Awww, I missed the Scientologists!

Their exhibit “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death” was rotating in Seattle. And when I say rotating, I mean it was temporarily in an old Hollywood Video Store. And when I say exhibit, I mean insane propaganda filled screed. Of course, I guess it’s easy to be anti-psychiatry when you believe the alien Xenu came to Earth millions of years ago to drop hydrogen bombs into volcanoes and we’re now all infected with the ghosts of his victims. To them, real psychological disorders probably seem normal in comparison.

Anyway, it closed for good last night. I’m secretly thankful, because I know the masochistic blogger in me would have felt compelled to check it out. Now I can just giggle about it without the inevitable facepalming.


  1. Mischieveiouslymysterious says

    shame … sounds like something that would be fun to check out … you know like how you visit haunted houses for the giggles…

  2. says

    Don’t be shy, we all know what really happened to them. Militant atheists like you and PZ just run around terrorizing these poor people. All they want everyone else to be crazy as them whether everyone else likes it or not. On that note, we have a Scientology ‘personal development center’ down the road from where I live. Could you please move to the Canadian east coast for a few weeks and chase them out of here too? I’ll bake you cookies.

  3. Valhar2000 says

    Once a group of friends and I visited a Dianetics Center for the lulz: instead of laughing, we got so creeped out by the atmosphere that we practically ran away as soon as we got out the door.I’m not saying the same thing would necessarily have happened to you, but, you know…

  4. Streeaker says

    Sadly, my mother’s family is almost entirely old-school Scientologists. My grandparents joined when my grandfather discovered there was no hell in Scientology. (Before that, he was training to become a preacher! True story!)

  5. LadyAtheist says

    There are many vacant storefronts here in Muncie. I hope they come here! I have a few questions for them!

  6. says

    Despite the cornucopia of lulz that is Scientology, I’m utterly gobsmacked by the evil of this stance against psychiatry. This is moving away from just fleecing gullible people of their money and steadily towards PROPAGATING MENTAL ILLNESS. Like, cultivating it for profit. Fuck me, that’s awful.Sorry everyone, I’d just never seen it like that before. Get back to your mirth… I think I’ll go to bed.

  7. the_Siliconopolitan says

    To them, real psychological disorders probably seem normal in comparison.

    I think it’s more a question of it ruining their business when the psychiatrists try to cure people of believing ” the alien Xenu came to Earth millions of years ago to drop hydrogen bombs into volcanoes and we’re now all infected with the ghosts of his victims”.They just don’t like competition.

  8. Moonablaze says

    they have a permanent version of that exhibit at the “citizens commission on human rights” in hollywood. it is a good laugh.

  9. LadyAtheist says

    They won’t take people with schizophrenia. I wonder why. I have a brother who refused medication and is homeless and missing. I should ask the scientologists to help me track him down and “save” him.

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