A Foxhole atheist needs only 377 more signatures on the petition to “End the Military’s Discrimination against Non-Religious Service Members” to get the 5000 necessary, but he needs them in the next four days. If the petition gets to 5000 signatures in the next four days the White House will have to respond. If you haven’t already signed it, please do.
Please sign it: the petition.
Update: people have been having trouble signing in. A Noyd offers a fix:
What I did was sign out using the blue bar at the bottom of the page, refresh the petition page, and sign back in using the “sign in” button between “sign this petition” and “create an account.” When I did that, the “sign this petition” button turned green and clickable. Also, it took a few minutes and another page refresh before my signature showed up in the list below the petition, so don’t worry if there’s bit of a delay.
Currently at 215. It’s working.
…Actually I’m having trouble signing.
I’m signed into my account, but the only options available to me on the petition page are “sign in” and “create an account.” If I try to sign in again, I get 404’d. Clearly is a Religious Right government conspiracy.
Seriously though, what gives here?
Argh, crap, I don’t know; I keep getting the site but with a blank where the petition should be. Greg Laden also can’t get in. Bastards!!
Use this link.
Nope, same problem. I get to the page, I sign in, I get a 404 error. Someone seems able to do it, though, because the count needed keeps going down.
Hey you guys that are signing, is there a trick?
Oh, dang, sorry, I guess it’s two problems. I signed in the first time the petition was flagged up (a couple of weeks ago or so) so I didn’t see that this time. How fokking annoying!
I sent a complaint to the webmaster about it, but who knows if we’ll see any action in time to make the deadline.
I’ll keep checking, though.
Maybe you should tip off the pharyngulites – they might be able to get it going.
Well I did tweet PZ a couple of hours ago (he’s at a thing, an event, a gathering, so tweet is more likely to get through than other ways) and he retweeted – and signatures are down to 240, which is great. Some people are certainly getting through.
I was getting the 404 message when I tried to sign but I did get it to work after a bit of troubleshooting. Hopefully this will help others. What I did was sign out using the blue bar at the bottom of the page, refresh the petition page, and sign back in using the “sign in” button between “sign this petition” and “create an account.” When I did that, the “sign this petition” button turned green and clickable. Also, it took a few minutes and another page refresh before my signature showed up in the list below the petition, so don’t worry if there’s bit of a delay.
I created an account and signed the petition. 215 to go.
Aha. Thanks,
DanaA Noyd – I’ll add that to the post.It works! Thanks A. Noyd!
Err, you’re welcome, but my name’s not Dana. Not that I’d ever criticize someone for failing to remember my name (I can only remember 3/7 of the names of my professors this quarter, after all), but it wouldn’t be fair to let you go on thinking I’m someone I’m not. Especially if I stand to gain by this other person’s reputation or they to lose by mine!
What I did was to right-click on the ‘sign in’ button, open it in a new tab, sign in, then refresh the petition page. Green Button! And now only 169 to go.
Signed. It just needs 48 more.
5000! Petition has gathered the necessary signatures. Bravo!
It was already at 5003, but I signed anyway. And I had to use A. Noyd’s advice, so thanks Noyd! Although I am annoyed that I had to use A. Noyd’s advice.
Yay!!! Well done all.
Sorry A; a thinking about too many things at the same time moment.
Woohoo! Now we just need to hope that this doesn’t happen.
Oh, barf. Those bastards.
Come on, there was never a chance in hell that Obama would agree to try to remove ‘under god’ from the pledge. That was a no brainer – the most we could hope to accomplish was to drawn attention.
This, however, is something he can do easily and with no negative consequences.
Which is not to say he’ll do it, but we certainly have a better chance.
Damn it’s hard to type with your fingers crossed.
No, I know, but they didn’t have to send such a dog’s breakfast of a reply.
True. If I’d been expecting anything better, that would have set my teeth on edge.