PZ Myers to Speak at Purdue University

Big atheist news for anyone within driving distance of West Lafayette, Indiana:

Dr. PZ Myers will be giving a talk titled “A Few Things I’ve Learned from Creationists,” which will be a biting and entertaining survey of bad ideas from those who oppose evolution.

Thursday, Nov 12
6:00 – 7:45 PM
Class of 1950 Lecture Hall Room 224 (main lecture room)
Oval Drive, West Lafayette, IN
Free, open to public
Free parking available at 3rd St and Grant St Parking Garages after 5pm

PZ Myers is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris. He writes about science and atheism at an extremely popular blog, Pharyngula. PZ is known for unabashedly dealing with religion and creationism, and has ruffled more than a few feathers by speaking out against the Creation Museum, mocking the movie Expelled, and desecrating a Eucharist (just to name a few things).

Sponsored by the Society of Non-Theists at Purdue University

Hooray! Yours truly is President of the club, so you’ll get the added benefit of meeting me (though I’ll know who you’re really coming for, it’s okay).

Facebook event for the lecture is here; RSVPing isn’t necessary, but it’ll give me a nice head count and make me happy.

I also get the added bonus of picking up PZ at the airport, huzzah! And if his flight is delayed at all (it’ll be cutting it close), I get the other added bonus of frantically driving PZ while praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that I don’t crash and kill a famous and beloved atheist/blogger.* No pressure.

*I should note that I’m joking and I’m seriously a good driver. Really. …


  1. says

    Perhaps it would be better if he drove? That way, you’d be safe from murdering PZ, and plus, you would be being driven around by … well, PZ.

    Dang, wish I could be there. (Not in the car – I’m not suicidal *wink* – but at the talk.) There WILL be a video, riiight?

  2. says

    Perhaps it would be better if he drove? That way, you’d be safe from murdering PZ, and plus, you would be being driven around by … well, PZ.Dang, wish I could be there. (Not in the car – I’m not suicidal *wink* – but at the talk.) There WILL be a video, riiight?

  3. says

    I'm definitely hoping for some video here. If I could make the trek to Purdue, I would, but that's a good ten hour drive for me. Sorry PZ, you are awesome, but not that awesome. I'd say you are… 4.5 hours awesome. The only ten hour awesome person I know of is Paul Newman and he's dead.

  4. says

    I’m definitely hoping for some video here. If I could make the trek to Purdue, I would, but that’s a good ten hour drive for me. Sorry PZ, you are awesome, but not that awesome. I’d say you are… 4.5 hours awesome. The only ten hour awesome person I know of is Paul Newman and he’s dead.

  5. says

    "hough I'll know who you're really coming for, it's okay"

    The one with the boobs, right?

    Well, PeeZed has a trackrecord of crashing, so you're prolly safer with you at the wheel.

  6. says

    “hough I’ll know who you’re really coming for, it’s okay”The one with the boobs, right?Well, PeeZed has a trackrecord of crashing, so you’re prolly safer with you at the wheel.

  7. says

    Another vote for video! I'd love to go but cannot due to being in a wedding this coming weekend. :( I'd rather go listen to PZ. But I'd love to watch after the fact if you guys make it possible!

  8. says

    Another vote for video! I’d love to go but cannot due to being in a wedding this coming weekend. :( I’d rather go listen to PZ. But I’d love to watch after the fact if you guys make it possible!

  9. says

    Oh man, I'm only about an hour away so I'm really going to try to make this! I just saw Richard Dawkins last month so this is really cool to see two famous biologists in one month, in Indiana no less!

  10. says

    Oh man, I’m only about an hour away so I’m really going to try to make this! I just saw Richard Dawkins last month so this is really cool to see two famous biologists in one month, in Indiana no less!

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