Duke sex toy party study upsets Catholics on campus

I might have to start looking at Duke for grad school, after reading this article:

DURHAM, N.C. — A campus religious leader is unhappy about a study at Duke University that invites female students to attend parties where they can buy sex toys.

The News & Observer of Raleigh reported Friday that the director of the Duke Catholic Center has lodged a complaint with researchers. The Rev. Joe Vetter says the study doesn’t promote relationships.

Doesn’t promote relationships? What? Hey, maybe he uses his sex toys all alone, but I personally think sharing is caring. Anyway, what horrible things could this study be doing?! After purchase do they masturbate all over the desks of the classroom? Does it turn into a big lesbian orgy?!

The study asks female students over age 18 to attend the events that are similar to Tupperware parties but with erotic toys, lingerie and games. The women complete surveys about their sexual attitudes before and after the parties and get product discounts.

A spokesman for Duke said the sex-toy party project went through the peer review process.

Oh. Well. That’s considerably less exciting (though still awesome). Every year here at Purdue the Psychology department’s Human Sexuality class has a sex toy day, where people come in and talk about sex toys and give away free stuff. It was pretty awesome (though I didn’t get anything, sadness). I don’t remember the Catholic church exploding about that here, though that would have made it even more fun.

Oh, and one more gem:

Vetter says he plans to discuss the topic at Sunday mass.

Most interesting Sunday mass ever!

On a more serious note, are Catholics seriously against sex toys? Why the hell is it that religious people make sex so freaking impossible? Oh, abortion is evil, but you can’t use birth control to prevent abortion. Oh, sex before marriage is bad, but you can’t use a vibrator or masturbate to relieve those sexual pressures. Lovely.


  1. vwadmin says

    I bought my first vibrator when I was a freshman in college. The three girls I went with could only giggle like children while we were in the store (and, no, they didn't buy anything. They were mortified that I did). One of the girls I went with is Catholic and while we were in the store, someone recognized her and said hello. She was beet red while she (loudly) returned the greeting, "Oh my god! Hi! How are you? Everyone, this is my church music director!" So I guess not all Catholics have a problem with sex toys. Or maybe he was just there for the movies?

  2. says

    I bought my first vibrator when I was a freshman in college. The three girls I went with could only giggle like children while we were in the store (and, no, they didn’t buy anything. They were mortified that I did). One of the girls I went with is Catholic and while we were in the store, someone recognized her and said hello. She was beet red while she (loudly) returned the greeting, “Oh my god! Hi! How are you? Everyone, this is my church music director!” So I guess not all Catholics have a problem with sex toys. Or maybe he was just there for the movies?

  3. Al says

    "Why the hell is that religious people make sex so freaking impossible?"And the answer is, of course: "because if you control and restrain one person's sexuality you gain a great power over him". Fanatics are very useful, and frustrated people make wonderful fanatics…

  4. Al says

    “Why the hell is that religious people make sex so freaking impossible?”And the answer is, of course: “because if you control and restrain one person’s sexuality you gain a great power over him”. Fanatics are very useful, and frustrated people make wonderful fanatics…

  5. says

    OK, time for a serious comment now.

    "Anyway, what horrible things could this study be doing?! After purchase do they masturbate all over the desks of the classroom? Does it turn into a big lesbian orgy?!"

    The problem with Catholic preachers discussing sex is that they have no frame of reference, in theory, so they probably do think this sort of thing. Let's be honest, if this was a porn movie, the fantasized, fictional version of sexual relationships that is possibly the only form a Catholic priest has ever seen, that's exactly what'd happen.

    In real life, most women I know are perfectly comfortable sitting around and discussing their various sex toys, comparing notes, recommending models and other accessories, saying what was a good buy and what's just terrible. Presumably they could bring this attitude into a study as well. But no! Sexual servitude is a cornerstone of Catholic social control methods. Women MUST be dependent on men for all sexual pleasure. Independence? BLASPHEMY!!

    Sorry. I just hate Catholics a lot.

