TLC fails to demonize Muslims, Christians protest, sponsor bails

According to a CNN report, the Florida Family Association has protested a reality-tv program for portraying American Muslims as real people instead of focusing on Muslims as a bunch of bloodthirsty jihadis.

A TLC reality show offering a positive portrayal of Muslim life has come under protest and at least one advertiser has pulled its support.

Hardware store giant Lowe’s has yanked ads from the series after the Florida Family Association encouraged members to email the program’s advertisers.

“The show profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks while excluding many Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish,” the group said about the show, a docu-soap chronicling everyday Muslim families in Dearborn, Michigan that debuted last month.

The group went on to imply that, by showing real live American Muslims, the network was taking part in a conspiracy to destroy America.

“Clearly this program is attempting to manipulate Americans into ignoring the threat of jihad and to influence them to believe that being concerned about the jihad threat would somehow victimize these nice people in this show.”

The report doesn’t mention anything about the only good Muslim being a dead one, but I’m sure that was an unintentional oversight.


  1. d cwilson says

    Obviously, TLC is doing America a disservice by leaving the footage of Muslim families having their children fitted for a suicide bomber vest on the cutting room floor. Now Americans are going to get the idea that American Muslims are human beings with many of the same family concerns that “real Americans ™” have.

  2. says

    Fortunately Little Mosque on the Prairie appears to be confined to the dark recesses of the CBC, though there are some people just south of the border who can still pick up the channel over the air.

  3. says

    And if the very next show to be aired on TLC was a show about Christian extremists, they’d be up in arms about how those aren’t True Christians™ and don’t represent Christianity.

    These people have the perspective comprehension of a mosquito responding to simple stimuli.

  4. d cwilson says

    Actually, it would be really funny if they followed “All-American Muslim” with the Duggers and their Quiverfull idiocy.

  5. ChrisH says

    18 and too many more to freakin count
    “The show profiles only Christians that appear to be ordinary folks while excluding many Christian believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to liberties and rights that the majority of Americans cherish.”

  6. grumpyoldfart says

    America, rushing headlong into the Dark Ages.

    What does the bible say?

    If the blind lead the blind then both shall fall into the ditch.

  7. briandavis says

    The report doesn’t mention anything about the only good Muslim being a dead one, but I’m sure that was an unintentional oversight.

    I’m sure that the report doesn’t mention this because this isn’t what they believe. Interned Muslims are also acceptable.

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