Happy Valentine's Day!

Here’s a photo of me and my date:We met at the Seattle Atheists’ Darwin Day celebration! Once I laid eyes on him, I knew I had to make him mine. Thankfully he only cost a dollar.

Don’t judge.

Anyway, the event was really fun. About 150 people showed up to partake in the cake, games, and other various festivities. I ended up randomly being on the panel because they were one person short and needed an evolutionary biologist who has opinions about the “evolution wars.” I may have an opinion or ten million in that area. It was fun.

But if you’ll excuse me, I have some noodly appendages to go spend quality time with.


  1. Bridget Osborn says

    You were a great panelist. It was my first Darwin Day and just joined Seattle Atheists recently. So happy to find like-minded people! I was the very pregnant gal in the front :)

  2. says

    I mostly just like those little cinnamon hearts that you can get anywhere at this time of year…. mmmm cinnamon. ( I might be slightly addicted to them)But yeah, my boy and myself pretty much have dinner together every day so we pretty much do the same thing we do any other day on Valentine’s day…. but with cinnamon hearts.

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