On a typical day I’d still be sleeping for four more hours, but right now I’m in the airport. And in a couple more hours, I’ll be in DC for the Women in Secularism conference! I’m super excited (well, excited as you can be at 5am and about to fly to an opposite coast). The lineup is amazing, and I’m honored to be a part of it. Can’t wait to see all of my godless friends!
Watch #WISCFI on Twitter for con updates. Of course, we won’t be tweeting the top secret lesbian rituals or our plan for worldwide castration, but…
I’ve said too much.
My flight will be just as fun. I get to read a dozen papers on multiplexing microRNA for high throughput sequencing to study for my general exam! Wooooooooo! …man, when I scheduled this conference a year and a half ago, my schedule was a little less hectic. Oh well. Honestly I’ll probably get more studying done while trapped on a plane without distraction (aka the internet).
If you’re at the con, say hi!
Jenny – this is not relevant to your piece, but I was wondering if you are going to the Amazing Meeting in July? My wife and I are going, and were hoping to meet you.
We’re not supposed to tweet the plan for worldwide castration? Oops.
They sell interwebs on the plane…
As a male attendee, why do I suddenly feel like Nicholas Cage in the remake of Wicker Man?
Please post if you head out anywhere in DC tomorrow night (you know, if the not-yet-castrated are welcome…..)
Unfortunately I’m not :( Don’t have the time or money this year. But you’ll still have fun without me there!
I’ll try to tweet what we’re up to, so watch there!
I’m really frustrated that I had to run my brain on “power savings mode” since April to try to get through the semester without fucking up my grades and/or giving myself a nervous breakdown; because as a result I wasn’t able to plan and schedule my East Coast vacation, which was supposed to include the WIS conference.
have fun
So, what’s preferable: a kick in the cunt, or castration?
Apparently one is a joke, but the other one?
…actually happens?
If you can’t tell the difference between sarcastically highlighting hateful stereotypes made toward a minority group that I am a part of, and threatening comments made toward a minority group that someone is not a part of, kindly fuck off and never come back. No loss.
The entire FfTB universe failed to tell the difference between sarcastically highlighting hateful stereotypes made toward a minority group … and threatening comments made toward a minority group … in regards to Franc’s initial comment. So, why does that “rule” not apply to you?
Jen: First of all, I am a Slimepit denizen. Thought I should make this clear.
Castration is not very funny in and of itself. I hope I won’t have to go to youtube and seek out that outrageous clip of this talkshow where these female pannelists make fun of a guy getting his dick cut off and thrown in the shredder. I’d take a hundred kicks in the balls rather than that outcome.
Now, to be clear, I understood your hyperbole re castration. What I don’t get is why you allow this type of exagerations only for yourselves (not talking about you personaly, but FTB at large). Maybe you really live in a country where women are downtrodden by the patriarchy. I don’t, so I can’t really judge.
But in good faith, do you think Franc’s threat was real, or just another hyperbole?
So you’re still a liar.
Hoggle meant what he said (and is not a minority. Scumbags like him are all to common.). There was never any denial on your part (or his) on what the motivations were then so please don’t try to rewrite history now. You all went through a number of hoops and somersaults to justify what was said (up to and including ‘it’s ok cuz she really is a cunt’- a paraphrase on my part) and at no point was it described as “sarcastically highlighting hateful stereotypes.”
There was no threat in McCreight’s post. It’s referencing a commonly held stereotype of feminist women. That they want to castrate men and take over the world. Did you notice the conspiracy atmosphere she poked fun at with “Of course, we won’t be tweeting the top secret lesbian rituals” and “I’ve said to much”?
Compare this to Hoggle who meant what he said (from how you and your friends have defended it) to be the equivalent of “kick him in the balls.” There was no mocking of stereotypes nor was the speaker a member of an underprivileged group who these stereotypes would have applied to.
Phil asks: “What I don’t get is why you allow this type of exagerations only for yourselves….”
We should all keep in mind the general somewhat ridiculous hysteria fomented by Ophelia Umbridge and expanded upon by the FfTB universe in general, over Franc’s initial comment. Also keep in mind the general ban of any kind of female-focussed, so-called sexist joke, or vague and/or obscurely peripheral threat, however ludicrous, sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek, or unintentional. With the notable exception, of course, of Sally Strange, on November 28 2011, thinking that rape jokes can be funny, to wit:
“The Onion is the only place where I’ve seen rape jokes that were actually funny.” (http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2011/11/28/episode-cclxxviii-evolution-sorta/comment-page-1/#comment-197687) ).
