All day long I’ve been hearing that Sarah Palin and Bill Nye were going to appear together on a panel to discuss climate change. I looked into it and didn’t believe it: it was going to be some one-night media blitz to promote a “documentary” about global warming by denialist Marc Morano, with an in-person introduction by a gang of bozos.
With welcoming remarks by Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), Chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, cinema audiences will learn more about the topic through a panel discussion headlined by Sarah Palin, 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Candidate and Governor of Alaska from 2006-2009, moderated by Brent Bozell, Founder and President of the Media Research Center and including other notable experts. This riveting discussion will focus on climate change and issues brought up during the event.
Lamar Smith? Brent Bozell? Sarah Palin? I know Nye is willing to charge right into the lion’s den, but his name isn’t even mentioned there, and it would be total folly to leap into such a one-sided event.
Fortunately, it’s not going to happen. They’re going to play video clips of Bill Nye, no doubt so they can argue against him while he’s not there.
May I suggest, instead, that they put an empty chair on the stage? It’s a common Republican tactic, and it’s the only way they can win a debate on science.
Palin’s answer to the climate crisis would be to hold a prayer meeting and ask God to make the climate problems go away. The ‘Whining Wannabe from Wasilla’ has repeatedly demonstrated in the past that she is totally and blissfully ignorant about how science works.
No Sarah, dinosaurs did not roam the earth with humans.
Carbon dioxide is not harmless simply because it’s “naturally produced by nature”.
Droughts and hurricanes are not the result of God’s wrath, and they cannot be overcome by praying for divine intervention.
Petroleum was not deliberately injected underground by the Hand of God specifically for humans to tap, and the earth is not man’s to pillage, plunder, and pollute at will.
The fossil fuel industries that are financing the “climate change denial campaign” share the same unethical “profit at all costs” philosophy that has dominated the decision-making process of the tobacco industry as it repeatedly denied any health-related consequences of using their products.
The scientifically-clueless Palin would be their ideal spokesperson.
re 1:
no. Sarah is so full of word salad that a simple prayer is too concise. She likes to be overly verbose for her amusement. Often giggling at her imagined witticisms.
Bill Nye vs Sarah Palin? Would it even be possible for any reasonably intelligent & knowledgeable person to engage in meaningful conversation with that ignorant, prejudiced woman?
Maybe I’m wrong? Maybe she can hold her own in a debate? I mean, Vox Day is pretty good at it, so I hear. (There again, he probably isn’t as ignorant, although just as prejudiced.)
“Riveting discussion”!? Not the phrase that would come to mind when describing anything involving Sarah Palin or Lamar Smith.
Perhaps they’re going to channel Nye.
Ah, the old empty chair address. Not one of Clint’s better moments, as it left me wondering if he was drunk and hence, forgetting his lines or if he’s beginning to suffer dementia driven memory lapses. Trust me, having dealt with my father’s dementia, initially, it’s actually quite difficult to tell where aging ends and dementia begins.
As for Sarah, I’m not certain if she is suffering from the worst case of dyslexia in recorded history or she’s simply from a different universe, one with a half dozen additional dimensions, regardless, she’s most certainly fit for Bizarro world.
Seriously, with her, dinner comes with word salad and dementia is readily not apparent at all, although some hints of dyslexia are present.
But there’s footage right here…
I like that they gave the years for Palin’s term as governor. “2006-2009” is a reminder that she quit. “Former governor” would be better.
With that Katastrophic Kookery of Klowns, they don’t even need an empty chair to loose.
I’d rather see Bill Nye debate something with Michael Palin.
[Global warming argument clinic]
“Ah, yes, hello. I’m looking for an argument about global warming?”
“No you’re not!”
Or just scream wordless rage at the screen in a reenactment of the “Two Minutes Hate” in 1984.
Good grief. While I expect Smith, Bozell, and the other “experts” to invoke lots of lies and invalid reasoning, they should at least be capable of stringing together coherent sentences. But why would anyone who wants their position taken seriously, particularly on a scientific subject, put Sarah Palin on stage? Is their new strategy for confusing the public to have someone just babble random nonsense?
“May I suggest, instead, that they put an empty chair on the stage? It’s a common Republican tactic, and it’s the only way they can win a debate on science.”
Actually, between a chair that that empty-headed waste of oxygen Palin, my money would be on the furniture.
What Palin needs is an education. Education can be a debate… but only among average living beings.