  6. says

    OK, time for a serious comment now.”Anyway, what horrible things could this study be doing?! After purchase do they masturbate all over the desks of the classroom? Does it turn into a big lesbian orgy?!”The problem with Catholic preachers discussing sex is that they have no frame of reference, in theory, so they probably do think this sort of thing. Let’s be honest, if this was a porn movie, the fantasized, fictional version of sexual relationships that is possibly the only form a Catholic priest has ever seen, that’s exactly what’d happen.In real life, most women I know are perfectly comfortable sitting around and discussing their various sex toys, comparing notes, recommending models and other accessories, saying what was a good buy and what’s just terrible. Presumably they could bring this attitude into a study as well. But no! Sexual servitude is a cornerstone of Catholic social control methods. Women MUST be dependent on men for all sexual pleasure. Independence? BLASPHEMY!!Sorry. I just hate Catholics a lot.

  7. says

    I once had reason to read Luther's "Table Talk", looking for a particular quote. In the meantime I was on the look-out for him to talk about sexual frustration in the monastery, knowing that this was a man who always called a spade a shitting shovel. And sure enough, someone did ask him. But he seemed to be just saying that he didn't have any problem, which could mean that either he never felt the need or that he just whacked off whenever he wanted. I was unable to pin him down beyond that.

    A line I'd like to try on a Christian one day: If God didn't want us to masturbate, He would have created us with shorter arms.

  8. says

    I once had reason to read Luther’s “Table Talk”, looking for a particular quote. In the meantime I was on the look-out for him to talk about sexual frustration in the monastery, knowing that this was a man who always called a spade a shitting shovel. And sure enough, someone did ask him. But he seemed to be just saying that he didn’t have any problem, which could mean that either he never felt the need or that he just whacked off whenever he wanted. I was unable to pin him down beyond that. A line I’d like to try on a Christian one day: If God didn’t want us to masturbate, He would have created us with shorter arms.

  9. says

    you are forgetting the influence of…SATAN on patrons of those sex toy parties. He no doubt has a firey hand in promoting this type of research.

    for kicks I listened to a "the devil is REAL" type radio program on my way home last night. They specifically mentioned humanism as being the work of the devil.

  10. says

    you are forgetting the influence of…SATAN on patrons of those sex toy parties. He no doubt has a firey hand in promoting this type of research.for kicks I listened to a “the devil is REAL” type radio program on my way home last night. They specifically mentioned humanism as being the work of the devil.

  11. Pablo says

    "They specifically mentioned humanism as being the work of the devil"

    That damn Satan, trying to undercut God's work by convincing people to treat each other with respect and kindness for its own sake.

    How evil.

  12. Pablo says

    “They specifically mentioned humanism as being the work of the devil”That damn Satan, trying to undercut God’s work by convincing people to treat each other with respect and kindness for its own sake.How evil.

  13. says

    There is no guarantee that the Church music director is Catholic. I know of one Catholic Church organist/music director who is Jewish.

  14. says

    There is no guarantee that the Church music director is Catholic. I know of one Catholic Church organist/music director who is Jewish.

  15. says

    There is nothing wrong in selling such a sex toys in parties. It depends on the culture itself. We all know that there are lot of Catholics too who wants to experience such a pleasure but they know what they are doing and for me as long as there is the control its ok.

  16. says

    I agree with you because sex toys are items which is to be used for pleasure and to have pleasure is related also in having a good health. Dirt are come out during the process of pleasuring those sexual organs especially in women that’s why I can say it is really useful to use sex toys but due to criticism of such people who don’t really understand why sex toy is made, then sex toys are treated as wrong material to be used.

  17. says

    I can say that Duke is not a suck because having a sex toy study is for educational purposes. Catholics are not used to it that’s why they felt to be upset.

  18. Valhar2000 says

    Women MUST be dependent on men for all sexual pleasure.Really? I thought that the RCC would rather women not experience sexual pleasure of any kind, but if you say so…

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