Also, one should keep in mind the general rule-base of FfTB while pondering the possibilities in the following:
1. Franc was being sarcastic, hyperbolic, and ironic.
2. Franc was knowingly tweaking triggers to induce a thoroughly expected hysterical response.
3. There are indeed many radical feminists who believe quite strongly in the correctness and validity of practicing a sort of general genocide via forced castration, so making jokes about such does not avoid some taint of reality.
See: http://radicalhub.com/ for instances of such thinking and ideology.
And then remind me how Franc is a greater threat to the ideal of humanity than the RadFemHub denizens, who, by the way, outnumber the Slimepit denizens by some several factors of ten and many more countries of origin.
As ever julie, you are a master of weak sophistry and deeply flawed logic chopping, not to mention historical revision and fantastic dogmatism.
La la la la I can’t hear you!
Funny wee laddie.
RadFemHub are a bunch of transphobic assholes, and I think most of FtBers understand this. Here’s a post from Natalie Reed mocking Cathy Brennan this week:
1. Franc was not being sarcastic.
2. You’re admitting Hoggle was intentionally trying to trigger people which is not ok except among you things who consider causing emotional trauma and harm lolworthy.
3. You’re an idiot.
Says the man who could never be bothered to read or understand what the people he was blasting as radfem misandrists were saying.
julie said:
“Hoggle meant what he said….”
Oh. You mean about getting a sex change?
“… and at no point was it described as sarcastically highlighting hateful stereotypes’.”
I never said it was, Mr. Reading (in)Comprehension Wizzrd.
I am saying it now, as in quoting Jen, to add pith and currency to the word salad.
Bentley Owen said:
“RadFemHub are a bunch of transphobic assholes, and I think most of FtBers understand this.”
And raving misandrists too. Yes, indeed. And I understand that. I am not for an instant suggesting that FfTBers respect, condone, or support such RadFem lunacy. Nonetheless, I believe that pointing them out is valid currency for my argument, in that Franc and the Slimepit denizens™ have been accused of worse crimes using far, far less peripheral association. And so, I feel linking to the RadFemHub as an example of the concept of forced castration not being a laughing matter is legitimate.
LOL. Roll on julie, roll on.
While you’re at it, perhaps you’d like to issue one of your patented death threats.
Or are you sober today?
Ooops. Posted this above, but meant to post it here:
Bentley Owen said:
“RadFemHub are a bunch of transphobic assholes, and I think most of FtBers understand this.”
And raving misandrists too. Yes, indeed. And I understand that. I am not for an instant suggesting that FfTBers respect, condone, or support such RadFem lunacy. Nonetheless, I believe that pointing them out is valid currency for my argument, in that Franc and the Slimepit denizens™ have been accused of worse crimes using far, far less peripheral association. And so, I feel linking to the RadFemHub as an example of the concept of forced castration not being a laughing matter is legitimate.
Wow, did you read the entire thread to get the context of that comment about the Onion articles? And if so, were you able to understand it? It appears not.
I’m riding my bicycle to work tomorrow. As tempting as a drink (or a few) might be, it’s at least an hour ride and it probably wouldn’t do me much good to be hungover.
Why? Were looking for a fight, Mr. Greg? I’d be happy to oblige sober, drunk or otherwise. In my experience a good fist fight helps clear the air between two people. It might do our relationship some good.
Or are you just looking to score a weak rhetorical point? That’s, what’s the word, weak.
Sorta like asking a creationist if they had read or understood the paper they’d just linked to.
I bet you think that was clever.
Just looking to score weak points laddie buck. And I am a peace mongering humanist, not a fist-fighting simian.
“Wow, did you read the entire thread … were you able to understand it….”
Wow, I did, and I was.
And wow, that’s why I posted my post. I think wowishly that Jen’s attempt at ironic sarcasm was misguided and hypocritical.
In my wowwy opinion (which wee julie will be more than happy to inform you, with lots of wowsing, is meaningless, vile, and anti everything he holds dear), FfTB bloggers and commenters represent some of the most vivid “do as I say, not as I do” examples of behaviour to be found on the atheistic, and so-called skeptical Internet.
