I survived my first quarter of grad school!

I plan to celebrate by doing absolutely nothing for a week. Thankfully for you, my version of doing absolutely nothing includes blogging.

Then I’ll be flying around visiting family for a bit, including hitting up the Harry Potter theme park with my parents. Kind of overly excited for that.

I may post a real summary of grad school so far later, but right now I’m content with being braindead for a bit. Consider this an open thread until I put a real post up. What awesome stuff have I missed recently while I was busy finishing my research?


  1. Roy Steves says

    Dinosaurs have returned, and have taken over the government. New mammalian labor laws are not going to make you happy when you hear them. Also, movies with meteors are outlawed.

  2. Azkyroth says

    When I see the word “mansplaining” I read “I have no real response to your argument, so I’ll assign you a gender I find rhetorically convenient and ignore subsequent correction, if any.”

    Fixed it for you. I don’t blame you for being semi-optimistic, though.

  3. Anon says

    Regrettably, I lost my wife and partner of 27 years to cancer last month. Doing little “normal” things like reading BlagHag and attending atheist meetups has helped me cope. I prefer to remain anonymous for this post.

  4. JediPsychologist says

    I’m three days away from surviving MY first semester in grad school, as well. What are you studying?

  5. Dae says

    … you get time off? /envyI just finished first semester, too, but I’ve got quals in January. I’m taking a day off after finals and then hunkering down until quals are over. :x

  6. J. Mark Pierce says

    Here’s a shocker….Vatican Bank mired in laundering scandal…..also, the Pope says when hell freezes over, he’ll make Pope-cycles.

  7. Azkyroth says

    I haven’t drunk the Twitter Kool-Aid yet but occasionally am inspired to respond to Jen’s tweets that appear in the sidebar.

  8. says

    I did notice, I finally read all of them last night once my internet came back. I don’t know what hurt my brain more, the privilege denying dudes, or the snide feminists who throw around words like “mansplaining” *rolls eyes*

  9. says

    With you on both countsEdited to add a thought: I guess terms like “mansplaining” are, like any other jargon, a perfectly good way to express a complex and subtle idea that would take a lot of words to explain otherwise. Like any other jargon, however, care should be taken using them in any context other than the community of practice to which they pertain. If I’m talking about programming/systems engineering/other bits of computer science, and the audience is likely to contain people who don’t know all the jargon, I’ll try to avoid jargon where I can.

  10. Metal_Warrior says

    Well, what you missed…- Launching of the first skirmish in propably the first cyberwar in human history- Assange in prison since Tuesday- some senators death threads against leakers and their supporters- lots of documents your government didn’t make friends with… and that’s just the geeky stuff I’ve dealt with…btw quite funny, disqus suggests my E-Mail being anonymous at anon dot net – is that a not-so-secret confession about the side they’ve chosen in this little skirmish?

  11. Azkyroth says

    It’s probably a compromise. In California, there are only three seasons: Fall, Spring, and Summer. Of course, Summer accounts for 70% of the year, so they had to flesh out the Fall and Spring quarters a bit…

  12. Shac says

    Just got back from Harry Potter Word. I hope the lines are not as long as they were for us (even butterbeer was 45min wait), but it was worth it. When it comes to butterbeer I recommend it frozen. My only regret is that it wasn’t bigger…more rides more shops!!!

  13. says

    “What awesome stuff have I missed recently while I was busy finishing my research?”I drank 3 million cokes in one day! You were so busy you didn’t even notice :-(

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