When in doubt, threaten

Definitely; the thing to do when you disagree with a woman or girl is to threaten violence. Absolutely. It’s only weak feeble worthless people – like women and girls – who hesitate to do that.

A high school girl objects to a prayer on a wall of her school; Fox News reports; the threats come in.

I say just take her out to the parking lot, put on some gloves so as not to leave any marks, and just  b e a t  her selfish little  a s s  for her. If she tells on you,  b e a t  her  a s s  again. What have you got to lose? I can guarantee that throwing bibles at her isn’t going to help.


She should be removed…PERMANENTLY…Nothing here but a wannabe future aclu   w  h   o   r    e….

Did they forget the ever-popular “If I was a girl, I’d kick her in the cunt. Cunt.”?


  1. Kiwi Sauce says

    Words fail me. Is anyone putting the high school girl under protection?

    And ERV seems to be demonstrating how the story Lord of the Flies is applicable on the internet. A number of people seem to be whipping themselves up in the comments there, surely this is going to affect their real life behaviour if it hasn’t already.

  2. says

    And ERV seems to be demonstrating how the story Lord of the Flies is applicable on the internet.

    Or demonstrating what I’ve always seen as the real message of the book: the problems of a “civilized” culture carried to extremes.

  3. Dhorvath, OM says

    More like four year olds seeing how many times they can touch something they shouldn’t before they get in trouble. Problem is they aren’t hurting themselves, they can’t see well enough to even realize where their touch falls let alone the effect.

  4. John Morales says

    I presume the vast majority of Christians on that comment thread are chiding those fellow adherents over these malevolent threats, right?

    Their priesthood caste is also speaking out against it, no?

    After all, tolerance, forgiveness and love for everyone is the hall-mark of their religion, supposedly.

    (We know this because we keep being told this is the case; lucky, that, else we’d never realise it!)

  5. Grace says

    What the hell, I never went to the ERV blog before but followed your link, that is some hateful shit there. What is this whole “gender femme” business? I know Christina Hoff Sommers, MRA dream girl, promotes this idea. Before the “elevatorgate” thing Richard Dawkins was praising a talk someone on his website recommended by Christina, so I wasn’t entirely suprised by his remarks toward Rebecca Watson.

    I mean are people really suprised there is open sexism in the movement when some of the most famous atheists cast their lot with antifeminist MRAs like her?

    If you’re not familiar with Sommers, I recommend this article from FAIR:
    The ‘Stolen Feminism’ Hoax
    Anti-Feminist Attack Based on Error-Filled Anecdotes
    By Laura Flanders

    Here’s a gem from Christina:

    “There are a lot of homely women in women’s studies. Preaching these anti-male, anti-sex sermons is a way for them to compensate for various heartaches–they’re just mad at the beautiful girls.”

  6. julian says

    There are a lot of homely women in women’s studies. Preaching these anti-male, anti-sex sermons is a way for them to compensate for various heartaches–they’re just mad at the beautiful girls.


    That’s not far from one of the more common refrains coming out of erv and exactly what you hear from out and proud MRA’s (inmalafide said just that when talking about Rebecca Watson). But it’s a woman doing the talking therefore it can’t in any shape way for form be sexist.


    Anyway, Ms. Ahlquist, like I said at WWJTD, you’re an inspiration. It takes a lot to stand up to your whole community and this kind of harassment. More than what a lot of us have. Thank you for what you’re doing for all of us.

  7. Philip Legge says

    Since I am most loathe to begin posting over at ERV when I’ve never done so before now, may I instead add to SC’s comment on the repulsive smear by Franc Hoggle quoted above by Ophelia: this vile denigration isn’t anything like remotely acceptable language, anywhere (and Hoggle’s “greylining” blog is similarly tainted with misogynistic hate speech in numerous posts, which should serve as a defence against the claim that the quotation has been simply cherry-picked): it’s the handiwork of a morally repugnant abhorrence. In short, my rebuttal and response to this slur is:


  8. sailor1031 says

    I’m surprised that any intelligent people still read ERV. I find the pandering to violent-natured stupid little boys far too boring to waste time on – life’s too short.

    As for threats – that’s what you do when you have no rational argument. Coupled with the american belief that violence solves problems, is it any wonder?

  9. Luna_the_cat says

    What @sailor1031 said.

    Abbie Smith strikes me as a reasonably intelligent person, at least in the areas of science where she has studied — but she has also struck me (for a long time) as one of the “mean girls” and school bully types, and as a result, has turned her forum into pretty much a cesspit. There are truly intelligent people out there who are not so handicapped by attitude, and honestly, that is where I would rather contribute. I just leave the ERV lot to their muck. Not only does reading over there make me want to scrub my brain with bleach, more to the point they are too self-reinforcing at this point to ever change, and anyone who isn’t turned off by it already is unlikely to be by a few people showing up there and saying “what’s wrong with you.”

  10. julian says

    which should serve as a defence against the claim that the quotation has been simply cherry-picked -Philip Legge

    Won’t be necessary. There’s nothing that they’ve said that they aren’t proud of or willing to defend. In fact, there isn’t anything you could probably cite other than a direct statement of ‘I hate women. No really. This is not a joke.’ that they’d even consider to possibly be interpreted as misogynistic.

  11. Svlad Cjelli says


    Urge to kill…fading…fading…fading

    So, anyway, I keep running into the phrase “veiled threat” when the only threats in sight are “veiled” to the extent that an obese man wearing a thong is “dressed”.


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