I mean, seriously, FfTB has functional illiterates like Greg Laden lecturing people on the wonders of social control and the meaning of rhetoric (when he can spell it); intellectual clowns like LousyJulian telling people that censorhip, moderation, and deletion equal freedom of speech and unmoderated blogs are a threat to the entire human race by fomenting discord and debate; and hypocritical raging fanatics like PeeZus Myers condemning circumcision one week, and then condemning critics of it the next, and saying he’ll screw someone into the ground because that someone did not want to sell Myers an ice cream for which Myers did not even have the moral courage to even confront face-to-face while hiding behind the sugarcone of his personal Internet fiefdom.
And that’s only a small sample set.
Will wonders never cease?
John, the wonder is that you actually believe all the crap you tell each other in the slimepit and think it will impress anyone else who hasn’t spent the last 10 months with a raging hate-on. I watched as someone new read your “work” in this thread. The response? Howling laughter.
You really should get out more.
Oh hai.
“Franc Hoggle” is a creepy stalkery asshole.
And you are stupid.
Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts, though! I’m touched, even if you don’t understand what you’re quoting.
The up-the-down Stepholator said:
“John, the wonder is that you actually believe all the crap you tell each other in the slimepit and think it will impress anyone else who hasn’t spent the last 10 months with a raging hate-on. ”
Hi, Steph, Hon. Glad you could join us today. We’ve been pondering logic and cents … erm … and while we know it’s not your strong point, your eloquent, verbose, pithy, and reference-rich contribution is always welcome.
Now, I was wondering, do you have any citations, quotes, or research to prove, or perhaps even anecdotally confirm, that what each of us Slimepit denizens™ tell each other, even when we disagree with each other, is “crap”?
Though, I must abjectly admit it should be pointed out that in a sense you are right about one thing, in that us Slimepit denizens™ tend to tell each other (as opposed to “telling” non-Slimepit denizens™) lots of things for the simple reason that the high and wholly holy brigade of intellectually courageous heroes at FfTB have banned most of us, in many cases simply for just existing — honourable, trustworthy, and profoundly deep bunch of Freethought perveyors that you be.
The Zzzvanman also said:
“I watched as someone new read your “work” in this thread. The response? Howling laughter.”
Huh? I see that, as always, and like Goombah Laden, making sense is not one of your best friends. Well, not usually your friend a’tall relly relly. Ah well, and yes, no surprise there.
“You really should get out more.”
Aye, I should. While not homeless this year, I am, nonetheless, far, far, far too vanilla … er, um, ah, too whitely privileged … or summat.
Strange Sally Strange said:
“And you are stupid.”
I might be, I might be. You, dear Ms. Sally, are the profound one, aren’t you? By-the-passable-by, do you have any confirmable research to prove your wee tidy point?
And of course I understood what I was quoting, you febrile notwit. The problem is, as is the case with so many of you rather perceptively illiterate FfTB blog commentors (and blog hosts; wouldn’t want to leave those terrific clowns out now would we?), that your point was neither clearly nor accurately presented. Yes, yes, yes, I know what you were trying to say, but you did not say it effectively, accurately, eloquently, or correctly. Remedial Stranglish, er, um, English, at a local college, might, maybe, help.
If you want to spew opinions, that’s fine. We all do. But for fuck’s sake, if you’re going to make a statement of claim and opinion, at least take the time and the care and the consideration of anyone who might read your tripe to present it clearly, conscisely, accurately, and logically.
Yes, yes, I know that that is hard work, and your illiterate mentor and fellow suck-buddy … no, wait, strike that, your rectal-kiss buddy, Laden, strongly encourages, by both example and statement, doing otherwise, but … well, buts will be buts. Won’t they, dear?
You know, Steffy dahling, this has been kind of fun. I am so glad that Jen does not bow (at least, not yet) to the pressure of the naked emperor and simply edit, moderate, delete, and ban any commenter with whom she, and her fellow commenters, disagree with.
Whee ha!
Oh, wait!?
Do I hear the slither of the naked emperor approaching?! I do hope not. It’s been such a lovely day.
Given where your head is, any slithering sounds are almost certainly due to your normal digestive processes.
Based on your comments, though, you’re about to get a face full of meconium if you don’t pop it out quick.
In reply to, um, er … ahem, Azkyroth Former Growing Pustule On My Chancre Enveloped Toaster Oven….
(Seriously, what is it with these goofy and stupidly long names some of you sycophantic FfTB rectum lickers use?!? D’ya’ll think it profound, or something? Can’t ya’ll realize it’s just fuckin’ stupid?)
Um, well, anyway, okay little dude … uh, pop out what, quick?
