#SSAweek doodles!

Keep refreshing to see the new ones. Info about requesting a doodle is here.

Request: “Holland Lop Rabbit”

Dear readers:I’d be perfectly happy if all of your requests are adorable animals.

Request: “Owl, dancing”

I hope disco is okay.

Request: “8 kitties playing and ‘kitty mommy’ somewhere in the doodle. a gift for my wife :)”

Pixel wanted to use her expertise to help with that one, so she decided to fall asleep on my arm as I was drawing. Thanks, Pixel.

Request: Doodle of an alien reading the Bolingbrook Babbler.

Brb, taking a lunch break!

Request: Vampire Squid (cuter than you’d think)

Request: “something with a cat and a violin. You decide how they relate. ”

Bad kitty.

Request: “whatever “No Iguana for Z” suggests to you”

A trolly friend requests: “dignity”

Request: “Happy Atom sketch”

Request: “Draw DNA :)”

EDIT: Taking a doodle break because my cold is catching up with me. Will finish the rest soon!


  1. carpenterman says

    You know… between this and Greta Christina’s “Kitten a day for June”, the cuteness level is getting a liiiitle high here on FTB. Remember, some of us are cynical, bitter individuals, with no sense of appreciation for the whimsical or frivolous. After all, we atheists live lives outside of God’s warm embrace… so we are incapable of feeling love or joy anyway, right?
    Ladies, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to be a little angrier. Otherwise, you’re just going to confuse the nice Christians. Then they might respond by getting hostile.
    And we certainly wouldn’t want that.

  2. happyathiestmommy says

    Darn SSA donation page refusing to load. I’m sorry I missed out on commissioning one.

  3. J.M. Pierce says

    Jen…you’re really good….those are the best doodles I’ve ever seen….last year I anted up for your weight loss….might have to get myself a doodle.

  4. Sandiseattle says

    Love the kittens/Mommy doodle, but realize of course I just finished reading the second Barque cat book.

  5. Robert B. says

    I want to start an evil chemical corporation, so that happy atom sketch can be its darkly ironic logo.

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