt – that’s not something adults talk about.
Let’s take lessons in ethics from that guy!
But you ruined all the things! 🙂
(Good morning to you too!)
Ugh. That sounds like a horrible thing to wake up to. I don’t know what motivates these unhinged haters.
Donation courtesy of Phalacrocoracidae. Enjoy the cookies, Ophelia!
Pathetic fuckers, with nothing better to do in life, except boil all the time in their own bilious hatred, and spew some of that hatred from time to time like a geyser. Such a waste of a life. It’s a pity.
But… For every such wanker, there are many who like, love, and respect you and what you do tirelessly. I hope you always keep that in mind, Ophelia.
Hateraide; breakfast of champions!
It’s the twitter version of the flaming bag of dog poop on the doorstep.
Here’s hoping you keep ruining things. I rather prefer them “ruined”.
Money laundering is the deliberate act of passing around money in a way that hides the origin. I think there’s an unguided version at work here; meme-washing would be the act (deliberate or not) of posting emotionally-charged ideas, so that other people will re-post and re-re-post them. This disguises their true origin and provides a cover of plausible deniability.
It would explain why the SlymePit are so obsessed with who is and is not a SlymePit member, as it’s a way to enforce plausible deniability.
Ruiner of things… That has a nice ring to it. Im sure that has an absolutely awesome greek or sanskrit translation or so, material for a great nickname.
Wow, they like to pepper their misogynistic slurs with dishonesty. How perfectly typical.
I’m sorry these cowardly creeps direct their anger at you.
Are you why I showed up to physical therapy on the wrong day this morning, Ophelia? RUINER!!!1!
I’m the most ruinous thing since THE ATOMIC BOMB.
Yes, illiterate, babbling, misogynist fuckwits can please avoid Seattle. That would be grand.
Phalacrocoracidae is deeply strange. After an exchange of words where he ends up calling me an A+ apologist and a bully, he is going through my timeline and retweeting old tweets of mine.
My breakfast mixed fruit had way more papaya than mango, and I hate papaya. It’s all because Ophelia ruined it.
Oh. Now I am a human sock puppet who only reacts to people, lack an original thought and have questionable ethics. And that I am a loser show should be fucked in the eye and that he is going to block me.
Truly a rational person that is a shining example for me.
Wait a minute. I thought everything bad was Rebecca Watson ‘s fault? How can Benson ruin anything if it’s all Watson’s fault? Unless… Watson is the ee-vil mastermind, and Benson is a cat’s-paw Watson has designated to perform specific acts of ruination?
There—perfectly self-consistent, and perfectly logical. So it has to be right.
A new superpower. Ruiner of Things. That just says it all, doesn’t it.
So it’s no longer Rebecca Watson’s fault?
Missed that memo. I just can’t keep up.
I’m sorry you have to deal with this kind of crap.
And whoever thinks Shermer’s PR problem is your calling him out for “it’s more of a guy thing” last year must really live under a rock…
For anyone who cares: Phalacrocoracidae is the cormorant family. I have no idea what that says about Ophelia’s new fan (probably nothing: nyms are an idiosyncratic thing).
Eamon Knight, that deeply strange tweeter points that out with the address @CommonCormorant.
D’oh! I tend to filter details like that when reading tweets….
No, no, no. Once the adult hat was put on, the term used was “c-word”. Only when in childish mode did Phalacrocoracidae use words like bitch, cunt, and fuck.
I’m also sorry this is the sort of thing you get tweeted at you. No longer surprised, but very, very sorry.
Ave Ophelia, deletrix rerum! Res delendae sunt!
Fossa muci ab Ophelia delendam esse.
Deletrix rerum! Now that’s a title.
I thought we assigned the Ruiner of All Things beat to Miri. Are you poaching on her turf now?
Well if some random schmuck on Twitter decides to hand the mitre to me, who am I to say no?
You can ALL be the ruiner of things. You just have to pick different domains.
The domain of Time is already taken.
Are you aware of the Aussie women Destroying the Joint? FB group here, you should join! https://www.facebook.com/DestroyTheJoint
Phalacrocoracidae turned up to call me names too, for some reason. I must have been ruining some things too. He seems entirely deranged.
Thank you, Phalacrocoracidae, for my new Charr name!
Okay, I’m now envisaging a cartoon superhero in a pineapple mask, and if she’s going to have a Latin title, ‘Deletrix omnium rerum’ is (I think) how it’s going to go. (They’ve got a lot more grammar than we do, those Latins.)
Anybody handy at cartoonifying?
Latin is rather well equipped with terms for doing damage. Ophelia, I think you can choose any one out of DELETRIX (seems the most popular so far), PERDITRIX, VASTATRIX or even EXTINCTRIX or SUBVERTRIX.
RERUM for “of things” is standard as in De rerum natura, on the nature of things.
Ophelia, Vastatrix Rerum, Omnis Subvertrix, Perditrix Mundi et Deletrix Totae Orbis Terrarum, quae omnia genera ruinae, subversionis, interitus et perditionis potest…
Or you could strike a pose and declare “Today I am become Benson, Ruiner of Things”.
Less coffee. Less coffee.
How much can you get paid with a job title like that? Many moms like me get the title of ‘ruiner of fun’ all the time, but All Things…..man, that’s got to be worth…….Something!
I don’t think the people who think you are a ‘horrible person’ are worth knowing. Come sit over by me. I like you fine, and when I make a joke, it’s a funny one, not just a cruel dribble of bile. Let’s have some laughs.
I *think* (it’s been 50 years since my last Latin class) it should be “Deletrix rerum omnes.“
I think “lessons in ethics from that guy” would be quite valuable, given that he’s thus far been consistently 100% wrong about ethics. Listen to what he says, and then don’t do that.
Agnus diaboli, qui diruis rerum mundi, miserere nobis!
Agnus diaboli, qui diruis rerum mundi, miserere nobis!
Agnus diaboli, qui diruis rerum mundi, dona nobis pacem!
hjhornbeck #8:
Deleatrix Rerum Maxima Beata, hoc est scorpus *
It is a locally well known fact that cormorants tend to settle in hordes upon one small island at a time, where they collectively proceed to voluminously excrete the caustic waste from their bottom-feeding metabolism to such an extent as to shortly exterminate all vegetation and render their poopoolocation sterile for aeons to come, only to migrate onto another unfortunate locale.
Now, is that a clue at all, Tweetheart?
Sorry to ruin your ape-tight.
* (have a cookie)