One of the things I hate most about the FfTB universe is the remarkable degree of illiteracy and all around and general incompetence when it comes to writing and stating clearly, concisely, accurately, and logically, ideas.
Ya’ll are a, for the most part, bunch of remarkabley ignorant and illiterate rhetoricians.
Seriosuly now, how many of you have actually passed your grade 9 equivalency test … or whateverthefuck it’s called in the innumerate and illiterate YouKnighted Stats of Amerika.
Additionally, Mr. Eloquent Azkyroth (and what the fuck is an Azkyroth anyway?), as I am neither female, nor pregnant, nor fetal, as you Yanks spell it, I think not. No. No meconium sliming its way this way you dipshit amateur.
Jeah, John Greg
Sure, you’re not misogynists.
You don’t think that being a woman in itself is bad (only if she dares to demand human rights)
So, when you’re desperately trying to insult julian by apropriating his nym, you go for a woman’s name.
Sure, no misogyny there, move on, people…
Seriously? You’re going to put this:
…one sentence from this:
So you’re accusing people of simultaneously being unable to read and write, whilst also using too many complex words? Those are mutually exclusive. Pick one and run with it cupcake. And if you hate it here, piss off! No one will mourn, and you’ll not have to be exposed to all this gender-equality horror…
I’m actually still waiting for you to post something of significance to be replied to. So far it seems to consist of ‘Waaaaah! Jen made a joke which targeted men! I should have the right to degrade her existence!!!!!!’
Please tell me you’re not a Brit. I don’t want my nation tarnished by association with dipshits like you…
So, John Greg, tell us:
Do you understand the difference between punching up and punching down?
Do you understand the difference between making a threat of something that happens all the fucken time and something that is very uncommon and probably impossible?
Oh, I think John Greg understands the difference just fine; but as a shitty little scumbag of a bigoted coward, he prefers to punch down.
I reckon this comment right here is proof enough. Bitter, incoherent rambling much?
Yeah, I meant the one you were quoting from, not the OP here. I see you didn’t understand that either.
I really don’t want to step into that one. And for the record, I agree with Jenn here.
But I do want to point out that women are not a minority in society at large (though perhaps they demonstrably are in the atheist movement, but I’m not sure about that.) The fact that they are marginalised as if they are a minority perhaps makes the situation even worse.
Giliell, dahling, if he were a she, I would poke masculine funny sticks at him/her. It’s not a matter of misogyny, it’s a matter of contrary.
If julian, dahling, were, say Georgina, dahling, I would call her/him George.
You see?
No, I thought not.
“So you’re accusing people of simultaneously being unable to read and write, whilst also using too many complex words?”
Actually, no, I did not “accuse” anyone of using too many complex words. I “accused” them of using too many words (complex or otherwise is irrelevant) to make up stupid noms de ‘net in a vain attempt at appearing, special?, or something.
“Those are mutually exclusive.”
Actually, they are not. Illiterates often use massive and sophisticated (which is probably what you mean when you misuse the term complex) words, and far too many of them (like Natalie Screed, I am often guilty of that one), in a vain attempt to cover their ignorance. It is, in actual fact, a documented problem with many first-year college attendees, who, while not necessarily exactly illiterate, do often have rather a long way to go before they are eloquently literate, and in the meantime tend to sway bombastic, verbose, and dull, in a vain attempt to appear more wise.
I’m not a brit. Happy now?
Yes. Quite right.
Well, no, the truth is I like to punch sideways, really.
Of course I do.
But, you see, Franc’s ancient comment was neither, except in terms of probability, perhaps, in which case it was quite improbable.
I propose that it is very, very doubtful that he intended to have a sex change operation so that he could then carry out his not-intended-as-a-threat fantasy to kick anyone in their feminine bifurcation.
But, as is plainly clear, FfTB is quite incapable of comprehending that particular reality.
Look, if you are going to make claims about Franc’s intentions, which you can only at best make a weak guess at, you really must include his entire statement as well as its context. When the entire statement, and its context, are taken into account, without the lunatic hysteria fomented by Benson, then it becomes pretty darn clear that he no more intended to actually kick anyone than he intended on becoming a woman.
Ya. Bitchin’, innit?
Oh, by-the-by, why am I a “bigoted coward”?
Wherein lies my cowardice?
And wherein lies my bigotry?
Specifics, please.
Only that it’s, of course, not credible, unless, of course, I give you credit of being an additional transphobic asshole, which, on the other hand, is totally believable
Precisely: stupid.